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<stormbytes> hello, is it common for rails to be used as a backend for an angular app?
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<havenwood> stormbytes: Yes, that's fairly common—as much as Angular is common it's chosen for Rails.
<stormbytes> havenwood: thanks, i'm debating on a platform for an upcoming project. I'm a bit of a novice though I've had some experience with node/js I'm considering rails because of the rapid prototyping and activerecord ease of use.
<havenwood> stormbytes: Rails is quite nice if you're building a web app.
<havenwood> stormbytes: I see folk using React, Ember and Vue more than Angular these days, it seems.
<stormbytes> havenwood: that seems to be the case. I did some work a few years ago in AngularJs, before the 2.0 shift. I know its a learning curve. Frankly I don't even know that I need the whizbang of an spa for my current project. I've always done well to keep things simple.
<havenwood> stormbytes: You can get pretty far in Rails with just a bit of adhoc JavaScript here and there.
<havenwood> stormbytes: If. you have any details about your project, we might be able to give a better recommendation.
<havenwood> stormbytes: Roda and Hanami might be new since you last checked in with Ruby. Both have become popular.
<havenwood> stormbytes: https://roda.jeremyevans.net/
<havenwood> stormbytes: https://hanamirb.org/
<havenwood> stormbytes: I'm a big fan of Roda.
<stormbytes> havenwood: my project is a highly database dependent app that will be used almost exclusively by mobile users
<havenwood> stormbytes: So an API?
<stormbytes> will check those as well, thank you
<havenwood> stormbytes: Or a webapp for mobile?
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<stormbytes> well that's just it, there are so many ways to go about it that it really comes down to a question of rapid prototyping, MVP, $ and presenation.
<havenwood> stormbytes: Flutter is pretty nice if you want to try Dart.
<stormbytes> Right now I'm leaning towards Ionic framework for the client part
<havenwood> stormbytes: I'd suggest just doing Flutter or React Native if mobile is the target.
<stormbytes> but i'm not sure about the backend. I like Mongodb in principle but I'm concerned about the learning curve. I feel very much at home with sql-style databases
<havenwood> stormbytes: Both Flutter and React Native are very nice and a better experience for mobile in general.
<stormbytes> I don't want to venture too far out of my comfort zone. There's too much on my plate.
<havenwood> stormbytes: I'd consider Rails just as daunting as Flutter, personally.
<havenwood> stormbytes: YMMV.
<havenwood> stormbytes: Roda is awesome for an API.
<stormbytes> with Ionic I can create a web app and wrap it in a native container and distribute through the app stores. That's a major advantge.
<havenwood> stormbytes: Flutter compiles to native Android and iOS.
<havenwood> stormbytes: Give it a look if you haven't.
<stormbytes> I think I will
<havenwood> stormbytes: It's actually pretty quick to prototype with.
<stormbytes> its a google product hmm
<havenwood> stormbytes: Yup. I had fun going to Googleplex to do a Flutter video: https://youtu.be/_necENw9CUs
<havenwood> stormbytes: (That video isn't a good example of efficient prototyping.) :P
<stormbytes> hah
<havenwood> But it lives up to the show title!
<stormbytes> its certainly interesting
<stormbytes> this compiles to native code?
<havenwood> stormbytes: Yes, it compiles to native ARM.
<stormbytes> I'll look at it, thank you
<havenwood> stormbytes: There's an interpreter too for development, so it can hot reload changes. When you deploy, you compile to native.
<stormbytes> this is very edgy :)
<havenwood> stormbytes: I've seen folk use it to make impressive things quickly.
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<havenwood> stormbytes: Good luck finding the right tool for the job!
<stormbytes> but you have to learn dart, and a whole new paradigm
<stormbytes> thank you again
<havenwood> stormbytes: If you know JavaScript, it's not much of a stretch.
<stormbytes> i'm still considering rails, if only because i know it will do the job.
<havenwood> Rails is great if you want a webapp.
<stormbytes> I'd have to crack open pickaxe again but ruby is a pleasure to code
<havenwood> stormbytes: Roda is really nice for APIs.
<stormbytes> no one uses sinatra anymore?
<havenwood> Roda in many ways is a successor to Sinatra, but people also still use Sinatra.
<stormbytes> so.. middleware basically
<stormbytes> Will do some more thinking. thanks for the help
<stormbytes> !!
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<havenwood> stormbytes: Roda is just a routing tree. Then you have plugins to enable additional behavior. It's nice. It was created by the maintainer of Sequel, which is a great DB gem.
