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<wpwrak> that's pretty much what i have, too. and 250 g will last you one or two lifetimes ;-)
<apelete> wpwrak: really ? was expecting you'd say no :)
<apelete> great
<DocScrutinizer05> I'd use stannol
<apelete> DocScrutinizer05: only found 60/40 at stannol :-(
<DocScrutinizer05> no compromises with solder wire
<wpwrak> diameter is 0.7 mm, which is the biggest you'll want. it seems to include flux. it seems to be designed for electronics. (not all kind of soldering is for that, and you don't want some of the more aggressive kinds of flux.) and it's 63/37.
<apelete> wpwrak: let's see if I can find flux now. powder or paste ?
<apelete> wpwrak: for flux then, better choose powder or paste ?
<wpwrak> "marker pen" is convenient. else "ballpoint pen". else syringe.
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05 only trusts "made in germany" ;-)
<wpwrak> it's weird that they wouldn't have 63/37
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm
<wpwrak> maybe Sn62Pb35Ag2 is supposed to be a substitute
<DocScrutinizer05> yes
<DocScrutinizer05> pretty nice stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> just searched for it
<wpwrak> yeah, wikipedia says it's equivalent, and better for anything containing silver
<DocScrutinizer05> and halogen free no-clean flux
<DocScrutinizer05> and works great
<wpwrak> and the wire is nicely thin
<wpwrak> apelete: do this one would be an option, too. even a little better than the basic 63/37
<DocScrutinizer05> downside: only 250g available
<DocScrutinizer05> sidenote: seems all stannol pb solders have red plastic spindle, all RoHS solder wires have green spindle
<DocScrutinizer05> you usually don't want to go for RoHS
<DocScrutinizer05> unless industrial
<DocScrutinizer05> though, rework on RoHS pb-free PCBs may get a tad nasty with SnPb
<DocScrutinizer05> not relevant for apelete though
<apelete> wpwrak: which one are you speaking of ?
<DocScrutinizer05> the Sn62Pb35ag2 has a melting temperature of only 179°C
<wpwrak> Sn62Pb36Ag2
<apelete> okay, thanks
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: 250 g is plenty :)
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, WAAAY too much
<wpwrak> indeed ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> and, prolly thanks to Ag, not exactly cheap
<DocScrutinizer05> :nod:
* DocScrutinizer05 idly wonders how many solder (in gramm) I used for the 1600 thruhole PCB of my Nascom-I computer
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm rather sure, no 50g
<wpwrak> much less i'd say. i have maybe 150-200 g on my 250 g roll of 64/37 and i've been using that for everything i've done in the last 10 years
<wpwrak> of course, TH uses more than SMT and i had only relatively few TH parts, but still
<DocScrutinizer05> doesn't answer my question, but a relatively nice read nevertheless
<DocScrutinizer05> it's amazingly hard to find *any* info on that in aunt google
<DocScrutinizer05> only about copper tubbing
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway RoHS is a joke, for DIY
<DocScrutinizer05> a hunter spreads more Pb to the environment in one night than an electronics nerd in his whole life
<DocScrutinizer05> but heh, EU is crazy, we know for sure since Energy Saving CF Lamps
<DocScrutinizer05> eventually they will come up with a procedure how to bend banana to the correct diameter
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<DocScrutinizer05> I doubt environmental advantage of even LED lamps, over incendescant
<DocScrutinizer05> it's already known they spread toxic gas in your home
<DocScrutinizer05> not Hg, but all other sorts of shit used in plastic and dunno what
<DocScrutinizer05> and they have EMI field thet often even exceeds what EU allows for workplace
<DocScrutinizer05> X-P
<DocScrutinizer05> while total electric energy savings are zilch. when you heat with electricity anyway
<DocScrutinizer05> what you save in summer when your own heating doesn't have to burn the amount yiu save on the lamp, you find wasted in fab during production of those lamps
<DocScrutinizer05> reminds me to finally calculate and get the needed stash of incandescant lamps for next 40 years
<wpwrak> (banana bending) this will be the ultimate success :)
<DocScrutinizer05> (solder) I *seem* to recall I once used Weller solder wire that also been quite good
<DocScrutinizer05> or at least the plastic looked as blue as Weller does
<wpwrak> (CF rant) yeah, we have the same madness here. well, so far none of them has failed. but then, since i know that they don't like cycling, i keep the important ones on all night. it may still save energy ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> hardly
<wpwrak> i don't think you need to get too picky with the solder wire. if the alloy is the right formula and they put a halfway decent flux, there's not much else that can go wrong.
