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I prefer to use my own DNS/domain and SSL. If I'm using sandstorm for wekan, docuwiki, and davros is there need for a wildcard DNS entry and SSL cert?
charlie-de-tx: yep
Under the covers, every time you open a grain it is presented on a unique subdomain, hence the need for wildcard DNS and a wildcard TLS cert.
but you can get the latter for about $45/yr
I've never seen a subdomain in my
oh and I guess Let's Encrypt can do wildcard certs now
charlie-de-tx: The iframe containing the UI fro the grain is running on a subdomain.
ok, thanks, Tim about the subdomain. And yeah, I think I'll look into the Let's Encrypt
that's all I was curious about. Thanks
re iframe, subdomains and 'origins': as the iframe is on an origin that is a subdomain of the enclosing frame then doesnt the enclosing frame have access to everything in the iframe?
I ask mainly to point out that it might be possible to use sandboxed iframes with never-the-same origin and proxy all xmlhttp and such through a message port to the enclosing frame.
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Zarutian: I haven't really dug too deep into sandstorm, but I believe the enclosing frame works as a powerbox and thus is supposed to have the access.
ccx: sure. I was just thinking of why the subdomains were used and I suspect for seperation from sibling iframes and such.
It protects from CSRF attacks and similar -- can't make those attacks if you can't predict the hostname. :-P
I don't know if that's the main reason though.