dwradcliffe changed the topic of #rubygems-aws to: RubyGems.org Ops | Log: http://irclog.whitequark.org/rubygems-aws
rubygems-git has joined #rubygems-aws
<rubygems-git> [rubygems-infrastructure] dwradcliffe pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/BirfAg
<rubygems-git> rubygems-infrastructure/master 1976d83 David Radcliffe: allow other users to deploy
<rubygems-git> rubygems-infrastructure/master 11f4d9c David Radcliffe: stop chef run if ‘chef-client-stopped’ tag is set
rubygems-git has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]
<rubygems-git> rubygems-infrastructure/master ad5953a David Radcliffe: cleanup app server nginx config