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I have a list of structs which include a field which is a gregor datetime. I can 'write' it to a file, but when I 'read' it back I get an error saying '#<' is bad syntax. What would be the easiest way for me to write my list to a file and back again?
My thoughts are: (a) maybe there is another function instead of read/write that could do this? (b) maybe I can tell Racket how to read/write gregor datetimes (say by turning them into ISO-8601 strings? or (c) maybe I can change the implementation of my struct so that it is always saved as an ISO-8601 string, but translates it to a gregor datetime when I set or access that field. I'm not sure which option sounds most reasonable.
Ahh it seems that the first option will work. There are a pair of functions serialize/deserialize in racket/serialize which seem to be able to function with gregor datetimes. The output is a bit wordy, but it works.
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dzoe: I expect asumu will get the PPA up relatively soon; the only issue last time was with propagating a fix
I will lazily let asumu fix things :P
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bummer, the Y combinator chapter from the little schemer doesn't seem to be on Mathias' home page anymore.