<DocScrutinizer05> recent test shown the 8W use 15W actually, and are not as bright as they are supposed to. So it's more than questionable how much saving they actually earn you
<wpwrak> heh :) more lies then
<DocScrutinizer05> the flux is muy importante
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<DocScrutinizer05> and I found the 2% Ag do wonders
<wpwrak> i think most of the flux in the solder evaporates when doing SMT
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, for SMT the flux in solder wire is basically irrelevant
<DocScrutinizer05> you're supposed to use decent no-clean flux pen anyway
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<wpwrak> i solder like this: put flux on the target area, place component, put a drop of solder on the iron, hold down the component, then solder. so the solder stays on the iron for a bit of time, giving the flux time to disappear
<wpwrak> yup
<DocScrutinizer05> btw only "poor" flux evaporates that fast
<DocScrutinizer05> leaving nasty brown blobs
<DocScrutinizer05> you can tell about quality of your solder from looking at your iron tip
<wpwrak> yeah, mine's so-so. not super clean but not too evil either.
<DocScrutinizer05> I hardly ever need to clean the tip (you know, the wet sponge touchdown procedure)
<DocScrutinizer05> usual resin flux solder wire is a mess
<apelete> DocScrutinizer05 wpwrak: does this look like a good flux pen to you ?
<DocScrutinizer05> and some suspicious noname stuff is mere sabotage
<wpwrak> i use a copper "sponge". no need to water the beast :)
<DocScrutinizer05> kolophonium, nope
<DocScrutinizer05> Kolo is exactly the resin I just ranted about
<wpwrak> "Er trägt ein patentiertes korrosionsfreies, halogenfreies organisches No-Clean Flußmittel der Sorte R auf. Das Flussmittel enspricht der Norm MIL-F-14256 E+F Sorte R und RMA." eh ?
<apelete> haha :)
<wpwrak> "no clean" and RMA don't quite resonate :)
<DocScrutinizer05> get F-SW33 or F-Sw34, better the latter
<DocScrutinizer05> stay away from all F-SW1x and F-SW2x. Avoid F-SW31/32 Rosin flux if possible
<apelete> was looking at some stannol flux pen, but I'll go with F-Sw34 since you advise so
<apelete> thanks :)
<DocScrutinizer05> stannol also has same type of flux pens
<DocScrutinizer05> you need to test if SW33 or SW34 works better for you
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<DocScrutinizer05> basically all that still doesn't really tell all the truth about Flux. You should get a non-activated no-clean no-rosin flux. but it still needs explicit classification "for SMT2 by manufaturer
<DocScrutinizer05> s/2/"/
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "basically all that still doesn't really tell all the truth about Flux. You should get a non-activated no-clean no-rosin flux. but it still needs explicit classification "for SMT" by manufaturer"
<DocScrutinizer05> you even might find mildly activated flux that still is suited for SMT
<DocScrutinizer05> but that's usually no no-clean then, since any activation is generally corrosive
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<DocScrutinizer05> nfc what's the difference, except for the price
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<apelete> haha :)
<DocScrutinizer05> and while finding a particular solder is like finding a certain kind of flour, you just need to specify the type and grinding and no much other differences between flours, finding a good flux is like finding a tasty cheese since you simply can't go by the composition or other descriptions of physical properties
<apelete> I see. for now I went with the Stannol Sn62Pb36Ag2 HF32 SMD solder and Stannol F-SW33 flux pen
<DocScrutinizer05> will work
<DocScrutinizer05> :-)
<apelete> will see how the flux pen turns out, and try F-SW34 another time
<apelete> thanks for everything :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> yw :-)
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<DocScrutinizer05> actually it feels good to help somebody
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<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: when you want to make sure "the internet" works while I'm away, would you please keep an eye on ht-tp:// and may I forward mails like "** PROBLEM Service Alert: is CRITICAL **" to you?
<DocScrutinizer05> nevermind - "** RECOVERY Service Alert: is OK **"
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<wpwrak> ;-)
<wpwrak> apelete: you could try to get a range of flux pens, e.g., one "no clean", one RMA, one "water-soluble" or (if you can't find one) maybe another "no clean" with a different formula
<wpwrak> chances are that you'll not use the RMA much. but it'll give you a feeling for how a "strong" flux works.
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<wpwrak> oh, and if you're not over budget yet, consider getting a cheap ultrasonic cleaner. try to minimize power / volume, i.e., lowest power you can get.
<wpwrak> ultrasonic cleaning is great for getting rid of flux. you can just use demineralized water for that, the sort you can find in car supplies. low power reduces the risk of damaging components.
