SeanTAllen, also there is no i++ or ++i equivalent, not that i = i + 1 doesn't work , it just don't correspond to the same IR representation. i think that the "inc" instruction is quicker than an "add"
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notsgnik: I believe that there was a decision taken to not include that class of unary operator and let the compiler optimisations reduce the 'i = i + 1' to the 'inc' instruction.
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Hi, just curious if the reason that primitives can't be embedded is because they're always "embedded" no matter how you declare them (let or var)?
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primitives have no state.
embed rather than being a pointer to an instance of a class inlines it in existing class.
that doesn't make sense for a primitive, there's only a single instance of a given primitive tbillington
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SeanTAllen, i guess tbillington is talking about numeric literals like U32 etc.
*numeric primitives
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U32's are already "embedded"
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SeanTAllen, yeah, i think that was why tbillington was confused i guess. you can't use the "embed" keyword on numeric primitive fields as they are already embedded...
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Hey everyone. I have just started playing with Pony. I am playing around with net/http and into a problem I don’t understand: https://gist.github.com/surma/5e4a943a652937e683b357ef21f5119e At the very bottom I send my response in 2 different ways, but only the first one works. I looked at the implementatoin of Payload.respond() and it seems like it does the exact same thing as my first approach, but I don’t actually
get a response when testing. Any ideas what I need to do differently?
surma, Payload.respond actually does not use the response' argument
it tries to send itself, which is the request in your case
i think you just found a bug
* Candle
doesn't like the usability of net/http.
surma you mind filing a github issue?
Sure thing, will do
Candle: I teeend to agree. It’s not a most intuitive package (Again, speaking as a pony newbie here), but it’s great there this something to start with
It feels like a significant departure from pretty much every other HTTP client library for other languages. (possibly due to it's relatively tight coupling between the server and client elements?)
Candle: Mostly it feels very unusual to have a “per-connection” class that invokes a “per-request” class. HTTP is stateless so could be going just per-request and call it a day. But maybe people will build something on top :)
Also re-using the same data-structure for requests and responses seems like a mistake. But I’ll play around some more and solidify my opinion
<-- also a relative newbie - not due to elapsed time, but more to do with time actually writing polylang.
iso is a reference capability that ensures that there is only one reference to an object at all times
only iso, val and tag stuff can be an argument to a behaviour of an actor
because this is the only stuff that can be safely shared - stuff you have only one reference to, immutable stuff and stuff whose internal state is not accessible at all
if you have a reference to an iso thingy locally and want to send it, you need to "destroy" your reference to it, otherwise you would have two and break the iso guarantees
this "destroying" is called "consume" in pony
it ensures the consumed reference is not usable anymore
ok, but if i consume the string i will not be able to add it to an other index in row
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cne i copy a value?
*can i
if you have a String val you can have as many copies of it as you want
copies meaning other references to the same String
String literals are String val
what's wrong with my code then?
notsgnik, Row is an Array[String] val
you cannot use push on it
because this method requires the object on which it is called (the receiver) to be an Array[String] ref (or something compatible with that)
you could do: let Row = recover [... create and push to row ...] end
ok, now it is iso
now if you push it to _table in line 45 you need to to _table.push(consume result)
otherwise you actually push an alias
and you need to consume in line 67
there is quite sth. to change there
lets stumble from error to error, which is my normal pony-development-mode
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notsgnik: do you understand why you can't send a `ref` from one actor to another, other than "Pony won't allow it"? Do you understand why it's unsafe?
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SeanTAllen, we switched to dm and talked a lot about notsgnik's example