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<johshoff> just started learning pony this week and really like it so far!
<johshoff> the tutorial is great
<johshoff> one of the first things I like to do in a new language is do some graphics programming. Is there any good examples of that?
<johshoff> but it seems a little abandoned
<johshoff> luckily I was far enough through the tutorial that I could fix the mistakes (although it doesn't link quite yet)
<johshoff> I'd be curious if anyone has feedback on my pull request:
<johshoff> I think specifically everything with EGLEvent got a lot uglier. Any suggestions to make it as nice as the original version?
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<guest5081> Are there a few big-ish open source projects written in Pony? I'd be interested to see what an idiomatic Pony codebase looks like
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<codec_> Hi
<codec_> To learn pony I am doing the advent of code 2015 (
<codec_> So far I have done all problems until day 11 but there is an issue I ran into from time to time is that my computer start swapping (and freezing) because of too much memory allocation
<codec_> This is often because I do immutable string manipulation, so the obvious solution is to use mutable string to reuse memory
<codec_> But I have wonder is there is any simpler way to collect garbage from time to time
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<codec_> Last time someone gave me a hint on how to call the garbage collector -using @pony_triggergc[None](@pony_ctx[Pointer[None]]()) -
<codec_> but it does not seems to collect any memory. Why is that ?
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<codec_> my bad, I just saw that the call to the gc force the actor to ge gc-ed the next time it is scheduled
<codec_> so it won't run the gc if the actor is running a loop
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<slfritchie> Correct. Also, in my limited experience, the runtime doesn't make a lot of effort to return memory to the OS. So looking at RSS or total process size won't tell you how effective GC was at reclaiming stale memory.
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<codec_> actually I have rewritten my code so it runs on a actor calling itself to do the computation
<codec_> this way the runtime can free (or at least reuse) the unsued memory
<codec_> and it practice I see no noticeable memory allocation
<codec_> I wish there were a compiler option so an actor can be preempted by the runtime and run a gc pass when it start to use too much memory
<codec_> The good thing with the current state is that memory allocation that go out of proportion are easily noticable
<codec_> The bad one is that it can make the system way slower than a "traditional GC" if the computer starts to swap on almost any instruction
<codec_> Sean told me some time ago, that they are people working on a way to bring a more traditional "preemptive" threading model for some actor
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<codec_> If someone has any bit of information about this, please let me know as I would be happy to know the current status and the direction it take
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<SeanTAllen> codec_ i'd like to point out a few things about the non pre-emptive scheduler:
<SeanTAllen> 1) yes you need to account for giving up slices in order to not use too much memory however, the simplicity of the scheme allows for...
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<SeanTAllen> 2) backpressure built into the run (that you can see me working on here that has little to no overhead on normal execution
<SeanTAllen> the lack of backpressure is a means where with preemptive or cooperative scheduling, that you can have runaway memory growth.
<SeanTAllen> building a backpressure system with little to no overhead is pretty much impossible to do at the application level
<SeanTAllen> build a backpressure system like the one we will soon have in Pony would be very hard to do with little to no overhead if you had a pre-emptive scheduler.
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<SeanTAllen> the "cost" here is that you need structure your code a little differently in order to play nice with the scheduler
<SeanTAllen> however, the advantages that are about to flow from that are huge
<SeanTAllen> I recognize that needing to think about your memory usage for and scheduling can be annoying however...
<SeanTAllen> 1) there's no direct connection between cooperative and preemptive and when gc happens.
<codec_> thanks for the explanation, yet I am not familiar with the terminology. What is backpressure?
<SeanTAllen> you can implement a preemptive scheduler and have it run for a given actor til after a behavior has executed.
<SeanTAllen> so you are conflating some ideas some.
<SeanTAllen> every technical decision generally has things it makes easier and things it makes more difficult.
<SeanTAllen> you are very correct that some things are made more difficult by cooperative scheduling.
<SeanTAllen> you have to think about giving up the scheduler periodically if you have a "long running" behavior
<SeanTAllen> the fact that currently gc will not be attempted til after a behavior has finished executing also has a cost as you have noticed
<codec_> Sure
<SeanTAllen> the also come with advantages. the ease of being able to implement backpressure into the runtime is going to be a huge win.
