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<emilbayes> I do not understand why the print(...) says that I cannot recover val from a ref because buf is String tag:
<emilbayes> What am I misunderstanding?
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<doublec> emilbayes: env.out.print needs a String val and you're passing it a String ref
<emilbayes> doublec: Yeah, but I should be able to recover val from ref, no?
<doublec> emilbayes: no, because a val guarantees read access but the ref still exists which has write access
<doublec> emilbayes: this will work
<emilbayes> doublec: Oh! Okay, I misunderstood the docs then. Doesn't the 1. bullet point here say that I should be able to recover `val` from `ref`?
<doublec> emilbayes: because that creates the ref inside the recover so it can't escape and is therefore safe
<doublec> emilbayes: yes, that bullet point is the example I did above
<emilbayes> doublec: Ah! Neat, so I clearly am still learning about recover ^^
<doublec> emilbayes: not the words "insude a recover expression"
<doublec> s/not/note/
<emilbayes> ahh, didn't see that
<emilbayes> that's exactly what they do in the string example below
<doublec> right
<doublec> That example needs simplifying :)
<emilbayes> doublec: Can I do something like "consume" the `ref` at some point so I don't need to wrap it in a recover block?
<doublec> emilbayes: you can't consume a ref to a val because there could be other 'ref' aliases to the same object somewhere else - that's what ref is for
<doublec> emilbayes: if it was an iso you could
<emilbayes> doublec: Oh alrigth
<emilbayes> doublec: This clears up so many misconceptions I had
<doublec> emilbayes: for example
<emilbayes> doublec: Yes ok!
<emilbayes> doublec: I was trying to find my way with passing strings to functions that mutate the original string, and thought ref would be the most suitable capability
<doublec> recover is a way to have a block where the inputs are restricted and the outputs can't escape so you can safely convert anything created inside it to something else.
<emilbayes> doublec: Ah I get it now
<doublec> emilbayes: ref is a good way to do that but it does restrict what you can do because some functions expect a val string.
<doublec> emilbayes: but you can call those mutating functions inside the recover block too
<doublec> generally you do all your mutation inside the recover and return it from that block as a val.
<emilbayes> doublec: Ah alright
<emilbayes> doublec: Is this a general pattern? I might have too many C habits still to understand how pony "should" be done
<doublec> emilbayes: yes, it's a general pattern
<emilbayes> doublec: like in C where you manage your data yourself (maybe with a init function) and then pass that various function that mutate your data
<doublec> emilbayes: I write a bit about recover here
<emilbayes> doublec: I actually think I tried to read that but it was a bit too dense/abstract for me. Maybe because I had my specific application in mind
<emilbayes> doublec: You have a lot of good resources! ^^
<doublec> yeah that post is a bit more specific about fields of an object rather than creating mutable objects to use later as a val.
<doublec> thanks :)
<emilbayes> doublec: I especially enjoyed the one on bang / hat / arrows
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<doublec> It's amazing how aliasing creeps in - Pony makes you realise how many possible race conditions you might have in your C programs without knowing.
<emilbayes> doublec: Haha yes!
<emilbayes> doublec: Pony definitely tells you how sloppy your thinking is
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<emilbayes> Does "type ByteSeq is (String | Array[U8] val)" mean that I can't have a `ByteSeq ref`?
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<SeanTAllen> a string ref would be a byteseq emilbayes
<SeanTAllen> well
<SeanTAllen> that depends i suppose on context for how you were meaning that
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<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: I was trying to get this to work:
<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: Which does work!
<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: So I don't know what I was getting wrong in my local version
<SeanTAllen> what do you get locally emilbayes ?
<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: It turned out that I was creating a Array[U8] inside a recover block so it was ref where my function was expecting val
<emilbayes> so I totally misunderstood the error message
<SeanTAllen> ah
<emilbayes> Yay, made it to twitter!
<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: Watching your CodeMesh talk atm btw. Good stuff!
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<SeanTAllen> thanks
<SeanTAllen> i have 2 pony talks coming up in the next 3 weeks
<SeanTAllen> although they are fairly similar, same content, different story
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<emilbayes> SeanTAllen: I've recently gotten into speaking, and trying to do a bunch of original content at once is really straining. Bceause it's just as much about the delivery / progression / story telling as the content itself
<emilbayes> I don't think there's any shame in reusing the same talk because it's going to be different each time and you get to improve it between sessions :)
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