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hello, I'm having some issues with drracket in linux: If I have `#lang slideshow` on drracket I get 'open-output-file: forbidden (write) access to /usr/share/racket/pkgs/.LOCKpkgs.rktd'. Similarly if I try to list currently installed packages I get https://paste.debian.net/1156911/ which seems to be related. It seems to me like drracket is trying to use /usr/share instead of a directory particular to my user.
I've tried searching but I couldn't find how to avoid this behavior. Thanks for any suggestion :)
oh weird!
hmmm i'm on debian 10 myself
drracket was automaticlaly install when i installed racket
how did you install it?
(i'll probably get to your message after because i'm about to leave :P)
I installed it with `zypper install racket` on opensuse tumbleweed
oh damn i don't know anything about them :(
how are you opening drracket? just by clicking the icon?
or running `drracket` from the command line?
crap i gotta go, sorry!
untq: could be a problem with the opensuse build settings.
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bremner, I was hoping that it was something that could be overridden via some configuration in ~/.racket :(
m455, I was running it via the launcher, but running it via drracket from the command line yields the same result, with no significant output in the console
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I do have a ~/.racket/7.3/pkgs/.LOCKpkgs.rktd file - which is empty - but it seems liek it is not being used by drracket. WRT to the opensuse package, I checked the .specfile, and `/usr/share` is only being referenced in the --prefix option of the configure script and as an argument for install, which seems correct
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untq: it's a long shot, but can you pastebin the whole example that isn't working for you?
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bremner, I only need the #lang slideshow directive
or #lang typed/racket
OK, I can't duplicate the problem on debian.
untq: I guess I'd report an opensuse bug and / or try the generic linux package on download.racket-lang.org
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thanks bremner my hopes were that this was something that I could work around via some configuration file. I'll forward the problem to opensuse :)
I'm not a racket dev, so you might want to wait for more informed views
ok :) thank you for trying though
untq: one more idea is to check if there are several versions of the racket package. You might have the "too minimal" version
afaict there is only one :(
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bremner, as expected the generic linux package from upstream, installed in ~/racket is working perfectly :)
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