<wpwrak> kristianpaul: why AA55AA55 and not AAAAAAAA or 55555555 ?
<wpwrak> that looks a bit suspicious
<yzhang> i try to find out how to use NanoMap, but didn't find any readme file or documentation. does anybody know where i can find some documentation for NanoMap?
<yzhang> never mind, i find something here
<yzhang> xiangfu: except for the info on your page, do we have any other docs?
<yzhang> xiangfu: for NanoMap
<wolfspraul> yzhang: did you press 'h'?
<wolfspraul> when you press 'h', you see a nice little help menu popping up
<wolfspraul> zoom in and out is '+' and '-'
<yzhang> xiangfu: so h is to popup the help menu, not ?
<wolfspraul> the problem now is that it has no index, so you cannot search for a street name or other poi
<yzhang> wolfspraul: thanks. on xiangfu's page said i should press '?'
<wolfspraul> also we are not very smart yet in which tiles (parts) of the map we are packaging, and how to reload/update missing tiles
<yzhang> it ididn't work
<wolfspraul> try 'h' first
<yzhang> there are also other feathers
<wolfspraul> xiangfu already changed this so that the help menu will show by default after launching the app
<yzhang> not in 2010-12-14 release yet, or yes?
<xiangfu> yzhang: not in 2010-12-14, I did that change after 2010-12-14.
<yzhang> by the way, i accidentally went into direction page (i think it is) by press 'e', but i can't do anything there, except 'tap' between controls. i assume all these features don't work, correct?
<yzhang> xiangfu: i see.
<wolfspraul> don't know never went there. you are pioneering :-)
<yzhang> k, i will play it around and see what we have in there and what we can actually use
<xiangfu> yzhang: "Alt + s" will exit the 'direction'. I think you pressed 'r'
<yzhang> xiangfu: yes, 'r'
<yzhang> xiangfu: where do you find all these controls?
<yzhang> xiangfu: guessed or i can find it somewhere, in sources?
<yzhang> xiangfu: i mean like 'alt+s' is to exit the direction page
<xiangfu> yzhang: there is a 'underline'  under [S] in "Show map"
<yzhang> xiangfu: ah, i see
<yzhang> xiangfu: pretty good :)
<adamw_> wolfspraul, while i translating *.pos & *.lst to the new smt vendor which they wanted me collecting qty in *.xls file
<wolfspraul> translation to xls, wonderful :-) well, once we get to this we can automate this on the server too, for more 'traditional' partners so they get their beloved .xls files...
<adamw_> means that I manually fill them into *.xls Excel file...well
<wolfspraul> please do this: upload the .pos and .lst files as created by KiCad, plus the .xls file you create manually, to a new location on downloads
<wolfspraul> then we can look at this and automate it later
<wolfspraul> only when you are done with the conversion...
<wolfspraul> like in downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/adam/pos_lst_conversion/...
<wolfspraul> so you document the work you did, and we can look at it and see how we can automate it
<adamw_> yeah...i suddently thought one thing that I always didn't check those 'value' & 'reference' in KiCad EESchema.
<adamw_> yeah...surely I'll upload them all once I done. :)
<wolfspraul> including the pos & lst please, so we can easily see what work you did
<wolfspraul> like side-by-side...
<adamw_> i used boom 'cat usb_jtag.ord' to see those reference and count.
<adamw_> sure sure pos & lst.
<adamw_> also *.lst itself I can see this file so that I can also know real qty by manually count.
<adamw_> so my question is : if designer forgot to fill or write wrong 0402 or 0603 or value, can boom realize it? or designer suddently changed sch, but forgot to change info in PCBnew/CVpcb?
<adamw_> then I already ordered parts.
<wolfspraul> hmm
<wolfspraul> I understand your question/idea, but need to look into it.
<wolfspraul> the bom can also be exported from pcbnew
<wolfspraul> you are saying we could add some checks that the schematics and the gerbers match, for example in footprint
<wolfspraul> true?
<wolfspraul> I need to look into the specific files and how we can compare/match them for consistency. right now I believe the link between schematics and gerbers is weak, and not much checking goes on _between_ those two files.
<wolfspraul> adamw_: did I understand you correctly?
<adamw_> partial correctly. Not only include footprints, also those references/value.