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<DocScrutinizer05> only for water soluble flux
<wpwrak> i think it works for all kinds of flux
<wpwrak> the "water soluble" isn't all the much about regular water anyway
<wpwrak> #s/the/that/
<wpwrak> if you want, you can of course also use other solvents. e.g., alcohol. would be a shame to waste it for that, though ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> the orthodox way is to use Kontact-WL or similar stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> Kontakt actually
<DocScrutinizer05> alcohol may work too
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<wpwrak> oh sure, there are more efficient solvents. but you don't really need them with an ultrasonic cleaner. it's the ultrasound that does most of the work, not the solvent.
<wpwrak> and things like demineralized water have the additional benefit that you can get them anywhere ;-)
<wpwrak> when you get a chance to set up a proper lab, you may also want to get an ultrasonic cleaner. it's also very useful when you get something and find that its pcb is full of ugly flux residues :)
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<whitequark> wpwrak: ping
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<whitequark> roh: which cam do you use?
<whitequark> I've tried pycam and not only it wants to work for hours (who the fuck writes a cam in python), but it also generates horrendous toolpaths
<whitequark> opencam is a joke, heekscam is what I'm currently building, and... that's all we've got?
<whitequark> foss for 3d
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<viric> heekscam may be a scam
<viric> he he he
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<whitequark> okay, heekscnc generates quite decent toolpaths
<whitequark> but it is beyond painful to use
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<whitequark> fortunately the design of heekscnc (heekscad generates a python script with geometry and tools, python script calls a C lib which generates toolpaths, then outputs customized gcode) makes it vary easy to decouple it from heekscnc
<wpwrak> whitequark: pong
<whitequark> wpwrak: so I was looking for endmills and somesuch
<whitequark> my current one only accepts 3mm aka 1/8" shanks
<wpwrak> 3 mm isn't 1/8 in. you'd be off-center almost 0.1 mm. that can't be good
<whitequark> 1/8" is 3.175mm precisely
<wpwrak> yes. so 0.175 / 2 mm off-center if yours is 3.000 mm
<whitequark> and if I'm reading it right, the bits I currently have are ~3.2mm in diameter
<whitequark> (probably just 3.175)
<wpwrak> i can't make sense of the "spring collet set". how would you mount it ? how do they grip the bit ?
<whitequark> oh, such a collet is inserted inside a collet nut (er11)
<whitequark> then it's screwed on the motor shaft
<wpwrak> ah, so your 3 mm are really 1/8 in. okay ;-)
<whitequark> and the collet grips the bit as the result
<whitequark> okay. so. I think I'll get these endmills for pcb milling:
<whitequark> 0.2mm is about 8 mil, should be good enough
<whitequark> and I doubt thinner ones will survive
<wpwrak> (collet nut) okay. and how do you mount that one on the mill ?
<whitequark> well, the collet nut with a collet inside is screwed on a threaded cylinder, thus gripping the collet and bit
<wpwrak> 10 pieces for only USD 14.99 ? wow
<whitequark> and that cylinder has a hole on the other side via which it is affixed to the shaft
<whitequark> does that make sense?
<wpwrak> (threaded cylinder) okay, so you need one that matches. doesn't seem to be part of the set, isn't it ?
<whitequark> it's already on my CNC
<whitequark> that set of collets looks exactly like the collet I already have, except the CNC only came with one
<whitequark> and the collet nut too
<wpwrak> ah, i see. pity they don't specify the inner diameter then
<wpwrak> but maybe it's a standard
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<wpwrak> okay, sounds good
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<whitequark> well, the fact that the collet grips the bit allows for some leeway
<whitequark> I'm pretty sure it would grip 3.00mm bits just file
<whitequark> *fine
<whitequark> the collet is rather flexible
<wpwrak> no, i mean the other side, where the threaded cylinder enters. not sure if there's one nice standard for that
<whitequark> ah
<whitequark> it's apparently a kind of M14 nut
<wpwrak> (0.2 mm endmill) they'll break very easily. but if you want to experiment with direct pcb milling, then that looks like a great set
<wpwrak> for actually cutting a pcb and other excavation work, you'd want larger endmills. about 0.8-1
<whitequark> yes, that's for milling of copper
<wpwrak> .0 mm is a good size range. they can go reasonably deep (some 3 mm), don't break easily, and still give you a lot of detail
<wpwrak> you'll also want larger sizes, at least one full-size 1/8 in. it's unbreakable and very suitable for bigger objects
<wpwrak> interesting, the 1.0 mm are USD 13.88 each. i bet the 0.2 mm have the unit price, too. i've never seen endmills at USD 1.4
<whitequark> appears to be @10pcs
<wpwrak> okay, that also solves the mystery what you used for your engraving experiment :)
<whitequark> you think I should buy 20? :)
<whitequark> (engraving experiment) no, the CNC also had 5 engraving bits with it
<wpwrak> at that price ? certainly. but i doubt it's for 10 units :)
<wpwrak> oh wow. the bits must be worth more than what you paid. no surprise they had nothing left for a decent transformer ;-)
<whitequark> again at a ridiculously low price
<wpwrak> you may also want to get an endmill in the 0.8 mm range. there are a lot of small mounting holes or slots of about that size. 1.0 mm would already be quite large for such things
<whitequark> hm
<wpwrak> HSS, that explains the price
<whitequark> HSS is bad?