<havenwood> o/
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<Besnik_b> adam12, jhass I forgot to explicitly thank you for all your efforts yesterday. Apologies.
<jhass> so you got it working? :)
<jhass> yw
<Besnik_b> No, not yet. I trying it again now. But say it fails again and you have doubts about my funny machine, which way could be the easiest to get them working? I can install a live distro just for that purpose.
<Besnik_b> <code>bundle install</code> continuously complains about nokogiri, which I installed. Either trying from simple user or root, it complains about nokogiri missing.
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<jhass> Besnik_b: can you show what the output of `ruby -S bundle install` is now? (remember to use gist or so)
<jhass> how did you manage that now. we already had bundler installed and working...
<jhass> well install it again: sudo ruby -S gem install bundler
<jhass> wait
<jhass> your ruby is a 2.7 now, it was 2.5 before!
<jhass> what the heck?
<Besnik_b> You should know by now that I'm very efficient in screwing up my sistem :D
<Besnik_b> (I updated ruby.)
<jhass> well let's see
<jhass> above suggestion still holds anyway
<jhass> let's see if redmine is comaptible to 2.7 already
<Besnik_b> "ruby -S bundle install" went smooth, it seems...
<jhass> well well, then let's dare the ruby -S bundle exec rake test
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<Besnik_b> jhass, it complained about a database.yml not being configured in the source of my project. So I renamed database.yml.example as database.yml and now it complains about gem 'mysql2 (~> 0.5.0)'
<Besnik_b> So I run bundle install as suggested.
<Besnik_b> It fails and asks to gem install myslq2...
<jhass> there's probably more error output to it
<Besnik_b> So I follow the suggestion
<jhass> it's not a solution suggestion if you read the sentence carefully
<Besnik_b> which is: gem install mysql2 -v '0.5.3' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'
<jhass> again, read carefully
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<Besnik_b> well, I'm trying, but I'm not a developer...
<jhass> it's english :)
<jhass> as far as I remember it does not say "to fix the error run:"
<Besnik_b> Gem files will remain installed in /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.3 for inspection. Results logged to /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.7.0/mysql2-0.5.3/gem_make.out
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<jhass> yeah, it failed
<jhass> this message obviously is not why it failed
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<giorgian> Besnik_b: it's failing because the gem mysql2 requires the C mysql library. You have to install that library in order to compile the mysql2 gem. What OS/distro are you running? Linux (which distro)? macos? windows?
<giorgian> Also, reguarding "It fails and asks to gem install myslq2...": what it says is that, by running gem install mysql2, you can see why exactly bundle is failing. The actual error message is contained in the log file, /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.7.0/mysql2-0.5.3/gem_make.out - by which I now see you are running Linux; which distro?
<Besnik_b> giorgian, a Debian flavor
<Besnik_b> Hang on a minute. I need to do a restart.
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<Besnik_b> giorgian, here I am
<giorgian> Besnik_b: you should run sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
<Besnik_b> giorgian, Thank you! Let my try it.
<Besnik_b> I'm starting over again. Uninstalled ruby and ruby-dev and reinstalled them. Downloaded a fresh copy of source for the project as well.
<giorgian> Unless you are messing up with the ruby installation, reinstalling shouldn't change anything
<Besnik_b> giorgian, running `rake test` within the source returns: /usr/bin/env: ‘ruby2.3’: No such file or directory
<jhass> back to square one m(
<jhass> I really don't know why you did that
<giorgian> 2.3? weren't you running 2.7, earlier?
<jhass> their system is a mess
<Besnik_b> jhassm, did what?
<jhass> remove our progress
<Besnik_b> It's my system, not theirs :)
<Besnik_b> Because I got looped again and again in errors, so I thought let start fresh
<jhass> giorgian: I suspect a debian in it's second dist-upgrade. Ruby was installed prior when debian had 2.3, there was some sudo gem install being done, so you have messed up binstubs
<giorgian> personally, I never use the ruby version that comes with the OS, I prefer using either rbenv or rvm.
<jhass> giorgian: I've been teaching them to sidestep with prepending ruby -S to everything
<jhass> Besnik_b: singular they ;)
<Besnik_b> giorgian, I now have 2.7 and that shouldn't have any effect on tests, otherwise the project should say use this, not that version
<giorgian> but the error message suggests that somewhere there's a #!/usr/bin/env ruby2.3 or something like that...
