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solnic: hola
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mbj: hola
solnic: I have some time for OSS now.
solnic: Gonna address your "keep as string" stuff soon.
solnic: Actually you can do this NOW without any changes, but it would not be as nice.
mbj: that's awesome
mbj: I already figured it out, like you said - key_fetch followed by key_dump
can be simplified for sure
solnic: Since the idea of the AST as IR allows us to have "hignlevel" nodes that decouple internas from the IR.
IR = Intermediate Representation, compiler speetch
I keep forgetting that abbreviation
You'll see me mentioning this abbrev multiple times soon.
I have some code that compiles axiom relations to LLVM IR, allowing to generate some *potential very fast* in memory operations.
But this requires to represent the tuple via some more generic structure than ruby objects.
I had something working once, need to polish it a lot. Was a demo for a data-cruching-job.
Where customer wanted to have "highlevel language" but "low level speed".
The work itself is commercial, dunno if its actually in use.
But I'll redo an OSS version if I have the time ;)
solnic: Thats an interesting question anyhow, if I solve a solution under commercial license, but my brain keeps the implementation details in mind. And I just write it down a better time => Is this a contract / NDA violation?
mbj: depends on your contract
solnic: heh
solnic: I think that nobody "owns" my thoughts.
solnic: Only the "serialized version" :D
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solnic: And yeah unparser has a pretty "narrow" interface: Unparser.unparse(ast) => String ;)
yeah it does just one thing
solnic: I just pushed a nice cleanup that fixes the Nullary vs Parameterized stuff.
mbj: btw I'm not sure why we're doing this but "class Foo < self" is not cool
makes it harder to read stuff
something I never thought about before I started reading morpher which was a completely new code base for me
solnic: Its far easier for refactoring.
solnic: I tend not to think about contribs when writing code. You know. I want to have an accessible code base for myself.
you mean, your mass-replace will be a bit faster? :D
solnic: no
class Foo
class Bar < self
If I need to push Bar deeper maybe inside Baz
I dont need to track the superclass change in brain.
ugh ;)
well, ok
So that self can be deferenced with looking one line up
I tend to write code in "minimal terminal duplication" style
class Foo
class Bar < Foo
Is "terminal" duplication ;) # for me
that's weird but ok
solnic: I'm gonna add a mutation to transform class Foo < Bar; end into class Foo < self; end
solnic: Because s(:self) is a far simpler ast than s(:const nil, :Bar)
but this will be added in around 30 years when mutant can mutate "Boot time code".
Foo < Bar is far simpler for human brain though :P
we do not have to discuss this *now* because mutant cannot mutate boot time code ;)
solnic: Do you see what I mean with "boot time code" ?
yeah I think so - code that gets loaded prior being run
like, reading class body etc
I mean, it is being run when it is being read in ruby :)
but yeah, I know what you mean with "booting"
Lets describe it as: Code that gets executed before mutant finds subjects to mutate.
So I cannot change certain structures inside the VM once they got created.
meta question - don't you think that your future-self will appreciate code that's just easier to read?
solnic: Code without terminal duplication is easier to read.
*for my self
Less noise.
no, not in this case "Foo < self" requires you to go and look to see what self is
Its by definition alwasys the namespace.
Where Foo is in.
and it's not always "right up there above"
For my code it is.
no it's not :D
show me
see SymbolizeKey
I had to scroll up and up to see the superclass
oh btw, why it's key_fetch and then symbolize_key?
because there are multiple child classes in the same file
But all the < self in this calss point to the same superclass
Its quite easy to track for me.
sure, you wrote it, just recently
solnic: And the whole preprocessor is just "unfinished"
blah, ok nevermind
solnic: Only the Morpher::Evaluator** namepsace is actually "how it should be"
so, why not key_symbolize and key_fetch or fetch_key and symbolize_key?
because I never thought about that improvement
good point
oh I see
lets do it
yeah I tried fetch_key after seeing symbolize_key and was surprised it didn't work :)
small glitches
I can rename it if you want
yeah pls PR
ok will do later today
need food now, bbiab
solnic: You can also have push access of you want. But dont push to master apart from obvious stuff such as spelling errors crashes because of a bad commit etc.
solnic: But dont rework stuff you think I might disagree, I think you know what I mean ;)
solnic: BTW I'm about to write a script that prints a table of all nodes and their roles ;)
that would speed up things
I wouldn't push anything without discussing it with you btw
solnic: push to your feature branches as much as you like.
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mbj: thanks
solnic: Just did the rename
solnic: And some more cleanups
mbj: that DRYup you just did, I'm not sure if it's a good idea, you added additional complexity and probably slowed things down due to public_send
also, no need to use public_send given that both methods *are* public
solnic: "* Uses a style some people might not agree with" I was very close to write @solnic would not agree with ;)
solnic: This is NOT final. but its better than before.
solnic: Because I just moved the duplication and uglyness into one file.
yeah haha
solnic: Its easier to spot now.
solnic: I give a fuck about speed at this point.
yeah I get that
there's a nice thread about DRY on RR parley
solnic: There are lots of better options, I'm just thinking them up.
ok cool
solnic: But in the meantime it was better to push each small improvement.
I just hope you didn't do it because of flay ;)
flay just helped me to spot a cross file uglyness
mbj: if you remove that overridden node constructor I'll be able to test it against rom
(I have it changed locally for the time being)
solnic: moment
solnic: done
mbj: ok specs are passing
solnic: you now have the s(:key, operation_on_value_here) AST node.
(in case you use master)
I'll path through they key unaffected.
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mbj: lol I didn't open the PR on purpose but let's keep it
solnic: oha, sorry
solnic: I just thought you forgot.
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mbj: no, this branch is a very early wip
solnic: So lets remove PR
solnic: To reduce noise.
I should have some more close to complete once we have those alternative ways of loading objects in morpher
I'll work on that too
solnic: I have some ideas
solnic: The relationship between "load method" and "dump method" must be explicit.
because you might have an object that gets loaded via attribute hash, but dumped via ivars
or vice versa
So for the first version we'll make it symetric.
well we need to establish very specific contracts here
So if you initialize via attribute hash (keys as symbol) you expect #to_h for dumping.
exactly :)
this is how anima works now
Or if you initialize via allocate + instance_variable_set, you expect to dump via instance_variable_get
and virtus objects
This is enough for 99% of the cases we need "now"