When I first did a bundle install, it installed ROM version 0.1 or something which was literally jsut a license and a readme, because, I assume, it didn't constrain me from installing the latest version of axiom.
Axiom 0.2.0 appears to be the latest, but ROM is locked to 0.1.1.
so, in playing around with the mapping and structing the whole thing in an object-oriented way its really making me think the mapping system would be better as data driven from configuration files.
The current axiom-sql-generator will be replaced.
is ROM going to be able to have a repository layer?
Yeah. But I think its upto the user if he used it.
We polish each part of ROM in a way you can choose what you whant.
Session without Unit of Work? Do it.
Mapper without morpher? Use inject something thats API compatible.
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And we keep boundaries very "small".
I'm maybe not the best person to define "default ROM".
Mostly because many of my jobs involved building a domain specific mapper.
So I'd not simply use the defaults. I'd pick each available component per project.
And I rarely have to touch traditional CRUD domains.
teegee543: depending on what you need it may or may not be ready soon ;)
solnic: best summary!
solnic: and hi.
hi :)
solnic: Lets do a ROM hack afternoon @ wroclove?
but it's true
Yeah, its uneasy to define "A finished mapper".
like I'm pretty sure some nosql stores will get good support sooner than rdbms
mostly because of transactions and migrations and other rdbms-specific things that are just hard to get done
solnic: that's why i'd like to try and implement anchormapping
it's going to be difficult, but i'm imagining automatic/semi-automatic migrations based on the model attributes
teegee543: yes that's what we're planning too
which are translated into the 6NF of tables
teegee543: Yeah, dan had some really nice ideas on how to describe schema migrations with the RA.
current status is that we need to finish new sql generator and integrate it with axiom and the mapper is waiting to be integrated with morpher
I'm gonna hold off with session + uow for now and start with just session
just to be able to finish other things quickly
UoW will be a looooong road
would that be possible? utilizing views as an alternative way of accessing and modifying tables?
what's "session"?
teegee543: session could be seen as a state tracker.
teegee543: If you map a tuple to domain, the session is able to tell you if the object was modified, and is dirty.
Without having the object to track that itself.
would it be caching that data?
depends on the actual implementation.
The session I wrote tracked the tuple, and each time it was asked "Is this domain object dirty", it used the mapper to transform to tuple again and compared the tuples.
This way you can give the adapter two tuples, the old and the new and adapter specific differencial updates can be made.
But I have to admit, solnic and me having a much differend imagination of the session.
Solnic will do his session in the rom repos, I'll do mine at antother repo.
rom session tracks tuples too
I told you it's heavily based on your ideas
solnic: I know. but dont lets restart this discussion :D
right righ
I won't
I don't have imagination btw
I think imagining anything in software is overrated
you're gonna be wrong anyway :P
solnic: I think once I integrated my rom-session with a morpher based mapper you'll "see" my idea.
Yeah. Thats the reason I dont wanna have an discussion.
You integrated session and it works.
My session worked, but not with rom-session, only with my own mappers.
And without axion.
So we'll not discuss abstract stuff.
I resurrected my rom-session state and will integrate it with axiom morpher based mappers. Than we can talk again.
Does someone have a magic: "n hours of OSS time" - card for me?
i wish i had that problem
most of my time outside my day job is OSS time atm
but i'm trying to move toward more contracted work
<== father of 2 sons. not much time left after work.
yeah, that would do it
in fact, these days I even have trouble finding time for WORK :D
i'm still single so lots of free time still
yeah that's why I was recently bitching so much open how OSS works
i don't understand
teegee543: Actually my OSS involvements gave me my current clients.
teegee543: So OSS success removes the ability to do OSS.
mbj: true, my OSS involvements got me my current gig
yeah, that's the ironic thing
teegee543: Once this is around 500$ per week I consider to do one or two dedicated OSS days a week. https://www.gittip.com/mbj/
teegee543: But for now its simply not an option.
<== Father of one girl, and more plans.
teegee543: Its not that I target 100% commercial aeuivalent compensation. I simply must be able to pay my bills.
mbj: bookmarked *and* in my evernote with hilights!
xybre: lulz
xybre: BTW the PoEAA is actually a ROM HOWTO ;)
xybre: Most of the terms we use here are explained there.
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if it was a howto we'd be done already ;)
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solnic: yeah, howto is wrong.
xybre: its not an howto ;) - Its a good book about patterns :D
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mbj: I like books about patterns. I get the impression that if more people were aware of patterns maybe they'd stop doing the things that make dev projects suck so bad.
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this gives me the correct results, but since it doesn't return a Relation object I can't use any of the normal tools that integrate with AR. So now I'm stuck rewriting pagination and other crap.
Or I could just return the entire dataset, throw paginate_array on the end and call it day. If they tell me pages are loading slow then maybe I could justify the time I'm wasting on this.
man, I gotta make a list of things where AR just falls flat on its face
maybe that will convince some companies and their CTO's that it's a good idea to support us
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Honestly I've wasted at least 3 days on building these queries.
I need to finally run this fundraiser
rvm gathered ~$50k iirc
so there's a chance we might get some funding
And I'm not cheap, so that's a lot of money blown on this problem. Not multiply that by the other devs here and at other companies having this problem and we're talkign about some serious cash.
Like I don't even care if people continue to insist on using the awful active record pattern in large apps, just so long as I can actually do my job without doing the framework's job too.
I'm goign to run this code with the array and see what happens.
solnic: I think ROM could raise more than RVM.
xybre: do you see any queries that might look like sth similar to what you need?
CraigBuchek: I'm not sure :/
CraigBuchek: I think I'd have to spend a lot of time preparing that fundraiser so that it would clearly explain how ROM can help
I can talk about this for hours and probably write a ton of material but that doesn't mean I could easily "sell" the thing
this would have to be concise and easy to digest
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Anyone talking about ROM at RailsConf, or the local Rails conferences? That'd be a good first step to raise awareness.
I'm probably going to write a proposal to talk about all the ORMs.
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CraigBuchek: not sure, I haven't submitted any proposals to RailsConf
I'm holding off with ROM talks until we have something working
as in, more usable
we've got a ton of stuff working already of course
Yeah, if we can get the high-level interface into a halfway usable (beta) state, you could start selling it at conferences.
I tried to promote ROM when we were working on underlaying pieces and it didn't work so well
well, DM2 back then
that was 2 years ago, crazy
solnic: will check in a second, trying to get this code to work so I can stop thinking about it :)
xybre: ok cool
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Oh it works now. I sorta feel worse now that it works.
It's fugly.
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On the upside I fixed what was probably a bug.
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Here is the actual code/queries I've been playing with, please note that the SQL is all worse due to being generated by AR or with its constraints in mind: https://gist.github.com/acook/d94638b2e520fdb59a9b
One of my coworkers jsut suggested the left join, I'm going to try it.
The left join doesn't work because it conflicts with something else going on, but its not immediately clear what. It raises a database error.
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solnic: It's closest to the joins one. The basic problem is that mysql will always return an empty set if you do a join on a column that mentions it could be NULL. for example a user might belong to a single group (users.group_id), I want a set of a users that have either no group (group_id IS NULL) or a group with no name (group.name IS NULL).
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