<jhass> yeah, because debains ruby packages...
<jhass> /usr/bin/ruby is justa symlink to ruby2.x
<jhass> so rubygems picks the versioned one up as the executable name
<giorgian> yes, and no one should ever use that, in my opinion
<jhass> so if you upgrade, it breaks
<giorgian> Also, running sudo gem or sudo bundle is bad (in my opinion)
<giorgian> if you do actual work with ruby, at some point you'll probably be working with several different versions of ruby, and the distro becomes your enemy
<jhass> but yeah, debian messes up the packaging
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<giorgian> jhass: that's interesting, but it's not clear to me what the advantages are over rbenv
<jhass> for starters I can do chruby 2.3 instead of rbenv use 2.3.1-532
<jhass> :P
<havenwood> haha
<jhass> I don't need multiple patch levels of the same major, so it's nice my rubies just update with my regular system updates
<havenwood> giorgian: shims are slow. rbenv provides a C extension for realpath, but there's only so much that can do. also, shims need to be somewhat maintained or they can get outta whack.
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<havenwood> giorgian: one advantage of rbenv is you don't need to be using a mainstream shell that's portable with chruby code.
<havenwood> But many folk use bash or zsh these days.
<giorgian> well, yes, almost noboby needs multiple patch levels of the same major
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<giorgian> I'm puzzled by the shim arguments: 1) when have you seen an unmaintined shim? 2) can shims actually slow you down in a measurable sense?
<havenwood> giorgian: Yes, they really can slow you down in a measurable sense. I've seen shims in need of rehashing cause bugs dozens of times.
<Besnik_b> “Your Ruby version is 2.7.0, but your Gemfile specified >= 2.3.0, < 2.7.0” What will happen if I change it to =<2.7.0 ?
<havenwood> giorgian: Would they *ship a C extension* with a shell tool if it didn't slow you down? :P
<havenwood> giorgian: (It does.)
<havenwood> giorgian: chruby is just simpler and faster. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<havenwood> giorgian: RVM ships with support for chruby, partially for access to fast switching when that matters.
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<havenwood> giorgian: Here's an rbenv issue, for example, asking if the ~70 ms penalty for shims can be reduced. It can be much worse on slow systems. https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv/issues/1223
<havenwood> Both RVM and rbenv recommend chruby if a fairly goodly chunk of a second isn't something you can spare.
<havenwood> Clearly, we just need faster computers.
<havenwood> (I'd definitely like one.)
<jhass> or juse nixos I hear :D
<giorgian> OK, I see your point, but I probably never use ruby to do stuff that lasts less than 0.07 seconds maybe?
<giorgian> sure, ruby -e 'puts 42' is slower, but I don't do that very often
<havenwood> giorgian: Ever use RPi or embedded? It can get *real* painful on slow systems.
<havenwood> giorgian: Or tons of tiny commands it adds up super fast.
<havenwood> giorgian: FWIW, Ruby launches *way* faster with: --disable=gems
<havenwood> giorgian: I don't think a tenth of a second is nothing even just for daily commands, but YMMV. I'd rather it be fast, if I don't lose anything.
<giorgian> sure, I understand. I would probably like some solution like jhass's one but more generalized to work outside Arch.
<jhass> generalized outside arch really is just ruby-install (or ruby-build? I always confuse the two) and chruby
<havenwood> ruby-install :)
<havenwood> postmodern has said he regrets the name.
<havenwood> hehe
<jhass> mmh, or maybe linuxbrew and chruby?
<jhass> or toast and chruby!
<havenwood> We need a little "chruby optimized" sticker for hardware.
<havenwood> Faster!
<havenwood> >.>
<jhass> that ought to be possible
<giorgian> I've never tried ruby-build on a workstation, I've only used it for things like automating the installation of redmine with Chef, before containerization
<Besnik_b> giorgian, here are roads cross again: the tests I am trying to run are those of redmine source ...
<giorgian> Besnik_b: I see. I'd suggest that you check on the redmine webpage that it's compatible with 2.7, by the way
<Besnik_b> giorgian, I've done that. My `rake test` comes from their instructions
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<giorgian> havenwood: I'll try ruby-install plus chruby
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<olavx200> Can I get some help with a regex? I have this flawed method call scan(/[a-zA-Z0-9']+/) which does almost what I want. I want it to only match 's on the inside. IE not as the first or last character.
<olavx200> How can I do that?
