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<pdilyard> Trying to parse JSON command line args, getting `can't find definition of 'HashMap'`:
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<jemc> pdilyard: `HashMap` is in the `collections` package, so to use it, you need `use "collections"` at the top of your source code file
<pdilyard> ahh, great thanks!
<jemc> also, adds a heads up, `HashMap` requires 3 type arguments, not 2 - the third type argument is the hash function to use
<jemc> most of the time you want to use the `Map` and `MapIs` aliases instead, which specify that third arg for you
<jemc> `Map` is a `HashMap` that uses structural equality, and `MapIs` is a `HashMap` that uses identity-based equality
<jemc> for strings, you almost always want structural equality, to compare the bytes in the string instead of the identity of the `String` object
<jemc> so, you should try `Map[String, JsonArray]`
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* bougyman cig
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<endformationage> Regarding a problem I had with reaching quiescence a week or so back, I've not had any luck with debug statements in dispose calls. From what I could tell stuff (esp with http sessions) looked to be disposed of proper.
<endformationage> One thing I did come across, was that by ommision of a JsonObject to the actor that handles the HTTP calls, quiexcence is reached.
<endformationage> Any idea as to why this may be?
<endformationage> There are only strings in the json object's map.
<endformationage> I will attempt to create a reproducible example. Basically, an object is created with a JsonObject iso consumed to a field. This object it then passed to the actor wich uses it to do work.
<endformationage> Passing the same object without the json results is quiescence. Passing with the json results in a program with 100% cpu useage after the work is done.
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<SeanTAllen> that sounds very odd endformationage.
<SeanTAllen> i'd be interested in looking at a minimal example if you can create one.
<endformationage> I will try, but it may be later I get to it :/
<endformationage> Is very strange.
<endformationage> Hopefully I can reproduce.
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