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<anthropy> good morning guys :) I was wondering if there was a way to mass import from an old sandstorm installation that doesn't want to start anymore? I've been trying to manually move the grains but some grains don't have all the data (Wekan grains miss all boards except the 'main' one for example) and I was wondering if there's a proper way to deal with this
<anthropy> i'm gonna try and migrate the old /opt/sandstorm/ var/sandstorm/ and var/mongo/ to the new server and see if it starts.. it gave me some weird errors before, something about not being master.. it'd be nice if i could get all the 300gb worth grains off without having to do too much manual finnicking
<anthropy> definitely looks like the mongodb is really upset, but I managed to make an export with mongodump that I intend to try and restore later. If that works out I'll try document it for other people who have issues with the sandstorm mongodb. going home now, be back later o/
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<anthropy> does anyone happen to know what password sandstorm uses to connect to its internal mongodb? I see "{ createUser: "sandstorm", pwd: "xxx" " but that might be obfuscated, I don't use mongodb terribly much
<anthropy> I'm so close to having a working db again but I keep failing to set up the sandstorm user password right or something.. I'm seeing "Error: couldn't add user: not authorized on admin to execute command { createUser: "sandstorm","
<kentonv> anthropy, the easiest way to connect to mongo is by doing "sudo sandstorm mongo" -- it'll log into mongo with the right password for you
<kentonv> that said, the password is also stored in /opt/sandstorm/var/mongo/passwd
<anthropy> ohh yes I completely forgot about that being a thing, thanks!
<anthropy> ohh that's probably why it's upset because the empty database folder I re-imported it into doesn't have that file :P I'll try move that in there from another install and sync the password with the db
<anthropy> I'm now getting "Error: $MONGO_OPLOG_URL must be set to the 'local' database of a Mongo replica set" and I have yet to figure out what it means lol, damn recovering mongo is a never ending story
<anthropy> I give up for now, I need to sleep at some point. I've made a google groups post about it in sandstorm-dev, maybe someone else knows what I'm doing wrong. For now nightnight! Thanks for the help <3
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