snusnu: BTW I have a thought experiment of writing a compiler for q-lang.io to morpher.
snusnu: hey!
I dont really like the implementation of qrb, especially its parser backend (cirtus), but I think its an interesting experiment.
yeah, still in morocco :)
mbj: sounds interesting
snusnu: I started working on integrating morpher with rom
snusnu: didn't get far though except understanding what has to be done (which is an important first step heh)
snusnu: will you have some time for ROM soon?
we could maybe pair on this thing
pairing will be difficult, as i have pretty much work to do and no internet where i live
ok, so I'll try to do it myself and get back to you guys with any questions/issues I might hit
best i can do is probably squeeze in a few offline hours
altho tbh, i wanted to use those for coming up with the fund-io app that should be built on rom
also, that'd give us a playground for rom
well, that's a chicken-egg problem, isn't it? :)
well kind of, but yeah, it'll use DM1 and rom
my short term goal is to have morpher as the mapping backend
next step is sql, I'd love to help with pushing it forward but I need dkubb/mbj help
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sounds like a plan, porting mapper to morpher shouldn't be too hard, constructing the sexps should be easier than building the ducktrap objects via ruby api
omg, the memoizable dependency update ripples through rom ..
snusnu: Yeah, the AST is the perfect IR for that domain.
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