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<anthropy> hey guys, I couldn't get my sandstorm to start so I ran 'mongod --repair --dbpath=/opt/sandstorm/var/mongo' but now it doesn't want to start mongo AT ALL, sandstorm start just aborts whereas before it was in a restart loop, did I use a mongo version that's too new or something? I still have a backup but I'm not sure what I did wrong
<anthropy> also I see some logs from xet7 from last time i was here, sorry i forgot to reply, I moved from NFS to a NBD with a bcache since to improve responsiveness, which I thiiiiink has worked, but sandstorm still wouldn't work, hence me running mongod --repair against it :P
<anthropy> also the reason for networkmounting was not to share files or have them open in multiple places at one or anything (I know that'd cause corruption), it's a single nfs/nbd export from my zfs storage on my main server that it mounts over a vpn, it's just so i can host the VM anywhere without actually needing the half a terabyte of storage that my sandstorm server needs hehe
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<xet7> anthropy: If you sandstorm does not start, maybe you should backup and reinstall. I would think grains can be uploaded in .zip or .tar file. Or alternatively, create new grain and copy files to there.
<anthropy> xet7: aww, no ways to recover it internally? I kind of don't look forward to manually migrating all those grains.. maybe I could get the old one up and running and try out the new mass migrate feature though. Thanks for the words <3
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