Playing with zoho tonight. Very impressed. I gave it mx on a domain name in less than 15 minutes this afternoon and had it resolve and work (cloudns is my dns).
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contrast with putting a client's domain on gmail a couple of months ago. Royal pita.
10 free accounts and ad-free. (so far, maybe same as gmail who began at like 200+ and turned it down, down, down to zero).
Mind you, I don't have a problem with paying, just nice to find a free one.
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...and I'm in my own little echo chamber :-) so ciao
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is it possible to somehow tell the difference between an API request and a request made from a page within the grain?
there is a security hole I’ve been trying to figure out how to fill for a while: someone could send you an html page with some malicious js (that deletes some files in that grain), you could put it in your davros shared folder, and then display it via a GET request from within the grain
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the two I see are Host: sandbox and x-sandstorm-base-path
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mnutt: you can use iframe sandboxing
allow scripts, disallow same-origin, disallow forms
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@zarvox question about piwik? or someone else?
related to sandstorm, not piwik specific per se
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gemlog: go ahead and ask, I may or may not know the answer
@zarvox thanks. I was just wondering if the grain needed to be visible in my web gui to be collecting stats.
Nope, it'll get autolaunched (if it was stopped) by tracker requests.
Ah! Great! I was hoping for that answer :-)
I really have to read more about the arch of sandstorm
um, who packages piwik?
the initial page confuses the heck out of admins I share it to (otherwise works just fine)
the piwik login plugin is broken and disabled, so it's just a big error screen. Even though I tell people to go to the upper right and login to sandstorm.
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It's drew, found it.
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Hey all, anyone have a notion whether there might be issues with doing offline first apps (built on top of eg. hoodie)