<adamw_> for examples, now I am counting the qty for those value are '100nF', the qty is 16pcs for 'C10, C13, C15, C18, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C28, C30, C32, C33, C35'
<wolfspraul> ok
<adamw_> later if designer changed C23 to be 82nF then the rules of generating '*.lst' file must EVERYTIME generate it from KiCad again.
<adamw_> or if designer suddently changed C23 to 0603, then if I missed this info before I ordered parts..then ....bad
<adamw_> so seems that at least: 1, suppose believing the layout footprint is fixed already and I 'believe' it was right. 2, everytime I must git clone then generate .lst
<adamw_> well...we can discuss later..i need to finish my translation work and send to them.
<kyak> wolfspraul: didn't know Spectec were like that..
<kyak> wolfspraul: in wiki, it read some time ago that "In October 2009, Renesas released driver sources licensed under the GPL (version 007 for Linux 2.6.24), and a binary firmware (v0.2f)"
<kyak> so i just didn't care (and don't care) who bought whom and whose name is what :)
<wolfspraul> sure, all good
<wolfspraul> the Renesas release took months of me lobbying
<wolfspraul> I think that whole team has been disbanded since.
<wolfspraul> it's a long story
<kyak> it's good you could make it
<wolfspraul> yeah
<wolfspraul> shortly before death :-)
<wolfspraul> (their 'business' death)
<kyak> it's just a coincidence, right? ;)
<wolfspraul> well I think what they tried was extremely ambitious
<wolfspraul> I never spoke to the founder, he already left when Renesas bought the remainders of the startup
<wolfspraul> so I'm not exactly clear what it was that they tried and why they thought they could be successful
<kyak> and what do you think they failed? were trying to bite too much?
<wolfspraul> Renesas only bought it for the people, and to absorb the wifi technology into their SoC monster chips, including everything, to compete with Qualcomm etc.
<wolfspraul> I don't know what they tried to accomplish :-)
<wolfspraul> so I also have no opinion, neither my own nor relayed, on why they failed
<kyak> their site is still running, and i had some discussions with them this summer before byuing Ben
<wolfspraul> nice!
<kyak> perhaps these were already people from Renesas..
<wolfspraul> who are you talking about? renesas?
<wolfspraul> yes for sure
<wolfspraul> I forgot the name of the startup they bought.
<kyak> i thought i was talking with spectec
<wolfspraul> well, maybe you were?
<wolfspraul> don't know
<wolfspraul> spectec is a small company, 20-30 people, specializing in making external memory cards that include not memory, but other IC-based features
<kyak> doesn't matter know, they suggested the price for SDW-823 much higher than i got from zhangyu :)
<wolfspraul> 'low quantity' in comparison to the memory card makers
<wolfspraul> so they find an IC they think could work in a card, then they build a card around it
<wolfspraul> normally in collaboration with the IC maker, the driver will come from the IC maker, and the IC maker needs to support Spectec for any more serious technical challenges
<kyak> i think it's pretty awesome anyway
<wolfspraul> so Spectec's part is to know how to make this work in the (small) format of an external card
<wolfspraul> packaging, 'mechanical', antenna? those things...
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: cleanup code style http://qi-hw.com/p/xburst-tools/24aa5a2
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: xburst_stage2: don't skip bad block when nand erase http://qi-hw.com/p/xburst-tools/6b3f14b
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: xburst_stage2: don't skip bad block when nand erase http://qi-hw.com/p/xburst-tools/0e92eb8
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: because data is a 1, 0, loop http://kristianpaul.org/~paul/tmp/acquisition.png
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: oh sorry, i meant wpwrak
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: i updated pic http://kristianpaul.org/~paul/tmp/acquisition.png
<kristianpaul> but yes, i'm going to make a better simulation (this firstone is was too laz for me :-))
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: how did you create that png?
<wolfspraul> (which software)
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: gtkwave
<kristianpaul> then screenshot from the selectec area :-)
<kristianpaul> selected*
<wolfspraul> ah OK, nice. never worked with gtkwave so couldn't tell right away :-)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: "AAAAAAAA" thats a *huge* number i'm just shifting 8 bits registers so no more that a "AA"
<kristianpaul> me neither, first time
<kristianpaul> works well so far i can tell :-)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update version to 201012 http://qi-hw.com/p/xburst-tools/8ad5b58
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: 5V Boost for the USB Host has been selected http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/360398e
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (AAA...) what i mean is that, if you have a pattern of 010101..., it should either be all 5 or all A, but not change between them, no ?