<whitequark> huh, this carbide one: is at $41
<wpwrak> the endmill is expensive because it has a weird head ;-)
<whitequark> oh
<wpwrak> HSS is okay for drills. they don't suffer nearly as much wear and endmills.
<wpwrak> #s/and/as/
<wpwrak> does all that stuff ship from amazon ? or from 3rd parties ?
<wpwrak> i didn't realize amazon had this sort of things. it's an amazing collection
<whitequark> 3rd parties, but some from amazon warehouses
<whitequark> amazon has a lot of surprising items at surprising price
<whitequark> it's espeically good if you use a remailer in USA. free shipping in 1-2 days
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<whitequark> ok, amazon doesn't have any endmills under 1.0mm cheap
<whitequark> starts at $20/1pcs
<wpwrak> amazon warehouses sounds great. that way it's just one shipment.
<whitequark> yep!
<wpwrak> aaah, THAT explains it ! "Please note,These bits are Very Sharp and lightly used and Each Piece has Been Cleaned ."
<whitequark> hm?
<wpwrak> they're refurbished, not new
<whitequark> oh
<whitequark> how bad is that?
<wpwrak> dunno. try it. at that price, you can't go wrong ;-)
* whitequark looks at the cart containing $150 of bits
<whitequark> well, I guess it's ok, considering the amount I get
<whitequark> 80 bits by the cost of 12 or something
<wpwrak> the more worn a bit is, the more burr you get and the more unwanted forces it applies to the piece. before i broke my 0.8 mm endmill, it had produced considerable burr (it's been in use for a good while, mainly cutting pcbs, which are nasty)
<wpwrak> then the new one cut a pcb without any burr. perfectly clean. that's when you notice just how long overdue the previous one way ;-)
<whitequark> ah
<whitequark> btw, the 1.0mm endmill description mentioned it can be used for _drilling_ pcbs
<whitequark> does that make any sense?
<wpwrak> the endmill set may be a bit fragile. normally, the length of the cutting part is a function of the diameter. if it gets very long and thin, it'll break more easily. but okay, you can always compensate by going very slowly
<wpwrak> endmills work great as drills, too
<whitequark> 0.2mm holes... vias!
<wpwrak> that's very thin even for that :)
<whitequark> well, a bit
<whitequark> while we're at it, how do you fix the pcb onto the table?
<wpwrak> i use 13.5 mil holes, 0.35 mm.
<wpwrak> i don't
<whitequark> oh?
<wpwrak> ah, you mean when milling, sorry :)
<wpwrak> my mind had wandered to soldering ;-)
<wpwrak> wait, i'll get me some coke. this is no condition to be in ...
<wpwrak> okay, that's where our ways part. i use double-sided tape. you can do that too, but you have better ways since you can use screw-down fixtures
<wpwrak> i don't know too much about them but roh probably does
<whitequark> double-sided tape I have, yes
<whitequark> the cnc machine has some parts with it which *seem* to be kind of a screw-down fixture
<wpwrak> excellent
<whitequark> but the nuts are slightly, about 0.2mm bigger, than the slits on the table
<wpwrak> the slits should be tiangular. maybe they only fit if inserted from the side ?
<whitequark> triangular?
<whitequark> well, I thought you slide in the nut from the side to the position you need, and then screw the plate with a bolt or something
<wpwrak> or maybe even rectangular. wider inside than at the top
<wpwrak> yes
<wpwrak> ah, and you want some reasonably level wood. or maybe some FR2 board you don't like. they make great victim material.
<wpwrak> ah yes, perfect
<whitequark> the nuts are slightly bigger horizontally than the slits
<whitequark> the bolt heads are slightly bigger vertically than the slits
<whitequark> so, yeah, there's nothing I can insert there :D
<whitequark> and there is no manual, of course
<wpwrak> ah well, find smaller nuts then :)
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<whitequark> smaller bolts maybe? the bolt would be too long to completely go into the nut
<whitequark> compare bolt length and slit depth
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<wpwrak> they have to go through the rectangular piece as well
<whitequark> yeah, but they're still 2x longer than needed
<wpwrak> the stack should be: nut, table, workpiece, rectangular piece, head of screw
<wpwrak> oh, or maybe it the other way around
<wpwrak> does the head of the screw fit into the grooves ?