<SeanTAllen> and we can do it without having to examine queue sizes (which would be a massive performance hit)
<SeanTAllen> so codec_: backpressure, lets talk about that for a moment
<SeanTAllen> if a part of a system is overloaded, you have 2 options on how to address
<SeanTAllen> you can shed load
<SeanTAllen> or you can exert backpressure
<SeanTAllen> backpressure is some means of having upstream producers slow down so they dont swamp downstream consumers
<SeanTAllen> TCP features backpressure
<SeanTAllen> eventually OS buffers fill up and the machine will stop accepting new data
<SeanTAllen> which causes buffers on the sending machines to fill
<SeanTAllen> until eventually system calls to send data start failing
<SeanTAllen> that's backpressure
<codec_> I understand, does it exist in other context that IO ?
<SeanTAllen> in the not so distant future, the pony runtime will feature backpressure that can prevent "normal" sending patterns from overloading a given actor
<SeanTAllen> yes, the choice of backpressure or load shedding or failure exists in any system where you have producers and consumers
<SeanTAllen> imagine a pony program with 2 actors
<SeanTAllen> if actor A sends more messages to actor B than it can process and it does this constantly, the program will run out of memory because the mailbox for actor B will grow and grow and grow
<SeanTAllen> detecting and dealing with that can be incredibly expense performance wise
<SeanTAllen> current testing on my backpressure work shows little to no performance impact, that's going to a huge win.
<SeanTAllen> with a pre-emptive scheduler, that wouldn't be possible. at least not using the technique i'm using.
<SeanTAllen> tradeoffs.
<SeanTAllen> ill take having to rewrite some algos and having backpressure because high performance backpressure is a very difficult thing to achieve.
<codec_> so basically, you are saying that you have found a way to slow down an actor sending too much messages so the other can catch up (ie process the message) without any performance penalties?
<SeanTAllen> especially in a generalized, non specific fashion like how it is being added to the pony runtime
<SeanTAllen> codec_: yes. without any performance penalties for an application that isn't in a "backpressure" situation
<codec_> because if it is in a backpresseure situtation where and why does the performance occurs?
<codec_> *performance drop
<SeanTAllen> exterting backpressure will result in a change in performance. the goal was to have little to no performance impact when backpressure wasn't being exerted or when it was being exerted occassionally
<SeanTAllen> it drops because backpressure means intentionally slowing down producers
<SeanTAllen> which means lowering their performance so that the system can continue to function and remain in a state of equilibrium
<codec_> yes, but isn't it possible to run more consumers and still maximizing CPU usage?
<SeanTAllen> however if A send to B in a "maintainable"/"no backpressure needed" state, then, there shouldn't be a performance cost for that
<SeanTAllen> how do you know you need more consumers codec_?
<codec_> well let's say we some actors of type A that produce data and them to actors of Type B that consume them
<codec_> if the A actors run too often they may overload the system
<SeanTAllen> yes
<codec_> so to decrease load we might need to run more often the actors of type B
<SeanTAllen> any producer can in theory overload the system
<SeanTAllen> well you may or may not be able to create more actors of type B
<SeanTAllen> if actor B is a socket and you need ordering guarantees, you cant start more actors of type B
<codec_> I don't mean more
<codec_> but scheduling them with higher priorities
<SeanTAllen> sure
<SeanTAllen> thats one way to look at it
<SeanTAllen> the question is...
<SeanTAllen> how do you know that actor B is falling behind?
<SeanTAllen> note, the simple way is to say "its queue is growing larger"
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<SeanTAllen> however, observing a queue size is a very expensive operation and will have an impact on application performance
<codec_> yes, I didn't think of that
<SeanTAllen> so, your idea of scheduling with higher priorities is one way to describe what my backpressure work does
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<SeanTAllen> what it really does though, is skips scheduler runs for actors that are causing "overloads"
<codec_> sounds really cool
<SeanTAllen> the really tricky part is how do you know an actor is overloaded
<SeanTAllen> without observing its queue length
<SeanTAllen> you need a cheap heuristic in order to be able to do that
<SeanTAllen> the cooperative nature of the pony scheduler helps with that
<SeanTAllen> each actor has a batch size, by default, its 100
<SeanTAllen> any actor can run up to 100 behavior calls before it gives up the scheduler
<SeanTAllen> if it hits 100, then the runtime stops executing that actor and schedules the next one
<SeanTAllen> the heuristic im using is...
