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<samth> willghatch: my initial feeling about extenor is that it addresses all my concerns with structs currently, but is a bigger step from structs than what I think I'm looking for, although I of course haven't tried working with it. Things I want from structs: functional update, including nested, short syntax for field access, runtime reflection on field names, nice ways of doing multiple functional updates at once. both otherwise mostly keeping structs the
<samth> way they are.
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<srandon111> hello all, is there a way to create a standalone statically-linked executable from a racket program?
<nperez_> but I'm just starting to learn, so other people might have better resources. I had your question recently and found it there in the racket guide
<dzoe> srandon111: as nperez_ says - generally speaking, `raco exe' is your friend (but definitely read the docs - some of the platform-dependent options can make your life easier, if you know about them).
<nperez_> dzoe, and there is the matter of how the platform racket bin is compiled (statically/dynamically), correct?
<srandon111> nperez_, i read the doc and i tried raco exe --embed-dlls --orig-exe cat_animation.rkt
<srandon111> but the thing is that when i try to execute on another machine, it complains about not finding the image of the cat
<srandon111> how can i embed the image wihtin the executable ???
<nperez_> Oh wow, no clue. My understanding of the process is very rudimentary: basically it glues your source file together with the platform bin
<nperez_> I don't know how much influence you have over that process
<srandon111> nperez_, okok
<nperez_> But for a dumb idea: you could base64 encode the image directly into a source file
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<srandon111> nperez_, yes this is a workaround i know, but still i would like more to understand how to embed these files into the exe
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<dzoe> nperez_: --orig-exe should do the trick, also --gui if you plan on using the gui and if you use gui dynamically than ++lib racket/gui might be needed.
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<srandon111> dzoe, i don't understand how to use embedding.rkt
<srandon111> dzoe, what should i do ?
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<srandon111> make-immutable-hash: this function is not defined
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<srandon111> dzoe, are you there?
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<srandon111> dzoe, nperez_ basically my problem is tht the function i am using place-image from the standard library, requires a path... how can i solve this?
<bremner> srandon111: it sounds like you are looking for some kind of "installer". The closest is probably a package, installed with raco pkg install, but that won't be a standalone exe
<bremner> I don't know of a racket tool to bundle files into a standalone installer.
<srandon111> bremner, no no i want a standalone executable
<srandon111> not installer
<srandon111> a single exe file
<bremner> that sounds difficult to achieve, at least for code that loads "resources" from the file system. You could make a "prelude" that writes files into the right place, or not read files.
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<dzoe> srandon111: it is not intended for direct usage if you do not know how it works - it is an example of how to do embedding.
<dzoe> srandon111: roughly speaking, it reads certain files during syntax stage and provides them as byte strings for runtime
<dzoe> I have to look how place-image works - never seen this one.
<dzoe> srandon111: are you using htdp language?
<dzoe> I am using racket/draw to load bitmaps (which is easy from byte strings)
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<srandon111> dzoe, yes
<srandon111> dzoe, i am using place-image
<srandon111> and would like to understand if there is a workaround so that i can pass those bytes to place-image
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<samth> srandon111: you probably want `raco distribute`
<samth> but that does not create a single file where files that you depend on at runtime are included in the executable (I don't know of any language that has a tool like that)
<samth> srandon111: if you want to include the contents of an image in your file, you can use `color-list->image`
<samth> srandon111: you might also be interested in
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<nperez_> samth, "(I don't know of any language that has a tool like that)" .NET stuff does. Super easy to embed/access a resource inside the executable