<whitequark> nope!
<wpwrak> damn :)
<whitequark> about 0.2mm higher than the groove
<whitequark> it really looks like they've simply screwed up with tolerances
<wpwrak> what do people in the fora say ? same problem ?
<wpwrak> or maybe just bought the wrong parts ;-)
<whitequark> can't google anything useful
<wpwrak> maybe ask in the forum where you found that other guy's report about the flaming transformer ?
<whitequark> mmm, easier to find the right screws :)
<whitequark> it's not like there is a shortage
<whitequark> bolts*
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<apelete> wpwrak: to clean flux on a pcb you actually put the pcb in the ultrasonic cleaner *with* demineralized water in it ?
<wpwrak> yup
<wpwrak> the water carries the sound waves. and works a little bit as solvent, too
<wpwrak> nicksydney: very very old news ;-)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: ahhh...ok :)
<wpwrak> nicksydney: i even mentioned it in one of my posts. twice, i think ;-)
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<whitequark> ha, the second version of 3020 uses a SMPS:!!900208505.jpg
<whitequark> but it would also set me back $1300 so... not economical either way
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<CYB3R> Hi all! Anyone here uses UBIBoot or nandboot?
<whitequark> wpwrak: I think I found the catch with those cheap bits... Shipping: Standard (17-28 business days)
<whitequark> wpwrak: where do you buy your endmills?
<wpwrak> i got mine from
<wpwrak> of course, those are in the USD 15 / each price range. all new, though. and they come in nice boxes :)
<whitequark> see, I can't find 0.8mm, much less 0.2mm endmills here at all
<wpwrak> have you fixed the power supply yet ? if not, consider that you'll spend some time waiting for that as well
<wpwrak> "here" being locally ?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> oh, actually found them, yeah, about $15 each
<wpwrak> yeah, same here. there's virtually nothing. there's a bunch of jeweler's tools shops so i tried these. all i had at the end of the day was another 1/8 in endmill. a weird piece, something like 4-flute. but works :) i keep it as a backup
<wpwrak> well yes, USD 15 is the usual price for such things ...
<whitequark> bigger ones up to $60 !()
<wpwrak> the really cheap ones probably work like this: a factory uses new endmills. they have high standards, so as soon as the mills begin to perform less than perfectly, they replace them. but the mills are still good for a lot more use, you just wouldn't get perfect cuts. for PCBs and such, you can tolerate quite a lot of imperfection. e.g., you just scrape off the burr without even thinking much of it.
<whitequark> I can see how that would work, yes
<wpwrak> so they sell their "spent" endmills to a company that cleans and resells them. thus those companies depend on the inflow from factories, which may not be continuous.
<wpwrak> thus the long lead times. maybe they also don't stock but just build up a big order, then go asking around.
<whitequark> another guess: they only ship from HK via ePacket and amazon lists the longest epacket delivery time, that's 17-28 BD
<whitequark> in reality ePacket arrives to US for 5-7 days
<whitequark> sometimes less
<whitequark> ok, we'll see soon enough
<wpwrak> yeah, just get the stuff. it's so cheap, even if it's an almost total writeoff, you still win ;-)
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<wpwrak> whitequark: seen this kinda sci-fi story yet ?
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<whitequark> hahahaha, hot HF exhaust plume
<wpwrak> it gets better :)
<whitequark> hehe, ClF3
<whitequark> didn't we discuss it here already? together with F2O2
<wpwrak> possibly :)
<wpwrak> yes yes FOOF spells fun :)
<DocScrutinizer05> ((<wpwrak> the stack should be: nut, table, workpiece, rectangular piece, head of screw)) maybe ... no... nevermind, it's strange. anyway the square nuts go to the grooves in table
<DocScrutinizer05> get a decent file, file the nuts to fit
<wpwrak> says the pragmatist ;-)
<whitequark> what about bolts? still too long
<wpwrak> i guess it's file + long bolt = short bolt
<DocScrutinizer05> I'd consider using washers or similar stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> eventually you'll want long bolts
<wpwrak> even better. non-destructive :)
* wpwrak nods
<DocScrutinizer05> make sure mill head doesn't run into bolts!
<DocScrutinizer05> alternatively use a piece of wood cut to shape and thick enough to lift PCB to the level you need for the bolts to fit
<DocScrutinizer05> also fine for drilling
<wpwrak> bolt and head will generally survive. the bit was cheap :)
<DocScrutinizer05> with bolts that long and high above table level, you can possibly run the motor into them
<whitequark> yep, they surely didn't think the bolts thorough
<DocScrutinizer05> alternatively, get a collection of bolts of different length, 5mm stepping
<DocScrutinizer05> I wondered if each fixture consists of one flat rectangular bit and TWO bolts, but it doesn't make much sense in the end
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: apparently it does somehow
<whitequark> there's nothing else to put bolts into
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: it does if you cross a corner
<DocScrutinizer05> OOOH!