<wpwrak> xiangfu: (xburst-tools fixed) great ! let's hope this solves the debian nightmares :)
<xiangfu> wpwrak: yes. :)
<wpwrak> xiangfu: by the way, why did this affect debian but not openwrt ?
<xiangfu> wpwrak: because when reflash debian it's always use "nerase 16 4080 0 0".
<xiangfu> wpwrak: but in openwrt.we use "nerase 16 1024 0 0 " which will not overflow the nand block count.
<xiangfu> so when there is some bad block in [16 ~ 1024] it will overwrite the data partition.
<wpwrak> aah, so they use the whole nand for rootfs andf don
<wpwrak> 't keep a "user" partition. i see
<xiangfu> wpwrak: the yes. debian kernel use the old nand layout.
<xiangfu> the bug is 'nerase' always try to erase good block. skip the bad blocks.
<wpwrak> ... which is a bad idea if you have fixed partition sizes.
<wpwrak> btw, i like the fixed partition sizes. despite everything, they're much easier to handle than the dynamic insanity we had at openmoko.
<xiangfu> yes. agree. it's simple and easy maintain. I have read some text form you. :)
<wpwrak> hehe ;-)
<larsc> wpwrak: the gpio-charger driver is for chargers which indicate whether they are charging or not through an gpio.
<wpwrak> larsc: ah, for the SE9016. i see.
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: (patter), the shift is continuos so is normal see bits moving from LSB to MSB every clk cycle
<kristianpaul> s/patter/pattern
<wpwrak> (charger) i wonder why we need D4 there ...
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: the last tarball (xbusrt tools) is up to date as the debian package?
<wpwrak> (aa/55) ah, so one of 55/aa is not valid. i see.
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: I only upload a new debian package here : http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/xburst-tools/downloads/61/
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: not upload hte source tarball yet.
<wpwrak> but ... isn't mcu_data what the cpu is supposed to read ? i would think that this should only change for each "word" (byte or whatever)
<wpwrak> i guess that would be mcu_clk
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: mcu_data should be read just when mcu_clk bit 0 is set to hihg
<kristianpaul> high*
<wpwrak> is this buffered somewhere or does the cpu have that quick ?
<kristianpaul> no fuffer
<kristianpaul> buffer*
<kristianpaul> I was thinking implement a FIFO
<kristianpaul> or make mcu_data 16 bits wide and implement two mcu_data registers then
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: --drill works :-) now onto --plot ...
<kristianpaul> drill?
<kristianpaul> cnc?
<wolfspraul> I start to get the hang of this, I think my rough plan is to first do a lot more of the various file types it can generate
<wolfspraul> I think everyone will be slightly different in terms of how to hook into KiCad, how the classes are organized etc.
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: wheee ! i'm very much looking forward to doing the whole cam files chain with just "make"
<wolfspraul> then maybe over time as we upgrade KiCad, I will move the patch forward and try to hook it into KiCad better
<wolfspraul> and in parallel I can see on the kicad devel list whether someone is interested in a few small patches
<wolfspraul> there is no need to talk them into the whole idea, what would help a little already is a cleaner separation in some places between GUI and data handling.
<wpwrak> yes, things are quite heavily interconnected
<wolfspraul> so as long as they are open minded to this very abstract, yet valuable goal, we can make the patch easier to maintain over time
<wolfspraul> not that bad actually
<wolfspraul> so let's see, I try to get things to work that's the highest priority
<wolfspraul> so many more, --drc --svg --bom etc.
<wpwrak> yup. worst case, they may reject it but it may shame them into doing it "right" themselves :)
<wolfspraul> well I have a plan, just need to find enough time
<wolfspraul> I think the source quality is not bad
<wpwrak> how do you like the indentation style ?
<wolfspraul> first I make the -- stuff work, then I try to find the cleanest way to insert the patch.
<wolfspraul> and then I try to submit patches to them that would make a cleaner insertion possible.