<giorgian> havenwood: I'm a bit disappointed: on my mac, with ruby -v the shim does 0,02s user 0,03s system 66% cpu 0,087 total while the actual ruby executable does 0,01s user 0,01s system 73% cpu 0,021 total
<giorgian> olavx200: /[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9']+[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ?
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<olavx200> That won't work.
<olavx200> I can give some examples of text it should match.
<olavx200> It needs to match numbers. 1 for instance
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<olavx200> also short words. It should match go
<olavx200> I don't think 1 and go matches.
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<havenwood> olavx200: Show a few examples of what it should match?
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<olavx200> I figured it out. The proper regex is /\b[a-zA-Z0-9']+\b/
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<gitter1234> For what it's worth, here's a simpler and more secure alternative to Linux for hosting your static sites and Rails apps on the same server: https://gist.github.com/anon987654321/4532cf8d6c59c1f43ec8973faa031103
<gitter1234> Feedback welcome!
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<jhass> I always try to use example.org/example.com as example domains instead of random people's ones
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<jhass> I miss arguments why this is more secure than a similar linux based setup. This is all just claims with no backing
<jhass> chrooot seems a very weird name for the root directory variable in the puma.rb
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<gitter1234> jhass: Hehe
<gitter1234> Yeah it's def on my todo-list to back all those claims up. Would be a nice subject for a thesis maybe
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<gitter1234> For those who don't know, chroot is a jail-like security feature on OpenBSD and its webserver httpd is enclosed inside it by default (/var/www)
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<jhass> yes but this is obviously not a chroot
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<jhass> else you wouldn't need the variable but could just say /logs or whatever
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<jhass> I mean at least puma is obvisouly not jailed to /var/www
<jhass> so it seems rather misleading
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<gitter1234> True, good point! Needs more chrooting :)
<gitter1234> Also I'm gonna go and change that variable name lol
<gitter1234> Thanks for the tip!
<jhass> also to be clear chroot is totally available on linux. Along with all the container fun like filesystem namespaces, user namespaces, pid namespaces and whatnot
<gitter1234> Yup
<jhass> so no idea why that would the USP of OpenBSD here
<jhass> but then as I said I'm rather unclear on the USPs of that setup anyhow
<gitter1234> Well
<gitter1234> The setup is a whole lot simpler than what you'd get on Linux with Nginx and systemd
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<jhass> simpler on what vector?
<jhass> to configure initially? to introspect? of moving parts involved?
<jhass> "simpler" on its own seems like a subjective metric rather than an objective one
<gitter1234> i guess you can just compare the average nginx/apache config to openbsd's httpd config. or openbsd's pf firewall config vs linux iptables/nftables. or like mentioned its rc.d daemon management tools vs systemd
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<gitter1234> Generally speaking, what I dislike about Linux is that what ought to have been one complete OS with one competent leadership and one coherent brand, is instead split into thousands of distributions with varying degrees of quality, with the overwhelming majority all including unnecessary and overly complicated stuff by default
<gitter1234> But I digress, I don't want to get into a religious debates. Plus like you pointed out, I don't have much to back this up other than my own opinions so
<jhass> I think the BSD land would look similar if it would ever have reached even half of the popularity :)
<jhass> it's just what happens when many people use it
<jhass> look at windows userspace, even more fragmented than linux's, microsoft just leaves less freedom of choice to other components
<jhass> and where you say "compare" I'd ask again, compare on what metric? :)
<jhass> what makes simpler than the other?
<gitter1234> i guess the same way people find ruby to be more beautiful than perl, or a tidy house to be more pleasant to live in than a messy house :D
* gitter1234 just shooting BS analogies here :)
<gitter1234> but yeah simpler in that there are less lines and each line has more meaning and thus don't require that much commenting
<gitter1234> this is because anything that is to be associated with OpenBSD has to pass through the same strict quality and security filter, hence you'll find much greater consistency across the board
<gitter1234> and similar to ruby's mantra "programmer happiness", i guess one could here use the mantra "sysadmin happiness" :)
<jhass> mmh, that seems like an argument to operational security maybe. But I don't see how it would cause any higher inherent security
<gitter1234> true
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<gitter1234> what would be awesome was if openbsd could incorporate something like FreeBSD's jails. then i'd be completely and utterly sold. but you're not supposed to ask that question in openbsd circles and im still not yet sure why
<gitter1234> with regards to chroot and my gist, im being told right now that unveil (https://man.openbsd.org/unveil) is a possible next step for hardening its security
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