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OK, I said no more list posts on the subject today, but nothing about IRC. :) The good news is that I've made progress, and now seems to work through Cloudflare. Had to switch to SSL Full rather than Flexible, maybe Flexible hits HTTP by default?
So maybe a sensible fix would be redirecting standalone grain requests to HTTPS by default? I understand why that isn't the case for static publishing, but if you're using a standalone grain then you've probably put some thought into SSL termination, which you may or may not have with static publishing.
Zarutian has joined #sandstorm
But I'm still seeing Sandstorm controls at Also, is this the wrong way to trigger the signin popup? I'm getting an error that this message isn't understood:
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nolan_d: should be window.parent.postMessage({ overlaySignin: { creatingAccount: false } }, '*");
(or s/false/true/ if you want the login dialog to say "create account" instead of "sign in", but it's functionally the same)
Got it, thanks.
Zarutian has joined #sandstorm
Also, I thought that standalone grains were supposed to hide Sandstorm controls, but I'm still seeing them on This isn't a dealbreaker, it just confuses me a bit.
...we might have done terrible things to minimize code change.
Which means CSSing the grain frame to the full screen, and putting it on top, and not actually removing any of the menubar from the DOM.
I can say that for sighted users, the whole page appears to be dokuwiki, after the loading spinner goes away.
Ah, got it. Thanks, certainly isn't necessary but a large number of our users don't use our tech beyond looking things up on the wiki, so the more we can hide from them in that respect, the better.
Also, does the styling and such look more or less identical to I'm getting a few cross-origin request errors in my console, so I'm not sure if maybe a stylesheet/image isn't loading...
Basically identical at first glance - same layout, same styling. The title of the root page is "Wiki" in the grain and "La Reunion Cooperative" on the separate dokuwiki.
er, when I say "title" I don't mean <title> but the <span> at the top of the page by the dokuwiki logo
They seem to be loading for me in firefox 53, with a mixed content warning
Ah yes, I did change that because "La Reunion Cooperative" was otherwise repeated in the page title, because it's in both the title as set by the wiki and the title set by Sandstorm.
Forgot that it was also in the span, maybe I'll change it back.
Thanks, good catch.
note that the sandstorm grain is referencing images like , which if you take the other one down, may become 404s. Might need to repoint those to be relative links inside the grain?
Doing so would also kill off the mixed content warnings, presumably
Lionel_Debroux has joined #sandstorm
Thanks for the pointer, I'll make a note to look into that when migrating non-test data.