<DocScrutinizer05> :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> now that makes some sense, indeed
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: you should perform a reaction of O2F2 with H2S
<whitequark> with 1 mole of H2S, the thermodynamic output is equivalent to about 1.5 sticks of TNT
<whitequark> ... at 160K
<whitequark> ... and the result includes hot HF and SF6 at several Mach
<whitequark> wpwrak: oh, that story actually mentions FOOF
<whitequark> wait
<whitequark> someone *actually* thought dimethylmercury would make a rocket propellant?!!
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<DocScrutinizer05> wow, nice story
<whitequark> yeah
<larsc> as long as you are in the rocket everything is fine ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> nah, one of the nonsense bits, any gamma radiation from the propulsion motor wouldn't be directed like the yet but omnidirectional and this fusing the remaining red mercury in the fuel tanks
<DocScrutinizer05> s/yet/jet/
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "nah, one of the nonsense bits, any gamma radiation from the propulsion motor wouldn't be directed like the jet but omnidirectional and this fusing the remaining red mercury in the fuel tanks"
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<DocScrutinizer05> s/this/thus/
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "nah, one of the nonsense bits, any gamma radiation from the propulsion motor wouldn't be directed like the jet but omnidirectional and thus fusing the remaining red mercury in the fuel tanks"
<whitequark> i wonder if it's theoretically possible to make a jet of gamma radiation
<whitequark> say some nuclei have magnetic moments, maybe that can be used to orient them or somesuch
<DocScrutinizer05> just like it's theoretically possible to create a jet/beam of hard x-ray
<DocScrutinizer05> you know how x-ray laser works?
<DocScrutinizer05> lead rod, nukler explosion to pump
<DocScrutinizer05> good I googled before ranting, I thought dimethyl-mercury was used in flu vaccine, but that actually been
<DocScrutinizer05> which metabolizes to ethyl-mercury, not methyl-mercury
<whitequark> x-ray yes
<whitequark> but gamma?
<whitequark> generally gamma is not in the energy range of electron orbitals but nuclear stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> gammy is hard hard x-ray, no?
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<whitequark> there is no way a gamma laser is possible, pretty much by definition
<whitequark> actually
<DocScrutinizer05> yep, quite possibly correct
<whitequark> there is no way a gamma laser would work if you use electron shells
<whitequark> but!
<whitequark> atomic nuclei can get excited too.
<whitequark> is it possible to make a laser out of atomic nuclei?
<DocScrutinizer05> interesting question
<whitequark> wow
<whitequark> apparently this was investigated closely
<DocScrutinizer05> could a gamma photon interact with an atomic nucleus on a quantum level
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> "Aircraft power[edit]
<whitequark> In February 2003, the non-peer reviewed New Scientist wrote about the possibility of an IGE-powered airplane, a variant on nuclear propulsion.[8] The idea was to utilize 178m2Hf (presumably due to its high energy to weight ratio) which would be triggered to release gamma rays that would heat air in a chamber for jet propulsion."
<whitequark> by the way, DocScrutinizer05, directly answering your question:
<whitequark> that Hafnium thing (and presumably mercury thing too) is an example of IGE, therefore it will exactly make a jet
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<DocScrutinizer05> IGE alone doesn't create sufficient preconditions for a laser type directed beam of photons
<DocScrutinizer05> actually, if it did, the whole chain rwaction idea was a dream
<whitequark> why?
<DocScrutinizer05> since you would need to provide infinite amount of triggering photons due to the secondary photons not seeing any diversity in vector
<DocScrutinizer05> a laser always relies on spontaneous emission of primary photons in random directions, while a set of reflectors makes a certain vector go thru the medium multiple times to amplify
<DocScrutinizer05> except laser boosters
<whitequark> right
<whitequark> no gamma reflectors
<DocScrutinizer05> that's the point
<DocScrutinizer05> particularly not direction of jet
<whitequark> okay, there are gamma ray collimators
<whitequark> filtering
<DocScrutinizer05> the whole story is quite nicely featured with real background, but has a few elementary deficiencies
<whitequark> perhaps you could provide enough triggering gamma rays created with usual means, and then amplify
<DocScrutinizer05> all in lime with Lem, who as well did his stories like "what would result from ignoring one physical fact"
<DocScrutinizer05> line*
<DocScrutinizer05> well, yes, amplification was possible
<DocScrutinizer05> but then, how is this whole red mercury supposed to be stable for a halflife of >1h despite the spontaneous "decay", but still amplifies a trigger gamma ray that much?
