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griffinbyatt: what do you mean by "opaque"?
samth: a base type only defined by its predicate, like it’s done via the #:opaque option here:
griffinbyatt: i guess i mean what do you need this for? in general, just using a struct should do everything you can do with an opaque type, and you can just not export the accessors
Well, what I’m trying to do is a bit of a hack, and opaque types just seemed to be the best option. I’m trying to get more useful refinement types - e.g. I want a String that does not have the prefix “//“. Since typed racket’s refinements don’t allow that, I’m able to “fake” that behavior using an opaque type. `(Refine [n : String] (: n String-Without-Slash))`
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is there a standard function that evaluates to one of its arguments *by position*?
e.g. (second-arg 5 6) ; => 6
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(if #f 5 6) => 6
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I was going to say const then I forgot racket doesn't let you do (f a b) as syntactic sugar for ((f a) b)
and doesn't auto curry stuff obviously
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Hello, I'm reading sicp and using racket. I'm new to lisp. Is there any library I can include in my racket files so I do not have to define accumulate every time, for example?
and other basic procedures like prime? and divides?
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oops, I was just going to answer
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