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Regarding previous chat on "whether Microsoft adds new standards/features to IE", this month includes support for the SameSite cookie.
In other news, I might write a Windows service to check my TTRSS grain on Sandstorm, because I was reading a thing about making Windows services today.
HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL, Google finally fixed the giant Chrome security hole I've been complaining about for years.
I feel like I have to be nice to Google for the rest of the day now.
which bug is that?
crab: Allowing websites to trigger Chrome extension installation prompts
It's been the number one way to infect Windows PCs with malware, and I've been complaining about it for years.
Google is finally shutting it down, completely by September.
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Probably reasonable, although further down the path of "people can't be trusted to manage their own computers", which kinda sucks.
(but again, kinda reasonable, since that's more or less true...)
* Zarutian
wants to point out that "reasonable" is a damn weasel word.
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TimMc: I completely disagree. It's further down the path of "random web servers can't be trusted to do crud to your own computers"
There's no change in your ability to install Chrome extensions, just a limitation on arbitrary web servers initiating installs of Chrome extensions.
Furthermore, there is no legitimate use/benefit to the feature: It was solely enabling malware. It doesn't even save you a click if you're a legitimate website.
The standard flow of installing a Chrome extension is that a website links you to the Web Store, and then you click Install on the Web Store to install the extension. So two clicks.
This antifeature, if used legitimately, would be triggered on a website via a click of some kind, because auto-triggering extension installs is inherently bad. And that initiates a UI-blocking prompt to install the extension from Chrome, which also requires a click. So it was still two clicks.
The only time this feature was useful was when you were a bad actor auto-launching this prompt to try and trick or force people into installing the extension.
Wekan 1.04 is an important security update. (If you share your Wekan boards with people.) You should update it, though the impact is significantly lessened on Sandstorm.
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ocdtrekkie: It's interesting how many people I've talked to that think I'm weird for NoScript, and then I ask them, "So could I just send you 2KiB of code to run as your user?" they're not interested.
simpson: I have mad respect for people who survive with NoScript. But I am weak.
There is too much JavaScript out there I use.
There's a lot of JS that I allow. NoScript's just a great tool for turning it all off by default. Turns out that I don't miss most of it.
I probably should try it sometime.
(As a note, on weird things browsers execute, I can't wait to watch WebUSB happen.)
Let's take a woefully insecure web platform, and let's connect it to your woefully insecure USB devices. Nothing could go wrong here.
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It just sounds so entertaining.
Probably my biggest concern with NoScript simpson is that it adds another thing I have to check for breakage. As it is, I use Privacy Badger and have Firefox Tracking Protection enabled. Both can break websites.
Presumably, the more ways I break the web for security reasons, the more effort it will take to figure out which combination of exceptions works with any given site.