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<ocdtrekkie_> coffeebird[m]: That's good to hear. We actually have that one reasonably up to date, so if there's issues you find, please report them on the bug report link for it. :)
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<coffeebird[m]> an internal video player would be helpful. Rocketchat can play webm files but only under 20mb
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<ocdtr_web> coffeebird[m]: Video is disabled from MediaGoblin's Sandstorm package, but it's possible. I want to say whatever limitation led to it being removed is probably gone, but someone would need to update the package.
<coffeebird[m]> Not a big deal. I've been able to host videos unlisted on YouTube and link them from the internal wordpress
<coffeebird[m]> Though I've noticed that I can't link to other grains from within the WordPress grain
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