[Dan Ravensloft, skywater-pdk] Please don't ping the channel
[Dan Ravensloft, skywater-pdk] The entire server is in here
[Mohamed Kassem, skywater-pdk] @Lofty Our apologies - We need help with this as that serves the progression of this project to continue with additional support from parties other than Google. We would like to get insight from the community as we believe all of us are of interest to move the open source movement along. I appreciate your patience and support.
[Dan Ravensloft, skywater-pdk] A post in the channel should get community attention from everybody who cares about it; pinging the channel means you're trying to get attention from even the people who aren't interested in it
[Noah Evans, skywater-pdk] @mkk It might be worth making a channel specifically for the pings. Something like #announcements