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<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: Added ScanlinesBlue and ScanlinesRed themes (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: Added GCW theme by Nebuleon (master)
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: seems your idea of isolating Russia has occurred to US, France and others as well
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: oh? some news?
<DocScrutinizer05> well, UK doesn't join G8 in Sotschi, others might too. Considarations are: exclude Russia from G8, embargo, travel restrictions
<wpwrak> "X doesn't go to Y as a form of protest against Z". ah yes, we've seen these. how many wars has that prevented so far ?
<wpwrak> it's just the political equivalent of donning a fig leaf
<DocScrutinizer05> that's a tad short
<DocScrutinizer05> embargo and exclusion of Russia from global politics is sth that Putin for sure doesn't like to achieve
<DocScrutinizer05> dunno about travel restrictions
<wpwrak> i doubt putin expected the world to applaud and cheer his troops on. so some mild expression of disagreement is entirely plausible. in any case, they may be all in agreement and just don't want to tell that to the public.
<DocScrutinizer05> I doubt Putin hoped for trade embargo when he tried to secure Ukraine for his vision of a huge free trade zone from netherlands til mongolia and beyond, with russia in the center
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe, sorry but i need to quote that. >>Merkel enscheidet erst wenn entschieden ist, dass mit ihrer Enscheidung nichts Entscheidendes entschieden wird<<
<DocScrutinizer05> (sorry, dunno if that translates at all)
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe "Merkel doesn't decide anything before it's secured that her decision doesn't decide anything relevant"
<wpwrak> there will be no trade embargo ...
<DocScrutinizer05> what puzzles me is Russia's media propaganda that the whole revolution in Ukraine is driven by the west and is fascistic. So, while I could understand (though not tolerate) them considering Germany Fascists, I wonder what that means for France and UK and USA :-o
<wpwrak> oh, that just a standard propaganda item. in the US, you'd have blamed the communists, or now global terrorism.
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<whitequark> :
<whitequark> *^
<DocScrutinizer05> Russia better had picked the terrorist card. After all this is a real threat, given that (afaik!) the Krim Tartars are muslim and might get "help" from real terrorists
<DocScrutinizer05> but I admit a caling a 100,000 people on Kiev's streets terrorists is maybe too ridiculous even for propaganda
<DocScrutinizer05> it's quite tale-telling that all these counter-revolutionary demonstrations and sqatting and whatnot always finally end with somebody waving a *russian* flag
<DocScrutinizer05> russian army encircling regular ukrainian army facilities on Krim and telling them to surrender doesn't sound like Russia is *protecting* anybody there
<wpwrak> they're protecting the fellow soldiers. they're protecting them from the dangers of armed conflict. all they have to do is be reasonable and do as they're told, i.e., surrender.
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, those bloody fascists. Better they surrender
<wpwrak> maybe the hidden plan is to finally get putin the peace nobel price. i mean, obama, lord of drones, got one too.
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah
<wpwrak> priZe even. i always get that wrong :-(
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<larsc> well russia is helping their friends in the urkaine to protect them from the fascists that have unlawfully taken control of the government
<pcercuei> how nice of them
<pcercuei> helping their neighbour like that
<wpwrak> a humanitarian peace mission. sorry, snowden. no peace nobel prize for you this time. putin deserves it so much more.
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<wpwrak> hmm, kinda low resolution
<whitequark> I see if one made a homebrew IC, you'd complain it's not done on 20nm node? ;)
<wpwrak> naw, homebrewn ic would be useful at almost any level. leds are a commodity.
<whitequark> I don't know, homebrewn ics don't sound very useful to me
<whitequark> it is hard to imagine a case where ROI, so to say, of a homebrewn IC is higher than of any other solution
<wpwrak> if you can streamline the process to the point where it's not a once in a lifetime thing, why not ?
<whitequark> because you'd likely have a very hard time doing something more complex than 1970s level?
<whitequark> and for that case, you'd be better off using a CPLD or FPGA
<whitequark> or discrete circuits, perhaps.
<wpwrak> wel, make it analog then
<wpwrak> or mixed
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<nicksydney> while the world is busy with heavy gunpower in Ukraine another country are able to swoop up Zimbabwe without any blood being spilled ...
<CYB3R> > China Quietly Takes Over Zimbabwe
<wpwrak> i wonder which one is more biased - nick's zerohedge or fidel's granma. it's a pity we no longer have pravda. and the chinese media seem to be boringly factual, completely lacking that good old cold war spirit :)
<nicksydney> the world need "fresh" news :)
<nicksydney> gheezz... The 17-gram wireless device has bluetooth capability and is equipped with a GPS, compass, gyro-sensor, battery, barometer, speaker and microphone.
<nicksydney> wpwrak: lighter than analok :)
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