dwradcliffe changed the topic of #rubygems-aws to: RubyGems.org Ops | Log: http://irclog.whitequark.org/rubygems-aws
rubygems-git has joined #rubygems-aws
<rubygems-git> [rubygems-infrastructure] evverx opened pull request #6: Use `github:` shortcut in Berksfile (master...berksfile-github) http://git.io/6tUrCg
rubygems-git has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]
rubygems-git has joined #rubygems-aws
<rubygems-git> [rubygems-infrastructure] skottler pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/OTEYNg
<rubygems-git> rubygems-infrastructure/master 1bc3e63 Evgeny Vereshchagin: Use github shortcut instead of git@...
<rubygems-git> rubygems-infrastructure/master 926859b Evgeny Vereshchagin: Update Berksfile.lock
<rubygems-git> rubygems-infrastructure/master 73a515a Sam Kottler: Merge pull request #6 from evverx/berksfile-github...
rubygems-git has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]