<DocScrutinizer05> somehow you had to increase the number of photon-nukleus "quantum collisions" significantly above what happens in reactor during charging the material and the natural decay that happens there all the time
<DocScrutinizer05> that's why you need the reflectors in a laser
<DocScrutinizer05> the reflectors don't work ideal, creating a photon that always hits same atoms on its way back and forth
<DocScrutinizer05> thus the number of atoms interacting with one photon is multiplied
<DocScrutinizer05> actually shape of reflectors is an own science, there are bi-convex, plae-convex and whatnot else setups
<DocScrutinizer05> plane*
<DocScrutinizer05> even when you assume the number of excited7charged atoms in that red mercury was next to 100% (which is impossible), it still is a pretty short distance that your igniting photon can travel through the booster medium
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<DocScrutinizer05> admittedly along the jet it might be much longer though ;-)
<whitequark> mmm, not necessarily
<DocScrutinizer05> effectively making for a good gamma boost of the radiation following the missile trajectory backwards
<whitequark> it would depend on the capture cross-section for the mercury nucleus for gamma rays
<whitequark> and nucleus is pretty damn small
<whitequark> s,capture,absorption,
<DocScrutinizer05> one thing's for sure, the liguid(?) red mercury would be magnitudes "better" at boosting own decay than the gas in the propulsion engine
<whitequark> there is actually a reference:
<whitequark> so for gamma rays at 1MeV it's 7e-02 cm^2/g
<whitequark> I wonder how that compares to lasers
<DocScrutinizer05> leading nowhere for me right now. I fail to understand how they trigger spontanoeus release of all stored energy at all
<whitequark> same as for lasers?
<DocScrutinizer05> for lasers the pumping energy is magnitudes higher than the output
<DocScrutinizer05> in this case they "pump2 the medium in a nuclear reactor over weeks, aiui.
<DocScrutinizer05> for a laser the lase action is started by photons from spontaneous decay
<DocScrutinizer05> 99.999...% of those are lost due to incorrect vector
<DocScrutinizer05> for laser boosters you send in a laser beam, and after travesing the boost nedium, it got amplified by a factor of maybe 2 or 5 or 10, afaik
<DocScrutinizer05> which in our case would mean you need to create at least 10% of the energy by a trigger gamma source
<DocScrutinizer05> I still don't get it how they plan to use this flourescence effect to e.g. trigger hydrogen thermonuclear fusions
<DocScrutinizer05> without a fission gamma ray initial source
<DocScrutinizer05> you probably could build a critical-mass engine like for fission bombs with that Haffnium
<larsc> If this channel wasn't monitored before after today it certainly is ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> which I guess been the purpose of TLAs making this guy publish that story ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> we should ask about our paycheck ;-P
<DocScrutinizer05> (critical mass canon/implosion type engine) this obviously defeats transporting hige amounts of same substance in a tank and "burning" it in a propulsion engine
<DocScrutinizer05> huge*
<DocScrutinizer05> just lije you can't transport 2 tons of plutonium in a tank and then use chunks of 10kg out of that to create a critical mass in any propulsion engine
<whitequark> Project Orion did that? :D
<apelete> larsc: is there a way to inspect data transfered by the dma ?
<apelete> larsc: flshing before write + invalidating after read didn't cut it yesterday:
<pcercuei> apelete: md5sum
<apelete> pcercuei: what do you mean ?
<pcercuei> read a chunk of data using DMA, read the same chunk without DMA, and compare them
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<apelete> ok, let's see how I can do that in the mmc driver code
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<wpwrak> whee, just saw that neo900 crossed the 300 units mark !
<pcercuei> units produced?
<wpwrak> units "donated for"
<pcercuei> apelete, no response so far to your mail?
<apelete> pcercuei: not yet, justin may be busy these days, let's just give him some time
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<nicksydney> wpwrak: ping !
<wpwrak> moo
<nicksydney> you have a cow now :)
<nicksydney> hahaha
<nicksydney> what's happening with anelok...what you working on ?
<nicksydney> any riots happening there ?
<nicksydney> interesting
<wpwrak> anelok ... still have making the y-box board in the queue. solved the cnc mill issues but still 'need to etch and then solder.
<nicksydney> yeah for etching :)
<nicksydney> --> seems like people are spending less buying computer...more tablets i presume :)
<nicksydney> not sure if this is true anybody from Russia can confirm this
<nicksydney> was reading through this forums ... sounds like a hardware issue ?
<larsc> apelete: so one thing you can try is to mark the memory with a pattern e.g. 0x55
<larsc> and then check if the content of the memory has changed after the transfer
<larsc> to figure out whether no data was transferred or whether garbage was transferred
<apelete> larsc: so I put the pattern in the data buffer before passing it to dma ?
