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solnic: seems you have some fun with morpher ;)
mbj: yeah, it worked flawlessly
mbj: I was only a little confused about domain::param, I build it now explicitly using class interface
are you planning to add an emitter for this thing?
solnic: yeah
solnic: We'll have an AST node compiling to a Transformer::Domain::Param instance
solnic: I simply did not have the time yesterday to add this one.
s(:domain, Foo, [ :list, :of, :ivars])
Thats the first idea.
It'll probably clean up once I write it down.
mbj: that's what I thought
I could try adding it if you don't have time
solnic: And yes I the object interface is the only interface you can "currently" use.
solnic: I'll add a special node that allows you to place a "precompiled" evaluator into an ast.
but first I want to add support for wrap/unwrap via morpher
solnic: should be really easy
solnic: We probably have to add some nodes that deal with Axiom::Tuples
so far it just works
why do you think we're gonna need something special?
I think we can have an optimizer that collapses generic morpher nodes like a pair of axiom tuple to domain objects with null transformations in between into a very easy node.
But thats later.
solnic: BTW that rspec style you critized allowed me to get full mutaiton coverage for the new loaders / dumpers very fast.
I would still vote for simplifying that huge shared examples file
it is really complex man, can't argue with that I think
but I agree that it does speed up development
solnic: haha
solnic: I'd never keep the file as is.
btw I started adding those domain loaders already yesterday, didn't know you're gonna tackle it
so I already had ivar thingie locally done :)
mbj: this weekend is full of awesome. amazing progress with morpher, integration in rom, goes live, sweeeet
solnic: heh, you sound motivated ;)
but tired, so, good night :)
solnic: ttyl
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hey guys
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mbj, solnic: ping
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mbj: yo
snusnu: hi
snusnu: my machine just rebooted, forgot the plug ;)
snusnu: We did some progress on the morpher front.
mbj, solnic: i have a working implementation of a mapper with morpher :p
gimme a sec, i'll show you what it can do
ohai, while somebody's here: i've been working on non-ruby things for some time, so i'm flying under radar at the moment when it comes to httpkit, devtools, and mutant
lgierth: I dont have the time now. But I'll come back later.
sure, cool
i just have it hidden in my subway repo, will update it from morpher 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 in a few minutes, and push it
serious shit ...
snusnu: k
snusnu: I got some serious advances in morpher internals
i've seen them, very nice
snusnu: I really like the new flow.
my stuff works with 0.1.0 already, just need a few minor fixes for 0.2.0
Target 0.3 please ;)
i target master
i use this stuff in our app
snusnu: Dont target master, I do shifted semver releases.
snusnu: master can break any time.
mbj: that's alright
i don't bundle update every day ,)
mbj: tell me tho, wdyt of the api?
snusnu: Seems you actually like morpher ;)
snusnu: Still reading, you know I'm bad in evaluating DSLs. Because I'm a bad DSL user.
no worries dude, there's little dsl anyway, it's mainly about generating models, morphers and mappers (encapsulated by entities) from the simple dsl with infinitely nestable wrap/group
there's also 2 ways to wrap/group .. one, which references another registered entity, and another, which generates an "anonymous" entitly "inline"
i currently use this stuff to do the parameter mapping, thus, for all of my transient entities
Using it for parameter mapping is a really good use case.
I'm still planning to reject extra keys in a hash.
the nice thing is, it finally puts the model definition where it belongs imo, *outside* of an actual entity
But this will be an optional node.
yeah, rejecting extra keys sounds feasible
mbj: btw, there's no real way to make s(:merge, …) inversible, right?
snusnu: I had some ideas. But I'm to undersugared to remember.
mbj: it boils down to comparing merge params with original input
i think
the thing with current irreversible :merge is, that it makes it impossible to define mappers with default values
snusnu: You could just remove the merged in params, in case the input is the merged value.
yeah, and if it's different, leave it alone
good, i needed that doublecheck
maybe i'll get around to doing it at some point, altho it'd be cool if you could squeeze in a few minutes, given your latest sprints on morpher ;)
i'll keep on polishing my mapper
Its goooood to do some demanding OSS
I have two clients, one forces me to do monkey work.
That one consumes all my coding enthusiasm.
So doing some demanding OSS work actually frees my mind up.
snusnu: The other loaders require more knowlege
snusnu: The other domain specific transformers to be explicity
snusnu: for example the attribute accessor one needs the attributes: s(:attribute_accessors, s(:param, Model, :here, :come, :the, :attribute, :names))
snusnu: Its in the changelog BTW ;)
mbj: sweet, fixed! i even saw it, but didn't think of it
snusnu: We need to tune the pretty printer a bit.
snusnu: Still lots of noise.
snusnu: I thought about removing the redundant "Morpher::" prefix
snusnu: and/or providing a one line error reference such as input[0]["foo"]["bar"]["10"] guard failure ;)
mbj: yeah, the output can be tuned for sure
it's not only about the printer tho, we need a nice/standard way to consume/transform it
i dunno if you saw what i did with type-checks/coercions and validations in the DSL .. they're completely extensible, built on morpher transformers
the problem is there are error cases a one line representation is NOT possible.
Because the error might result after a successful transformation
*that alters the type structure
so yeah, i fully imagine to be able to coerce and validate an entity, therefore, i need ways to get back at different error formats
snusnu: I separete into "input format" specific errors, and "domain errors"
snusnu: For domain errors I'll put "named predicates" into the tree allowing us to receive unique identifiers for rule violations.
So you just scan for guard violations, and can receive the name of the violation. To use this for generating violation error messages that are domain specific.
I'd NOT put that named nodes inside the transformer stages.
Because I think we should not do domain validations here.
we'll see, if it's simply about associating coercions and predicates with an entity blueprint, i'm fine with doing it in one stage i guess
we'll see ...
snusnu: IMHO it should conceptually be two steps.
snusnu: Remember morpher stops on first error.
snusnu: Never process business logic before fully parsing your input.
mbj: that's the code that powers the pastie
dkubb: fyi, the above link is a rom-mapper spike on morpher, that supports
dkubb: hello
mbj: here you can see how i use the morpher coercions/predicates to do coercion/validation .. the "_" param represents the injected context (a hash of options passed to #map, #wrap or #group)
mbj: btw, your last point, never process business logic before fully parsing input, is of course true, but i don't see how doing a sanitization/coercion/validation process in "one go" violates that, internally it'd be 3 steps anyway .. and of course it happens before business logic
snusnu: k
dkubb: BTW you are free to fsck anything in Morpher::Evaluator::**::* namespace.
if you want
this is going to be hard, you know most of my tricks
dkubb: Actually that whole is dead code!
dkubb: I pushed all the AST handling to the Compiler namespace.
mbj: why the distinction between binary and nary operators? why not one or the other, since one can be used to model the other
dkubb: I think for predicates I'll end up only using binary evaluators, but for transformers binary evaluators modelling narity would just blow up the evaluation tree.
I guess it depends on how many nodes you join together
dkubb: So the only nary node I currently have is s(:block, transform_a, transform_b, ....)
I find binary much easier to optimize
dkubb: this, by definition, is modelling a sequence of transformations.
Using binary would be possible but make debugging / understanding of evaluation trees infinitely harder.
ok guys, i have to go, cu around, comments on the mapper code are most welcome