<wpwrak> also, some functions are horribly long. but not all of them, of course
<wolfspraul> ah I don't care
<wolfspraul> mental flexibility...
<wpwrak> heh :)
<wolfspraul> of course the C++ stuff is horrible. Well, I used 'features' too, like 'friend'
<wpwrak> /* false */ friend
<wolfspraul> anyway no need to waste time bashing on this lost cause
<wolfspraul> no with 'friend' you can override the protected/private stuff
<wpwrak> yes, that's why it's not very friendly :)
<wolfspraul> oh of course, you can also override it in a .h file, even for binary libs. because in the myriad of C++ name mangling, protected/private is the one thing that is not reflected in the mangled names. go figure.
<wpwrak> s/friend/infiltrator/ :)
<wolfspraul> oh it's super friendly, why not? we love C++, don't we?
<wolfspraul> anyway, I'll get it to work first. --drill does already. Yes, we will get your entire cam workflow make-ready. that's the goal.
<wpwrak> wonderful. thanks !
<wolfspraul> thank me when it's working.
<wolfspraul> this myriad of inter-twined classes, argh.
<wolfspraul> hwo can anybody take this serious?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: before try real sige data, i'm wroking on a simple counter in roder to simulate data and then verify if cpu is quick enought to cath it all
<kristianpaul> s/roder/order
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: great. let's see how bad it gets :)
<kristianpaul> lol
<kristianpaul> Now that sees apps like stardict,gmu and nanomap are wroking well, there is a easy way to quit then using same keys?
<kristianpaul> may be with F keys.. wait for a keystrok when receive it killall app :p
<kristianpaul> stil kindof messy remenber how to quit every app
<kristianpaul> as i saw yzhang was askinf some hours ago
<wejp> no need to kill gmu, you can fully customize its button mappings, so just map exit to the key you want
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: 8bits at least reduce troughput to the half (~1Mps ), and if still bad, i'll move to 16bits then
<kristianpaul> wejp: i still wonder why i should press F1 then Alt+ s to quit gmu :S
<kristianpaul> but yes patch every apps seems more reasonable and clean :-)
<wejp> you don't have to press F1
<wejp> F1 is for the help screen
<kristianpaul> did you tried last image release?
<wejp> no, not yet
<kristianpaul> you should :-)
<wejp> i will
<B_Lizzard> Did anyone see this, then?
<B_Lizzard> Sorry if this is bad sport
<wpwrak> B_Lizzard: looking cool ! btw, a style remark: it's written in the first person, but there's no indication who the author is
<B_Lizzard> Ah, it's specified in the front page
<B_Lizzard> Sorry bout that
<B_Lizzard> I am the author
<B_Lizzard> I know the writing is bad, but I got bored after a while for a full writeup
<B_Lizzard> :)
<wpwrak> ah, you fixed it already :) thanks !
<B_Lizzard> Yeap, a bad mistake on my part
<B_Lizzard> Thanks for the help, wpwrak :)
<B_Lizzard> Newer versions come with a J2ME environment which runs kinda well.
<B_Lizzard> Opera Mini supposedly works but I'm having trouble connecting to the net
<wpwrak> that's a sort of important feature :)
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: fped footprints added http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/e823630
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: still no ethernet on that preview?
<kristianpaul> (that stop me from use it...)
<B_Lizzard> larsc says it's not stable
<B_Lizzard> I can't remember where the patch is
<B_Lizzard> :D
<zrafa> kristianpaul: ping lars, no B_Lizzard
<andres-calderon> Hi wpwrak  and wolfspraul  I got a rookie problem with KiCad: I got a lot of error because of the netlist.
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: minor fix http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/786284f
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: cleanup http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/6a075dd
<wolfspraul> I'm more rookie than you are!
<wolfspraul> so let's send some prayers somewhere that wpwrak_ hears our suffering... :-)
<wpwrak_> errors where ?
<wolfspraul> if not, we shall forever burn in KiCad hell...
<wpwrak_> i hear but i'm in and out a lot today. need to prepare stuff for tomorrow.
