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<dzoe> samth: Wow, it actually helped - I am glad there's (although just small) possible improvement to TR based on my experiments. Thanks for going through all the examples!
<samth> dzoe: there is also some advice that I think will help with further use of TR
<dzoe> samth: Yes - I completely overlooked `ann' for example :) As I clearly stated at the beginning, my exprience with TR is very limited - or more likely "was", now it is better and although I do not plan on using TR everywhere, for certain tasks it is awesome tool!
<dzoe> I've got some ideas to work on "automatically suggesting exceptions" where #f (or some other placeholder value) is used and then never actually checked for.
<dzoe> This is something that TR uncovered by static analysis - otherwise it (as expected) resulted in very improbable (but sometimes happening) runtime errors.
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