samth changed the topic of #racket to: Racket v7.9 has been released: -- Racket -- -- -- Paste at
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<BitPuffin> that's really cool
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<dzoe> Hmmmm... given the fact that I have to teach in Clojure, it is VERY interesting.
<dzoe> bremner: thanks!
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<cybersyn5> just now digging into racket/gui, and the use of continuation prompts seems *so interesting*! i had read somewhere that GUI-intensive applications (like a vector animation tool) in Racket perform below the needs of artists / below 60fps, but of course that could very well be wrong. what are people's experience with racket GUIs for user facing apps
<cybersyn5> that involve lots of threads and processes?
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<dzoe> cybersyn5: I've been playing with animation in racket/gui (sort of) and >100fps is no problem here. Depends on particular usage of racket/draw and (or) other related stuff.
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<cybersyn5> dzoe thanks for heads up! could i ask what resolution you were rendering at? I'm very impressed with the GUI architecture
<dzoe> cybersyn5: just tried one of the worst and still get 35fps in 1920x1080
<cybersyn5> thats great news! I'll dive deep into it then
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<wilbowma> Anyone familiar with using a minimal Racket to and GitHub Actions? I'm getting "unknown module syntax/readerr.rkt", which I think should be installed even in a minimal distribution
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