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Why does racket have both `(provide ...)` and `(require ...)`? Other language ecosystems I've worked with just import modules, without explicitly exporting anything.
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lorikeet: What language ecosystems have you worked with? I think a lot of module systems have access control. Sometimes it’s not couched in quite the same terms—they might use `private` to mark something as *not* exported, for example—but it seems like a common feature.
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lexi-lambda: oh huh, I guess I wasn't thinking of it that way. Thanks for the perspective
lorikeet: fwiw, javascript modules work pretty much the same way
python is kindof an outlier in "export all the things"
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Pascal units the same for ... eons.
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can I force to rescan a git repo? I need to deploy a fixed handin-client for my class
oh, nvm. I just had to wait a few minutes
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bremner: the pkg stage is quick, docs compilation is typically 24h in my experience
another good reason not to write docs ;P