kentonv changed the topic of #sandstorm to: Welcome to #sandstorm: home of all things Say hi! | Have a question but no one is here? Try asking in the discussion group: | Public logs at
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<toasterdoodle> Hi there. I'm a long time user of sandstorm and I love it. Just got a quick question. I'm just curious how y'all are getting funding to "keep the lights on" ever since you ended the business part.
<coffeebird[m]> I believe much of it is community run. Not sure if there's other financial backing
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<toasterdoodle> That's pretty amazing.
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<harleyquin> ocdtr_web: many thanks for fixing it (to everyone involved)! Sandstorm is such an awesome concept and service, in case there is no longer any business financial backing, maybe it's time to accept donations via Patreon, OpenCollective, PayPal and perhaps Bitcoin, Ethereum?
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<JWK> Hi all
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