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I'm a bit confused about what alternative of all the parser generator and so on libs are the best
There is parsack, supermegaparsack, parser generator, some fork of the parser generator
Inb4 it depends
Ah brag etc as well
BitPuffin: I used Brag in Racket and MegaParsec in Haskell.
I prefer the MegaParsec approach, but I don't know how well is supported in Racket.
I like the Brag way to specify the synatx, but then the parser produces an s-expr structure that must be further normalized, and I have to write too much "(match ...)" code.
Instead using parser combinators I can embed simple normalization instructions directly during the parsing.
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Hmm I think with one of the other parser generator libs you can specify syntax similar to brag but also insert normalising
But yeah whenever I've borrowed the reader etc for sexp syntax I ended up with a lot of match
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hello! I am using DrRacket. I have this big sexp (100MiB+ when written on disk) that I want to work on. I want to be able to edit the functions that manipulate it in a file, and modify them and re-run the definitions, without having to reload my big structure.what's the best way to do it?
my current take on that is to have a file playground.txt where I load my structure. I run it, and then I require "my-functions.rkt". I use mmy functions, then modify the source, then reload "my-functions.rkt", and get updated definitions
I thougt that dynamic-rerequire would help me achieve that. However when I do it (without require-int it before as per the doc), no definition for what "my-functions.rkt" has in its (provide) are available
what amm I doing wrong? Thanks!
`dynamic-rerequire` is only really going to work at the REPL in Drracket, not in the definitions window
Yes, I would be running it from the interactions window
(and from the interaction window of another file)
bru`: here's my interaction with DrRacket, it worked right for me
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Stupid question. I'm trying to do this: (let ((a 3) (b 3)) (match (list 3 3) (`(,a ,b) 3))) but it matches any list (two bind matches instead of two equal? checks)
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to be clear I want this to error on no matching clause: (let ((a 3) (b 3)) (match (list 1 3) (`(,a ,b) 3))) instead of just returning 3.
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This is definitely far confusing. The spec says right there that pat includes (quote datum) to "match equal? value"
yet I can't seem to trigger that behaviour
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Vaelatern: (quote 3) matches 3
a matches anything
then I should be able to: (let ((a 3) (b 3)) (match 3 ('a 3) (_ empty))) but that gives me empty
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