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<mattip> interesting problem with virtualenv setting sys.path on pypy2.7
<mattip> if you change the lib_pypy/__extensions__ then import cStringIO
<mattip> it imports the lib_pypy pure python one instead of the builtin module
<nimaje> is there any specific reason why the usession dir when building from the 7.3.0 source release tarball contains rc4? it seems to be usession-release-pypy2.7-v7.3.0rc4-0
<mattip> where did you get the release tarball?
<mattip> the sys.path thing is due to cStringIO not being in MODULES_THAT_ALWAYS_SHADOW
<mattip> which is a python2 only thing?
<nimaje> mattip: should be one of the ones (I try to update the freebsd port for pypy)
<mattip> are you building it inside a source checkout?
<mattip> nimaje: got it. The commit has two tags: release-pypy2.7-v7.3.0 and release-pypy2.7-v7.3.0rc4
<mattip> the directory name is taken from the first tag via the .hg-archival.txt file
<mattip> well, "first" chronologically speaking
<nimaje> seems like that file only has one tag in it here
<mattip> right, the file has only one tag, but that hg commit has two tags, only one is in the file
<nimaje> ok, thanks
<mattip> I think this is created automatically by the hg-fingerprint plugin to mercurial, which somehow bitbucket uses
<mattip> at least that is my best guess from a quick google search
<mattip> hmm, if I download a random tag from, that file is not in the archive
<mattip> nimaje: I opened an issue with heptapod to make sure you still get this file in the future,
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<mattip> when can we upgrade win32 msvc from the old python2.7 version to a more modern compiler?
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<mattip> any help understanding the logic behind allowing someone to change lib_pypy/__extensions__ is welcome
<arigato> uh nobody is supposed to change that
<arigato> in sys.path, it's only a marker, nothing more
<arigato> we can replace it with a different marker, which would make that code in virtualenv happy
<arigato> that looks random though
<mattip> virtualenv fixed the problem by not modifying it, but that mechanism looks brittle
<arigato> yes, if we replace it with a constant string like "/pypy/extensions" then that virtualenv code works, but it's brittle indeed
<arigato> there may be code somewhere that detects that "/pypy/extensions" or "../lib_pypy/__extensions__" is not a real path and removes it
<arigato> I've got no clue how to fix that
<mattip> maybe we should just rip it out and always use our pseudo c-extensions
<arigato> unsure how it helps
<mattip> in module/imp/ we have code that explicity avoids importing builtins if they are not in MODULES_THAT_ALWAYS_SHADOW
<mattip> (sorry about the two negatives)
<arigato> yes, such modules are imported later, precisely at the time where we see lib_pypy/__extensions__ in sys.path
<arigato> see comment above the definition of MODULES_THAT_ALWAYS_SHADOW
<mattip> so what if we short curcuit, and always return delayed_builtin ?
<arigato> then "import math" will fail to find "" in the current directory
<arigato> ("wat?" "yes that's what cpython does")
<arigato> the alternative is to add a file in lib_pypy for each module *not* in MODULES_THAT_ALWAYS_SHADOW
<arigato> though what this file should be is unclear, maybe an empty file with a custom extension?
<arigato> or a .py file with just a marker inside, or something
<mattip> IMO ignoring when it is imported as "import math" and forcing "from somewhere import math" would be nicer anymway
<mattip> even if it breaks compatibility
<arigato> well, there is a reason for this hack
<arigato> I don't remember what the reason was but I think we kept seeing code breaking because of that
<mattip> maybe we could first check that our marker is still in sys.path, and if not error out
<arigato> or simply, we kill the marker from sys.path, but instead we check the filesystem: if the sys.path entry contains a file with a special name then we look for extension modules
<arigato> and of course we make an empty file of that name inside lib_pypy/
<mattip> that would still allow something like virtualenv to mess things up if they didn't copy the file
<arigato> are they copying a random subset of lib_pypy/* somewhere else? that won't work anyway
<mattip> good point
<arigato> we can call the marker, too, if that helps virtualenv copying it
<mattip> lib_pypy/, with a README inside it?