<SeanTAllen> if an actor can keep up with the messages it is being sent then it should never hit the max of 100
<SeanTAllen> i tried being more tricky but so far, that simple heuristic works
<SeanTAllen> if we hit the max size where we give up the scheduler, we denote the actor as "overloaded"
<SeanTAllen> sending to an overloading actor can get other actors to be unscheduled until the actor they sent to is no longer overloaded
<SeanTAllen> there's a bit more to it, but that is the basics of it
<SeanTAllen> i dont know how this could be done with a pre-emptive scheduler but its something that i'm thinking about because
<SeanTAllen> being able to do preemptive scheduling AND have backpressure would be great
<codec_> thanks really like to get a glimpse of the inner workings of pony
<SeanTAllen> however, there's no obvious, cheap heuristic that i've been able to come up with for a preemptive scheduler
<SeanTAllen> basically, tradeoffs.
<codec_> yeah, personally for the kind of app I am writing right now I wouldn't mind giving away a bit of performance if it make writing code a bit easier
<SeanTAllen> i write 3 different app level backpressure systems last year
<SeanTAllen> non ended up working for all the traffic patterns i could throw at them
<SeanTAllen> all of them had large performance impacts
<codec_> I was just wondering if it could be possible that the actor can tell the pony runtime that it want a more traditional threading model
<SeanTAllen> in some cases, depending on the traffic pattern, 2/3 of messages based would be for dealing with backpressure and not applicaiton work
<SeanTAllen> i dont know what a "more traditional threading model" means
<codec_> yeah that is a lot
<codec_> well the pony runtime could allocate a native thread for this specific actor
<codec_> so it won't starve the other
<codec_> and potentially could be garbage collected from time to time
<SeanTAllen> Sylvan has discussed that idea with me
<SeanTAllen> I think its a bad idea but he says he is going to convince me at some point
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<SeanTAllen> codec_: youve conflated when gc happens again with scheduling
<SeanTAllen> the fact that gc is done after a behavior is running is an implementation detail
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<SeanTAllen> that could be true whether its preemptive or cooperative multitasking
<codec_> I am not sure to follow, you mean actors could be garbage collected anytime theorically ?
<SeanTAllen> yes
<SeanTAllen> its something Sylvan and I have discussed. How we can do that with minimal overhead.
<SeanTAllen> We recognize the short comings of the existing implementation and are trying to find ways to address them while having a limited performance impact.
<SeanTAllen> are you familiar with Erlang and the BEAM vm codec_?
<codec_> so you mean the problems I have run into (system start swapping way too much) could get away in a future version of pony?
<codec_> not at all
<SeanTAllen> Erlang has a preemptively scheduled actor system in its vm
<SeanTAllen> You can write non-erlang code to run within the VM
<SeanTAllen> these are called NIFs
<SeanTAllen> writing NIFs is a black art as slfritchie can attest
<SeanTAllen> it's a back art in part because you need to be conscious when writing NIFs to play nice with the preemptive scheduler
<codec_> NIFs is basically FFI, for calling native code?
<SeanTAllen> Yes
<SeanTAllen> Pony would end up with the same kind of problem with a preemptive scheduler
<SeanTAllen> Unless we find something clever to do, it will make writing and use code via FFI much more difficult
<SeanTAllen> tradeoffs.
<codec_> I don't get it. Why the preemptive scheduler create problems?
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<SeanTAllen> because your native code exists outside of the scheduler
<codec_> sure, but I still fail to see why this is a problem
<SeanTAllen> you have to write C code that is effectively aware of the scheduler and what the impact might be
<SeanTAllen> my point is, it isnt as simple as "preemptive scheduling is better"
<SeanTAllen> there are tradeoffs and you make some things easier and some things harder
<SeanTAllen> the general pony philosophy is, "its ok to make easy things harder if you make really hard things easier"
<SeanTAllen> so if/when we introduce a preemptive scheduler, it can't make hard things harder.
