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has Racket to output to other language, such as C, in order to have machine code executables, or does it produce machine code executables directly?
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danisanti, bytecode
for the amount of people, this is a very quiet room. I may have no help if I try to learn Racket :/
thank you evdubs
alright, bytecode
evdubs: does Racket produces bytecode directly?
danisanti, yes
AHHHHH, the joy!
that is good news
I know there are no to very few Racket jobs, which is a down point
evdubs: is there a good book that you may recommend? (for learning Racket :P )
danisanti, i read SICP, which is scheme focused, but racket is a scheme
i enjoyed reading SICP
i didn't bother doing the exercises as a student might
so Racket is Scheme. I don't really understand the relationship. I know Scheme is a programming language...
and Racket also is a programming language....
they're all in the family of lisp
yes, Scheme is Lisp
you can take much scheme code and run it in racket
So Lisp -> Scheme and Lisp -> Racket or Lisp -> Scheme -> Racket
lisp -> scheme -> racket
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evdubs: thank you. coming from a C background, I don't really understand how a language as Scheme can create another language as Racket. but that is ok, I guess
scheme is a very small language
a language like racket might be better thought of as a scheme implementation
it doesn't quite implement everything the same way as scheme but they're very close
why is Racket better?
racket is "batteries included"
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evdubs: in learning wise, is it better to first learn Racket or first learn Scheme?
danisanti, doesn't matter. you can learn scheme while you use the DrRacket IDE
you'll basically be learning the same thing
and when you think "hmm.. i wonder how i can plot something in scheme" or "i wonder how i can build a gui in scheme" you can look at the racket docs to see how that's done in racket
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ok. what are the strenght points of Racket as a language?
"batteries included"
that makes a good language, from my point of view
or, on the website, the strengths are "mature", "jet fueled", "extensible", "robust", "polished", and "vibrant community"
I don't know about the "vibrant community", right guys...?
"batteries included" is synonymous with "jet fueled"
the vibrant community is not so active on IRC
evdubs: I like your way of saying better
evdubs: where is the Racket vibrant community active?
the google group; i can see you've sent a couple messages to them
yeah, I did
if you're wondering why you haven't been receiving quick replies, it might be because your question is easily read about on the racket website
it took a long time to get the answer, but finally you appeared evdubs :DD
hmmm, really. I have been to and did not see the answer to my question
I am gonna go now
evdubs: thank you so much
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