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<mbj> solnic: OSS Friday!!!!
<solnic> mbj: yep :)
<solnic> I've got some pretty cool stuff done locally, I'll be pushing in the evening, fun fun stuff
<solnic> also, morpher ftw
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<mbj> solnic: cool
<mbj> solnic: I also have some very cool stuff in the pipeline.
<mbj> solnic: morpher + sql gem ;)
<solnic> hm? what would it do?
<solnic> mbj: I want to finish wrap/group in rom and push a release then I want to tackle, let's collaborate maybe?
<mbj> solnic: s/
<mbj> solnic: s/+/,/
<mbj> solnic: I did some work on morpher and sql
<solnic> aaah lol ok
<mbj> solnic: I had the idea to write something like morpher for ASTs
<mbj> solnic: I dont want to write an axiom-ast => sql-ast and than an sql-ast => axiom ast
<mbj> I want to have inversibility
<mbj> This will help us with all adapters, a LOT.
<solnic> yeah makes perfect sense
<mbj> solnic: I expect you want to run an ast specific optimizer after this
<mbj> solnic: I only care for a semantically equivalent transformation
<mbj> solnic: after you transformed axiom-ast => sql-ast, you'll probably run an sql-ast specific optimizer.
<mbj> solnic: and vice versa.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] rom-rb/devtools#263 (master - 565a521 : Markus Schirp): The build has errored.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] rom-rb/rom#39 (embedded-objects-support - 6170dc5 : Piotr Solnica): The build was broken.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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<solnic> mbj: you there?
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<mbj> solnic: yeah but busy.
<mbj> solnic: Feel free to distract me for a moment ;)
<solnic> mbj: haha sorry, I just finished and I'm going offline :)
<solnic> mbj: if you have some time please show me an example of morpher node that transforms an array of hashes into array of objects :)
<solnic> ^^ distraction
<mbj> solnic: quite easy
<mbj> s(:map, s(:stuff_you_want_to_do_for_each_item))
<solnic> oh lol easypeasy thanks
<solnic> ok gotta run
<solnic> ttyl
<mbj> s(:stuff_you_want_to_do_for_each_item) is what you do for a single embedded_value.
<mbj> Thats an algebra
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] rom-rb/rom#41 (embedded-objects-support - d429b39 : Piotr Solnica): The build was broken.
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<mbj> Its supposed to be easy / reuse primitive stuff in complex stuff.
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