<larsc> yes
<larsc> before startingthe dma transfer
<apelete> larsc: ok, but I was actually wondering *how* to check the content of the memory
<wpwrak> nicksydney: what on earth does "top 200" mean ? really really tiny ?
<apelete> larsc: I think the data is held in data->sg, so I just print the content of data->sg ?
<nicksydney> wpwrak: when it comes to bank it's always "Top xxx" .... it's like the bigger your "assets" are the bigger named and famed you are :0
<wpwrak> nicksydney: did you know that you're in the Top 22 M richest people of Australia ? ;-) the bad news is of course that you're probably in the Top 22 M poorest as well ...
<wpwrak> well yes, the more play money you have, the more fun
<nicksydney> wpwrak: analyst love to play with stats...just look at housing analyst they love to say prices has risen by 1.8% or some numbers and it sounds sooo big !
<wpwrak> well, if it's a daily increase ...
<nicksydney> down here the only conversation that people love to talk is about house prices and how "rich" they are as they have BIG debts and have a house....if you don't have a house or you renting you are considered "poor" i'm one of those that never wants to buy in this crazy environment
<wpwrak> owning a house gets kinda pricey if you like to live in a city
<nicksydney> wpwrak: over here even if you live 50-55km away from the city it's costing you a good 600k for a 300-350m house :)
<nicksydney> that's the minimum
<nicksydney> so pretty much you are working as a slave to the bank until you die or you are old !
<pcercuei> dollars?
<nicksydney> yup
<wpwrak> pricy. in buenos aires the square meter of an apartment costs 1.5-2.5 kUSD.
<nicksydney> wpwrak: to give you an idea of madness.. check out this .. listing for a cool $1,000,000 ... and see how far it is from city,+Epping,+NSW,+2121,+Australia&daddr=Sydney+NSW,+Australia&hl=en&sll=-33.77452,151.075722&sspn=0.008017,0.013239&geocode=FUik_P0dijsBCSnZ6022IKQSazHRoUhtG3Z7yg%3BFSE5-
<nicksydney> _0dTjwDCSk_dJrzOJgSazFQqDIWaH0BAw&oq=sydney+cb&t=h&mra=ls&z=13 .... the house in that listing is circa 1925 !
<nicksydney> wpwrak: this same apartment in that area is costing $775,000 for 3 bedroom :)
<pcercuei> move to Argentina :o
<wpwrak> well, it looks rather fancy. of course, the really rich have their mansions far from the riff raff ...
<nicksydney> once 3d printing for concrete is available building house will be cheaper :)
<wpwrak> (apartment) i think i can compete with that ;-) triplex, 3 bedrooms, living room, large kitchen, two terraces, one large bathroom, one small bathroom, one toilet, two balconies, one parking space. bought it for i think USD 120k + fees and taxes. had to put some ~20k into renovating, though.
<nicksydney> wpwrak: (apartment) in Argentina ?
<wpwrak> location isn't the poshest area but well-connected. subway is at ~150 m, countless bus lines at ~50-150 m, train station - if i should ever feel especially suicidal - some 350 m
<wpwrak> yes, in buenos aires
<wpwrak> hmm, city map says i should double my distance estimates
<nicksydney> wpwrak: that's very good and makes more sense in terms of buying
<nicksydney> wpwrak: hell even buying in the US makes more sense than here :)
<wpwrak> well, wait for the bubble to burst. then snatch up some nice sprawling mansions some poor sob can't afford anymore :)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: that's the only thing that I can do..been waiting for 4 yrs now :)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: it went down from 2009-2011/12 but then it picked up because the F**** morons in central bank cut the interest rate !
<wpwrak> hehe :)
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<nicksydney> rathen than stressing about it..better do some MCU programming :)
<nicksydney> hehe
<wpwrak> yeah, that's relaxing
<nicksydney> reading on AVR this 2 nights and understood now that programming it is a chicken-and-egg need an AVR to program an AVR
<nicksydney> thinking i'm falling in love too with Microchip PIC MCU :)...tiny but yet powerful
<wpwrak> just forget all that old junk. arm is the future
<nicksydney> of course that's the future.
<nicksydney> this guy was able to program the AVR using a button :)
<nicksydney> hahaha
<wpwrak> 3 buttons :)
<nicksydney> hey perhaps we can try something like that for SWD :)
<wpwrak> i wish thee luck :)
<nicksydney> wpwrak: you see this before right ?
<nicksydney> wpwrak: how does normally MCU like warpboard communicates with another processor like a Cortex-M4 ? does it use like spi ?
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<nicksydney> wpwrak: from that project we can borrow the 'wireless charging' uses M4 for that
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