<arigato> yes, or lib_pypy/
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<mattip> I wonder which code required the hack, and if it is still relevant
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<mattip> the commit to add the hack was a72429e0e0ed
<mattip> I can't create a or and convince cpython2.7 to use them
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<arigato> uh? if I make and type "python2 -c 'import math'" it imports this local file
<arigato> though maybe you're using a version of python2 that was compiled differently---it's a mess
<arigato> if there is a then in python2.7, "python -c 'import math'" will import a local instead
<arigato> but the math module may also be built-in in some compilations of python
<mattip> ubuntu 18.04's python2 has builtin math and cStringIO
<arigato> of course
<arigato> the point was more about other rarer modules
<arigato> typically a module obscure enough that you don't even know it exists as an .so, and you have a .py of the same name and it works fine
<arigato> I think I've seen it occur at least with ""
<arigato> as well as "" maybe
<mattip> ok
<mattip> looking at set(cpython2 sys.builtin_module_names) ^ set(pypy2 sys.builtin_module_names) is a mess
<arigato> cpython2 sys.builtin_module_names depends on compilation options, too
<mattip> right, so even more mess
<mattip> but it seems like once your CPython has those builtins (like mine has grp built in), you cannot override it with a py file
<arigato> yup
<mattip> PyPy goes above and beyond
<arigato> which makes the python language ill-defined because it depends on compilation options
<mattip> is it well defined on python3? I don't see the same mechanism there
<arigato> it's possible that ronan killed it when porting to the new importlib
<mattip> I wonder how to even search for issues around this in CPython or PyPy
<mattip> maybe we are being too strict, and could simplify things by always using buitins if they exist, like CPython
<arigato> if you prefer, it's also possible to rename all pypy/module/*/ (with applevel_name="_pypy_math" for example) and add a file lib_pypy/ containing "from _pypy_math import *; from _pypy_math import __doc__"
<arigato> mattip: I'm -1 because of the example of ""
<arigato> well at this point I'm only -0 I guess. I'm sure it will crash for someone, like it did when I fixed the problem, but I'm only -0 on reverting all the mess and documenting in cpython-differences
<arigato> so I'm +1 on adding "lib_pypy/" and applevel_name="_pypy_parser"
<arigato> and doing that for all modules that are at least not very common
<mattip> will that slow down start-up time noticably?
<arigato> I doubt it
<arigato> I'm OK if we leave 'math' out of it too, i.e. consider math a real built-in like it is on ubuntu
<arigato> and cStringIO
<mattip> ok, that sounds like a better approach: take Ubuntu as a guide, add py files for the c-extensions
<mattip> and document it in cpython differences
<arigato> and for py3.x I have no clue
<mattip> maybe do the same?
<mattip> my so modules are in /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload
<arigato> if cpython 3.x has got the same behavior, then indeed we can also replicate it by doing the same trick
<mattip> and 3.6 so modules are in /usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload
<arigato> if we do, we could write a test too, which checks somehow that all module names enabled by default have the string "pypy" in them or are listed in cpython's sys.builtin_module_names
<arigato> with special cases and exceptions
<arigato> (like for math on python 2.7 if we're running py.test with a non-ubuntu cpython 2.7)
<mattip> we could hard code the list of pseudo c-extensions: MODULES_THAT_NEVER_SHADOW in addition to MODULES_THAT_ALWAYS_SHADOW
<mattip> their union would be sys.builtin_module_names
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<arigato> for reference, on my Arch Linux I get
<arigato> (ok, we can just move the list MODULES_THAT_ALWAYS_SHADOW in the test I was talking about, and check that all enabled modules either start with "_pypy" or "__pypy__" or are in that list)
<arigato> (the point being, I want to avoid the case where a new module "foobar" I've never heard about is added to CPython 3.n+1, and we make it a built-in in pypy because that's the default behaviour, without failing any test)
<mattip> +1
<mattip> fwiw, here are the ones that are builtins in Ubuntu and c-extensions in Alpine
<mattip> (by comparing your list to mine)
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