<SeanTAllen> and it needs to make harder things easier.
<codec_> I will read the article later, but the problem you are talking about are only about performance or they concern other domains (like thread safety and such) ?
<SeanTAllen> making easy things easier isn't a win if ti makes hard things harder.
<SeanTAllen> the problems that FFI can introduce are many
<SeanTAllen> how to incorporate FFI code into a scheduler is made harder in general by preemptive scheduling
<SeanTAllen> thread safety can definitely be made harder by FFI as you can be dropping down into a language like C that can stomp on memory, use globals and everything else you can do with C
<codec_> sure it happened to me quite often, but isn't the same regardless of the scheduling?
<SeanTAllen> yes
<codec_> to come back to the root, the issues I ran into with the pony runtime were: 1- the memory wasn't gc collected before the system start to swap 2- I ran into some threading issues (it seems) when doing a SDL app
<codec_> So it seems I could get 1 for free if the GC implementation is changed in Pony
<codec_> am I correct?
<SeanTAllen> thats not quite true
<SeanTAllen> we could swap in any garbage collector
<SeanTAllen> but changing that implementation doesnt matter
<SeanTAllen> its when and how it gets triggered
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<SeanTAllen> we could insert a check to see if gc should be done after every single instruction is run
<SeanTAllen> instead of after each behavior.
<SeanTAllen> that could fix your problem now
<SeanTAllen> it would also be a very expensive thing to do
<SeanTAllen> thats an extreme
<codec_> sure, so from what your said earlier I understood that there was a solution to do GC without any real performance drop
<SeanTAllen> that said, some garbage collector implementations might be better than others for being able to trigger gc closer to when its needed with less performance overhead
<codec_> while avoiding the situation where the system has eaten all of its memory
<SeanTAllen> i didnt say that. i said Sylvan and I were discussing how that could be done.
<SeanTAllen> you can do that now by restructuring your code. thats one solution.
<codec_> and do you think there is a better alternative ?
<SeanTAllen> we are looking at how it could be done without restructuring code.
<SeanTAllen> i think that we will eventually come up with something where we think the tradeoffs are reasonable.
<SeanTAllen> we are playing around with ideas.
<codec_> I see
<codec_> About 2, has anybody tried to do GUI app, or simple game in Pony?
<SeanTAllen> yes
<codec_> Did they were succesful ?
<codec_> Because I ran into really weird issues that I cannot explain at all
<codec_> I managed to completely freeze my computer when tring to do a hello world SDL app with Pony.
<codec_> My best guess was that I did something wrong with the threads but I am not really sure about this
<SeanTAllen> Yes, my understand is that some folks have been succesful with SDL
<SeanTAllen> my understanding is that its kind of particular about threads
<codec_> sorry?
<SeanTAllen> there's something you need to do with threads for it to work
<SeanTAllen> i dont remember the particulars
<SeanTAllen> it has come up in IRC before
<SeanTAllen> it would be awesome if someone wrote up a Pony pattern for how to do it
<codec_> actually that is my secret goal
<SeanTAllen> jemc when he is around might be able to direct you in the proper direction
<SeanTAllen> or you can also try the mailing list
<SeanTAllen> someone there might know
<SeanTAllen> i dont remember much
<codec_> I want to write some simple app with common libs to get people started easily
<codec_> like SDL, GTK and such
<SeanTAllen> Nick started a DirectX one..
<codec_> so there might be more people using Pony outside of its usual uses cases
<SeanTAllen> possibly
<SeanTAllen> thats one of the interesting things about open source
<codec_> I saw that one (and upgraded it since it was written with a version that didn't force ? for partial function)
<SeanTAllen> a lot of usage happens in a hidden fashion
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<codec_> cool, I will try to do get something running and more importantly document the gotcha so people don't run into them again
<codec_> Possibly, it would bring something constructive to the table regarding the threading model and the GC
<codec_> anyway, thanks for all the answers, I learned quite a bit toonight
<SeanTAllen> you're welcome codec_