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<SeanTAllen> I'll admit I have a hard time keeping the IRC to GitHub name mappings correct mindB
<FunkyBob> I like to keep things simple :)
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<Candle> FunkyBob: not too hard for me either --
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<andarp> Do you accept PRs that are just spelling fixes etc?
<jemc> andarp: yes, no PR is too small in that sense
<jemc> we have a bit of an aversion to things like mass reformatting of style across the entire codebase, mainly because those can disrupt work of others on the same parts of the codebase, but things like spelling fixes should always be appropriate
<SeanTAllen> andarp: please do!
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<andarp> Alright, I'm reading through tuts/ page and noting down stuff over time, so will send a few small ones soon then
<andarp> Next question - what's the standard way of sharing code currently? Cloning a github repo and putting it in PONYPATH?
<andarp> Since there is no package sharing system atm
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<jemc> andarp: we don't have a full-feature package manager at the moment, but I did write a simple dependency manager called `pony-stable` that many people are using to automate the process you just mentioned (fetch some code, add them to the `PONYPATH`)
<jemc> it was recently transferred into the `ponylang` org on GitHub and made somewhat "official" -
<andarp> jemc: great news, neat! will check it out
<andarp> is it runnable on windows?
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<jemc> hm, probably not, as it uses the unix-based `system` function for executing shell commands:
<jemc> however, it should be a relatively easy effort to port that `Shell` primitive to also work on windows, I imagine - if someone with a windows environment wanted to step in and contribute that
<jemc> (in case you're not aware, `ifdef` expressions can be used to write plaform dependent code, as in `ifdef windows then /*...*/ else /*...*/ end)
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<jemc> I don't think we're doing anything fancy or specific to posix shells in our shell invocations, though, so once the `Shell` primitive is cross-platform you probably wouldn't have any other issues
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<andarp> Alright, that's good to know. Once I learn pony a bit better I'll have a look if I can ifdef a Windows solution
<andarp> Im used to working in Linux environments but I have zero experience in C/C++ coding, so the whole make file, compile to native etc is new to me
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