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Hello. Anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the amount of RAM a racket script/program is taking up? I'm trying to determine the RAM usage, but so far it looks like a 42 line program is taking up nearly 256MB, which seems to me to be insane
could it be that racket defaults to giving instances 256MB of memory?
vraid: Can't say. I havn't delved into Racket enough to get to that kind of thing. What would be the best way to determine that? And change said default?
Hrm. Only thing I'm finding is (custodian-limit-memory ...), and it's apparently not making any difference.
i don't know the internals very well, but 256 sounds suspiciously like a default number
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drracket says it's limit is 128MB in the REPL window
is the script run through drracket?
I've run it using drracket, emacs, and via command-line
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hahaha. (current-memory-use) returns a lovely 571817716 bytes...
ZombieChicken: How are you running from the command line?
endobson: ./script.rkt. I have "#!/usr/bin/env racket\n#lang racket/base" as the first two lines of the file
aforementioned value was when running in drracket. From the commandline it's mearly 33596440
ZombieChicken: It looks like a single module of the irc package pulls in all of #lang racket for no actual reason. You could probably submit a PR to fix that pretty easily if you wanted to cut down on how much gets loaded.
(Hilariously, the only module written in #lang racket consists of a single provided definition and nothing else. The definition is (define RPL_WELCOME 1).)
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does anyone have experience with or know of ways to make html5 games with racket? is whalesong the way to go? does there exist some kind of wasm magic?
I remember a few years ago trying to make a game in racket and found racket was too slow to hit 60fps but not really sure what the meta is for doing these things in racket
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b2coutts: with sgl (racket-style OpenGL 1.5) you can easily hit 60fps
b2coutts: And on the ML there was an announcement of Vulkan bindings
Are there any documents available on how to make DrRacket a more competent IDE? I'm missing things such as jump-to-definition keybinds, TAB autocomplete, function/macro signature help in a more easily reachable place (think how SLIME uses the Emacs modeline to show the function signature) and finally structured editing a la paredit
samlamamma: I'm not sure what you mean by "documents", but you can customize keybindings, for example. The blue box location can't be changed, but it can be permanently open (press f2). For structured editing, you can see
However, DrRacket isn't emacs and maybe you'd be more happy using racket-mode there
samth: I accept HTML documents :P! Yeah, but I find racket-mode way worse than SLIME while Dr.Racket has a lot of cool stuff that SLIME doesn't so I wanna make an attempt at making it work.
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samlamamma: As for your eldoc point I think that's more about Racket than about Racket Mode, as explained here:
"explained"... or "rationalized" if you disagree :)
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* greghendershott
having responded to the bat signal, resumes New Year's Day, but will check IRC logs later
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