Soon, you’ll have written everything in Go and will have a single binary that you can deploy to all servers and won’t need proxying :simple_smile:
<lab> any progress of stellar-core team?
<lab> i saw nothing update in public repo for days.
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<matschaffer> donovan: heh, yeah, and everything in one uber-container
<matschaffer> lab: there’s been some recent movement actually. Finally got testnet back on its feet
<matschaffer> PeteTanru: assuming you’re still around: The transfers in and out of banks is handled by gateways, the stellar network then bridges the gateways
<lab> @matschaffer: yes, i missed them.
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<scott> The stellar-core team has made a ton of improvements lately. Changes to the metadata format makes things much easier to import in horizon. The separation of PaymentOp and PathPaymentOp make for more straightforward payments in the simple case. The response format from stellar-core is much improved and will make for better transaction submission responses and more clear error handling in horizon. The knew Ti
is based on wall-clock, not ledger sequence. Jed is working on a system to provide fee “surge pricing” when stellar-core nodes are overloaded. It’s a menagerie of improvements, IMO
<scott> Alright, go-horizon is officially servicing all requests going to http://horizon-testnet.stellar.org|horizon-testnet.stellar.org
<scott> friendbot and transaction post is being proxied through to the ruby code, but as we implement those endpoints, that will be removed
<scott> @andrew: can you give me the curl command that triggers the “localhost” bug you’re seeing? (right-click in chrome network panel, choose “Copy as cURL”)