rubygems-git has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]
[rubygems-infrastructure] evverx opened pull request #8: Include default sensu recipe (master...sensu-default)
rubygems-git has joined #rubygems-aws
[rubygems-infrastructure] dwradcliffe pushed 3 new commits to master:
rubygems-infrastructure/master 532a8b6 David Radcliffe: update deploy permissions
rubygems-infrastructure/master 9e6f65b David Radcliffe: Revert "Use github shortcut instead of git@..."...
rubygems-infrastructure/master 0217592 David Radcliffe: update hubot cookbook
rubygems-git has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]
rubygems-git has joined #rubygems-aws
[rubygems-infrastructure] dwradcliffe pushed 1 new commit to master:
rubygems-infrastructure/master 2a8899a David Radcliffe: add doorman for monitoring
rubygems-git has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]
rubygems-git has joined #rubygems-aws
[rubygems-infrastructure] evverx opened pull request #9: Use `github:` shortcut in Berksfile (master...berksfile-github-v2)
rubygems-git has left #rubygems-aws [#rubygems-aws]