it's actually a proof fro *russian* propaganda
and I'm afraid it's pretty in line with the usual crap they feed their people in russian television
no matter how stupid and silly the made up story, it's still good enough for russian TV
oh, that goes back a loooong way. already goebbels wrote eloquently about such things and i'd suspect that he merely stole them from some roman or greek texts :)
the basic idea is that, no matter how nonsensical your accusation, something will stick. hurl enough faeces in the general direction of your enemy and he will get dirty.
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actually I failed, it's not the magic tunnel leading you out from the center of a nest of one-way-roads. It's just one of thr usualy crossing-bypass tunnels you see frequently in Paris. But I can't spot it in google maps. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Arc+de+Triomphe/@48.8743606,2.2925335,3a,75y,117.42h,74.73t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s2ufTBLsiFk2EDi0CandTKQ!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xd9b5676e112e643d
maybe they improved things a bit since 1883, e.g., when these self-moving carts came into fashion
cool now! google maps works better in konqueror than in FF
ah the swarovski store for the fancy anelok edition :-)
wpwrak: in russia, it's cheaper ;-)
yeah, I should at least give the starting point of that spam I posted here above: <wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: 3.6 m ? here's something much better: http://www.2m40.com/
I tried to spot it on google maps
[2014-09-05 Fri 17:29:34] <DusteD> Cool :) PaulFertser it's an encrypted hardware password manager/entry for linux/windows/mac called The Final Key