Lofty changed the topic of #prjmistral to: Project Mistral: Yosys (and hopefully nextpnr) on Cyclone FPGAs - - logs:
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<gatecat> Lofty:/Sarayan: looking at the LAB cell MODE mux, am I right in saying that even though Quartus shows this as four separate MUX3s (give or take), it's actually a kind of permutation mux and there only 16 possible permutations in total?
<Lofty> gatecat: yes, although we don't know all of those permutations
<gatecat> right, but we know some aren't possible ?
<Lofty> The Mistral manual shows the ones we do
<gatecat> mmm
<Lofty> It might be easier if we figure out what the remaining permutations are, but we can hazard guesses I think
<gatecat> yeah, the main thing is that I tell the interchange peeps about this because it's quite a serious omission there (I can probably fudge a solution in nextpnr though)
<Lofty> I guess Mistral is helping already, despite the slight incompleteness :P
<gatecat> definitely :)
<Lofty> Because it's showing an actual example of an ALM rather than a theoretical one :P
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<Sarayan> gatecat: More precisely, it's the 16 that quartus can generate. You *can* feed other bit patterns, but you get to keep the magic smoke
<gatecat> Sarayan: another question, do we know what uses the 'l7' modes? it seems like they might be ignorable for a first proof-of-concept?
<Sarayan> none of the modes are specifically used in a given situation, it's an optimization issue. l7 is supposed to be lut-with-seven-inputs, which is obviously nonsensical when you have only 64 bits of ram
<Sarayan> but, well, it's what the manual calls lut-7
<Sarayan> I wouldn't say I entirely understand it
<Sarayan> or, to be more precise, the point of it
<Sarayan> quartus itself rarely generates it, and I haven't seen the loopback-from-ff modes used yet
<gatecat> so I get the feeling to start with just the basic l5 and l6 modes will be enough ?
<Sarayan> yes
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<gatecat> I'm starting my nextpnr skeleton work at - atm this is just rebasing on top of master, it'll be a day or two until I suspect there's a useful but feel free to leave comments on commits
<gatecat> a thought - should we call the arch mistral (or intel-alm like Yosys) instead of cyclonev ? I expect we will want to support other ALM-based devices in the not-so-distant future, too
<Sarayan> they have differently structures alms
<Sarayan> strutured
<Sarayan> structured damnit
<Sarayan> at least the cyclone 4
<Sarayan> which is my next on the list once I've finished the cv, and please stop laughing, it's unseemly
<gatecat> but I think a lot of the nextpnr code can eventually be shared
<gatecat> I'd rather not have a proliferation of similar arches
<gatecat> I _think_ at least Cyclone V, Cyclone 10GX and Arria 10 could be shared based on a cursory glance, anyway
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<Lofty> gatecat: I'm happy with -mistral, personally
<Lofty> I don't know what we'll do about the LE based chips
<Lofty> But for now the ALM stuff seems *similar enough*
<Sarayan> calling the backends different names does not preclude having common code
<Lofty> Sarayan: yeah, but having common code implies the backend having the same name in nextpnr
<Lofty> nextpnr-xilinx was nextpnr-rapidwright
<Lofty> There's nextpnr-fpga_interchange too
<Sarayan> I thought it was written in C++?
<Lofty> 'it', Sarayan?
<Sarayan> nextpnr
<Sarayan> and the backends in particular
<Sarayan> you can use intermediate inheritance, you can use multiple inheritance, there are a bunch of ways to commonalize functionality while keeping separate bottom classes
<gatecat> chances are the differences will mainly be data and occasional branches
<gatecat> so imo keeping it as one backend will be best
<gatecat> this is my experience of combining xc7 and ultrascale together (which I suspect are no more different than any of the main ALM-based Intel arches)
<gatecat> a separate backend of the LE-based devices might be reasonable, depending on how many other differences they have
<Sarayan> gatecat: 10gx looks indeed identical, LAB-wise. Maybe it's possible to fold it under V actually, we'll see in time
<Sarayan> also, l7 = "extended lut mode"
<Sarayan> at least according to the 10gx manual
<gatecat> is routing without configuration bits like carry chains in-scope for mistral, or is that something that nextpnr should create (we've got to create wires for the site-internal routing anyway so it's not a big extra step to create things like that too)
<Sarayan> I try to keep mistral at describing what's there, and leave virtual stuff to the backend
<gatecat> understood, that's fine
<gatecat> is the missing rnode/pnode mapping for clock enables (and possibly some other flop related signals) intentional?
<Sarayan> I mean, you're probably going to une the routing algorithms to choose and hude the clock muxes, the pll outputs, etc
<Sarayan> not intntional
<gatecat> nextpnr still needs a complete routing graph, but it can create that itself in the backend, it's fine
<Sarayan> there's weirdess I don't yet understand of the common part of the lab
<gatecat> right, it definitely be useful to have a bit more understanding there for PnR purposes
<gatecat> that said, for a blinky all we need is a single clock shared between all the FFs in an ALM
<gatecat> *LAB
<Sarayan> also, just fyi, rnode type is 8 bits but only goes to 23 iirc. So you can make your own "virtual" types
<gatecat> shall we say that rnode>=128 is reserved for virtual types?
<gatecat> that way if mistral ever gains extra types it won't break stuff
<Sarayan> sure
<gatecat> excellent