<stellar-slack> <dzham> Auth not returning errors, where do I send the PR? I’m guessing stellar-core? js-lib is just a wrapper over horizon, and horizon just returns what it gets from core?
<stellar-slack> <jed> what do you mean non-auth'd txs?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> trust
<stellar-slack> <jed> nicolas just fixed a bunch stuff there
<stellar-slack> <jed> it is in PR now but something is up with travis
<stellar-slack> <jed> once that is resolved we should be able to pull it in
<stellar-slack> <dzham> Alright, I’ll wait and see… but AUTH_REQUIRED_FLAG was silent about payment transactions that didn’t succeed. Nothing happened, but no error message
<stellar-slack> <jed> monsieurnicolas would that be fixed?
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> @dzham like you have a trustline, the issuer didn't authorize it and you try to do a payment? I thought you would get a _NOT_AUTHORIZED error during consensus (so you don't get a bounce directly from horizon, it's in the result after consensus)
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> I didn't change this, so if this doesn't work in some specific scenario, please open an issue with the exact sequence of what you're doing (from "create an issuer", create some account X, create an account Y, etc)
<stellar-slack> <dzham> @monsieurnicolas: yeah, that’s what you would expect :) OK, I’ll open an issue
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> (I did fix problems when the issuer gets deleted after other accounts create a bunch of trust lines, but this is probably not it)
<stellar-slack> <dzham> @jed: one more thing while I’m at it.. stroops vs lumens. All the documentation says 1e6 stroops = 1 XLM, but the code uses 1e-7 as the smallest divisible unit
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<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I added the operating instructions doc for my multi-sign-server, wonder if anyone can read and get any understanding out of this? https://github.com/sacarlson/stellar_utility/blob/master/multi-sign-server/readme.txt
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> note no spelling even check yet and maybe never will
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<stellar-slack> <jed> dzham: where in the code does it use that?
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<stellar-slack> <jed> thanks dzham: PR coming shortly
<stellar-slack> <dzham> NP!
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> @dzham: I was playing around with the issue you reported. I found one bug in that we allow creation of trust lines with a limit of 0 (the javascript happily converts undefined to 0 it seems, separate bug that we're tracking as well) ``` .addOperation(stellar.Operation.changeTrust({ source: holder.address(), asset: asset })) ``` That said I cannot explain why you're n
<stellar-slack> because of the 3rd operation with `PAYMENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED`
<stellar-slack> <dzham> If you don’t set any limit in the changeTrust operation is gets converted to 9223372036854775807
<stellar-slack> <scott> defaulting to the maximum allowed value is by design, at the moment. Definitely open to discussing changing that
<stellar-slack> <dzham> oh, that was in regards to “undefined converts to 0”, which I’ve never seen. I always get the max value
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> sorry, I thought it was doing that and found the bug wrt limit=0 in core; if I don't pass 0, I still get the same error back (`PAYMENT_NOT_AUTHORIZED`)
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> note that presently the js api returns the result at submit time, so in this case all you get is a "pending". you need to request the result from horizon to get the result of that particular transaction
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> what happens if you fetch the result from Horizon?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I haven’t tried that, but since the payment operation never happens, if must have failed
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> Yeah scott is working on making the tx submission and validation simpler to integrate with. Right now you have to do both manually
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ya sounds like at the higher level they could integrate to check to verify transaction success
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> but I think I've seen transactions that I get no results from horizon to even give me a clue but can get results from direct stellar-core
<stellar-slack> <dzham> So I’d just do a server.transaction(tx_hash).call()? Fair enough, I was going to start doing that anyway
<stellar-slack> <scott> yeah, when I get transaction submission moved from ruby to go, the promise returned from `call()` won’t resolve until the tx is in the ledger
<stellar-slack> <scott> it’s a couple of days out… I’ve had to switch over to working on the developer documentation for a couple of days
<stellar-slack> <dzham> no worries
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I really hope this whole rocketship takes off, BTW. There's just so much you can do with assets and multi-signatures. It's bloody elegant.
<stellar-slack> <dzham> Oh, transaction envelopes, and separation of accounts and keys are also awesome
<stellar-slack> <scott> Thanks! I’m excited about the next steps, when the network is up and running
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<stellar-slack> <dzham> @scott: If my tx fails, how do I get back the result from horizon? GET /transactions/{hash} just gives me a 404
<stellar-slack> <eva> @dzham: side note: I think “bloody elegant” is my new favorite phrase
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<stellar-slack> <dzham> @eva: it was that or the f-word.. trying to be a good boy :)
<stellar-slack> <dzham> also, I know a fair amount of British expats
<stellar-slack> <eva> yeah, when I spent a year studying in the UK it seemed to be the adjective of choice
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> meh i don't understand why this talk is so focussed on gender
<stellar-slack> <eva> @buhrmi let’s move this back to #general since it’s not dev focused
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> oops wrong channel :O
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<stellar-slack> <fredolafritte> @dzham https://github.com/stellar/horizon/issues/65
<stellar-slack> <fredolafritte> Unfortunately, I have to maintain a fork to get around this issue
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<stellar-slack> <scott> @dzham: When transaction submission is finished, you’ll get the failure back when the promise rejects. In the case of a network disconnect, you would simply resubmit the envelope and you’ll get an error back then.
<stellar-slack> <scott> And by “when transaction submission is finished” I mean “When the code for transaction submission in horizon is complete"
<stellar-slack> <mr_selenio> hi to all, i have a problem, i cant add http://reveal.me|reveal.me to the trusted gateways, it shows error when i'ts "establishing trustlines"
<stellar-slack> <mr_selenio> i tried in 3 different accounts
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<stellar-slack> <dzham> @scott: ah, gotcha!
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