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Hi all! This is I'm afraid sort of off-topic, please tell me if I am out of place. I am following along Bogdan Popa's great screencast tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS_0-lqiSVs and was wondering if someone could help me to set an environment up with Docker Compose or Podman (I am actually using the Podman compatibility layer) using koyo-shorty as an example app https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo-shorty. So first
question: Should I build (multi-stage?) my own container images for postgres and Racket/Koyo, or shoud I use a previously availiable container image? I am quite new to containerization and I need to learn this DevOpsy stuff because of... my job says so :)
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The goal of my excercise is to build a fictional staging-like environment that will be subjected to testing.
I've read https://defn.io/2020/06/28/racket-deployment/ and found it interesting, and might try that in the future but this time I am being required to at least use Docker/Podman and a CM tool like Ansible or Chef and some testing framework like serverspec. I find it too much for my brain to tackle at once.
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So, a cursory look at hub.docker.com brought racket/racket and racket/racket-ci to my attention, which one should I use?
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deselby: the racket-ci images are for running Racket's own CI
deselby: the racket/racket images are what you should use
you could certainly start with racket/racket:7.9-full and then install postgres and koyo
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samth: Ideally, I'd like to run and configure postgres on a separate container
deselby: ah, ok, then just start from `racket/racket` and then install koyo
Great!, thanks
I'll ask again if I find myself in trouble
deselby: the relevant difference between "full" and not is whether it will come with all of the packages koyo needs preinstalled, as well as lots of other packages that koyo doesn't need
<deselby "I'll ask again if I find myself "> which is usualy quite likely :)
oh, and i see you also posted on slack, where you are likely to find more people talking (such as bogdan popa, the author of koyo)
Yup, but you were first! :)
* Yup, but you answered first! :) (I wonder what the Matrix bridge does when dealing with IRC message editions)
samth: btw, I've marked your Corpse Reviewr paper/talk on my calendar. My first time attending POPL!
deselby: i recommend watching the videos ahead of time -- it's a nice thing about this POPL
<samth "Bi: i recommend watching the vid"> I agree! although asking of you and the rest to produce a second shorter 4~5 minute version might have been a bit too much of a burden. A sign of the times, I guess.
deselby: i'm really happy i get to watch everyone else's though :)