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: f10/: seasonal fun project - distribute current to ten ignitors (2 x 22 R) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/3427d69
<wpwrak_> among them, this little thing. no ben, not even active components, but fun anyway :)
<andres-calderon> Component "C66": Mismatch! module is [0402] and netlist said []
<andres-calderon> Component "C63": Mismatch! module is [0402] and netlist said []
<wpwrak_> aaah ! ;-)
<andres-calderon> reading the current netlist
<wpwrak_> let's see ..
<wpwrak_> when you invoke cvpcb, you see lots of components that don't have a footprint
<wpwrak_> you should assign one
<andres-calderon> ok, That's what I always have.
<wpwrak_> in fact, the underlying problem seems to be elsewhere ... wait a minute ...
<andres-calderon> But the .net file.  is no longer in the repository .. I thought it was deleted because it is a machine generated  file from the schematic.
<wpwrak_> .net should be machine-generated, yes. having it just makes the problem
<wpwrak_> s/makes/masked/
<andres-calderon> so, i can  fix the .net file and then delete the .gitignore entry.
<andres-calderon> That's the solution? I have added the footprints in the schematic. But they have been ignored.
<wpwrak_> the problem is that cvpcb apparently doesn't use the footprints in the schematic if there's a .cmp file
<wpwrak_> unfortunately, the .cmp file is very incomplete
<wpwrak_> so you have two choices: 1) add associations for all undefined footprints in cvpcb, or
<wpwrak_> 2) delete xue-rnc.cmp and run cvpcb again. it will then associate all the footprints it finds in the schematics. a few will still be undefined, though
<wpwrak_> e.g., C7, C8, C9, F1, J1, RP1, RP2, etc.
<wpwrak_> (they probably don't have a footprint in the schematics)
<wpwrak_> yep. that's their problem
<wpwrak_> anyway, gotta run. need more explosives ;-)
<andres-calderon> :)  I'll try option 2
<andres-calderon> thanks
<wpwrak_> good choice ;-)
<wolfspraul> does this mean we should not commit the .cmp file into git and recreate it every time locally?
<wpwrak_> it may contain original data too. depends on your workflow.
<wolfspraul> yes I know this file was always categorized as 'unclear' in terms of original or not...
<wolfspraul> so maybe if we declare a certain workflow to be the preferred one (?) we can be more sure? guess we find out later
<wpwrak_> that would help. but then you'd have to regenerate .cmp locally, or get a complaint from pcbnew on each invocation.
<wpwrak_> it's basically that, whatever you do, it's not quite right
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: xue-rnc.cmp file has been restored http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/695a7ab
<kristianpaul> zrafa: hello (late)
<kristianpaul> zrafa: lars or larsc ?
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: morning :-)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: hi
<qi-bot> [commit] Andres Calderon: new PSU draft design http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/851da63
<xiangfu> http://www.debwrt.net/trac/wiki :)  Debian + OpenWrt = debwrt
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: opkg is .deb compatible i remenber
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: http://www.debwrt.net/trac/wiki/MinimumRequirements <-- too high (e device should have at least 350M(or more) of storage available for the Debian root filesystem)
<kristianpaul> I wonder who really want debian in its router..
<kristianpaul> but looks intersting anyway :-)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: now the last openwrt image  goto 400M :)
<kristianpaul> wow, that was quick (goto 400MB)
<kristianpaul> because of emacs? :-)
<kristianpaul> may be content?
<kristianpaul> no please no more discuss about changing NAND schema again ;-)
<xiangfu> a lot of package. gcc-mips, emacs ...
<xiangfu> we need remove some useless program. I found the "sshfs" in openwrt never work.
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> we need polls :-)
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: do you really think is convinient have all those command line apps in gmenu2, why not just a shell icon, i think people will want this commands to be run will enjoy get a shell first
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: hmm.. I am thinking list the terminal apps in gmenu2x which make people know there is such app in nanonote.
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: I don't have a good idea how to make people know there are a lot of apps in nanonote.
<kristianpaul> hmm thats true too
<kristianpaul> I'm just thinking in end-user people, just want this device work out the box
<kristianpaul> how they wil face command line apps, at first..
<kristianpaul> may be a manual could help
<kristianpaul> anyway just a *tought*
<kristianpaul> i'm off now, bye
<xiangfu> bye.
<zrafa> 10Mhz, 512Kb. Unix..