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<lkcl> is there someone available from efabless to check the error we are getting when submitting this (valid) URL as a git repo?
<lkcl> the error is "Git URL cannot be reached"
<lkcl> also, i heard that there is something called "caravan"? (not caravel: caravan)
<lkcl> would that allow us to perform the full P&R for a *digital* design including IO Cells
<lkcl> (as long as they conform to the Skywater 130nm PDK) ?
<lkcl> we will be unable to execute the pre-check until it becomes possible to submit the URL
<mkk_> [Donn, skywater-pdk] We'll investigate.
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<lkcl> Donn: star. kbeckmann kindly relayed about caravan, the announcement was in slack but i have not seen it here
<lkcl> also i got a response on the ticket i raised, that the URL should have been entered as http (not HTTPS), but this did not get accepted either
<mkk_> [Donn, skywater-pdk] Please continue to follow up on that particular ticket, members of the efabless project management team are on it.