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<stellar-slack> <scott> alright, horizon is back up and running. friendbot is reloaded. Known issue that will be fixed tomorrow: order book endpoint returns no data
<stellar-slack> <jed> thanks scott
<stellar-slack> <scott> +1
<stellar-slack> <graydon> jed: you're going to re-reset w/ that last overlay change?
<stellar-slack> <jed> yeah
<stellar-slack> <jed> it won't be a reset
<stellar-slack> <jed> I'll just stop the network and start it back
<stellar-slack> <jed> history will stay
<stellar-slack> <graydon> oh yeah, fair point, doesn't change history
<stellar-slack> <scott> \o/ horizon now does the waiting for submitted transactions on behalf of the submitter: https://gist.github.com/nullstyle/affe52acfaa0491efaff
<stellar-slack> <jed> sweet
<stellar-slack> <scott> although, as you can see that response has got a bug in it (the “Links” element). Well, that’ll be a fix for tomorrow. Time to go play some video games
<stellar-slack> <jed> reving testnet
<stellar-slack> <lab> jedmccaleb created tag v0.1 at stellar/stellar-core 26 minutes ago
<stellar-slack> <jed> should be back in action now
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> what does "reving" mean? it worked a few minutes ago, now it doesn't work anymore.
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> 2015-09-30T02:08:30.789 da6115 [140327508105088] [Overlay] WARN Received error (ERR_MISC): 2015-09-30T02:08:30.789 da6115 [140327508105088] [Overlay] INFO Dropping peer 000000@
<stellar-slack> <lab> yes. the overlay messages upgraded
<stellar-slack> <lab> just upgrade to the head v0.1 and restart
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> on it
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I see they have also released a new version of ruby-stellar-base v0.6.1 that I'm now taking a look at the changes in some structures
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> one change notes the min fee has changed from 10 to 100
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> the other change I see is some added envelope type 2 called ENVELOPE_TYPE_AUTH that I'm not sure what it's for
<stellar-slack> <monsieurnicolas> @sacarlson: the ENVELOPE_TYPE_AUTH is not something you need to worry about from the app side, it's used for the peer to peer authentication between nodes
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> wee running again
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ok cool thanks monsieurnicolas
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<stellar-slack> <eno> thanks for the horizon update,same code didn't work well last night ,and now i know why
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<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I just updated my stellar-core but am now running first attempt at horizon see interesting new returnes
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I'll have to point my error decoder to the new structure
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> as I should have known that error is due to #result.body[error]: AAAAAAAAAAr////3AAAAAA== Stellar::TransactionResultCode.tx_insufficient_fee(-9)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> after increasing my default fee to 100 it's now working in native send for me
<stellar-slack> <eno> Congrats:+1:
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I found I can duplicate my problem with changing IP address causing stellar-core to get stuck in "state" : "Catching up" using my vpn to force change my IP address
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<stellar-slack> <dzham> @sacarlson: I need to find a name for my signature server, then I’ll put it on github
<stellar-slack> <dzham> ``` function request(tx, msg) { console.log('signing request'); signatureServer.submitSignature(tx, holder) .then(console.log) .catch(console.log); } function progress(status) { console.log('signing progress'); console.log(status); } signatureServer.subscribe(holderAddress, request, progress); server.loadAccount(issuerAddress) .then(function (account) { var tx = new stellar.TransactionBuilder(accoun
<stellar-slack> .addSigner(issuer) .build(); return signatureServer.submitTransaction(tx, 'yo!'); });
<stellar-slack> <dzham> Anyone else getting malformed transactions?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> fantastic the above sig server. hope you have an example for me to see.
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> the malformed transaction might be due to the last stellar-core horizon update
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I figured as much.. the npm packages tend to lag behind
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I've only tried sending native payments with my updated stellar_utility package the follows the ruby-stellar-base version upgrade v0.6.1
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> what type transaction is it your attempting that causes the problem?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> any kind
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I note a big change in the horizon output for transactions that my guess like you said the npm is not caught up yet
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I've already adapted my stellar_utility around the horizon output changes
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I’m still waiting for bloody phantomjs to download, so I can build the packages myself.
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> oh so the code fixes are in place on github for stellar js libs, just not published into the npm repository?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> yup
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ic
<stellar-slack> <dzham> shit just doesn’t work
<stellar-slack> <dzham> ```ERROR in ./src/index.js Module parse failed: /Users/Johan/code/multisig-2fa/node_modules/stellar-base/src/index.js Line 2: Unexpected token You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. ```
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> lol is this the ec6 source code you're trying to parse with node?
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> i don't think node supports ec6 natively but i might be wrong
<stellar-slack> <dzham> no, with gulp.. to build the pile
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> so what does that database look like on your signature server side dzham? I like the subscribe function, that's what mine needs
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> looks like a javascript parser is trying to parse the ecmascript 6 source
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> imho, ecmascript 6 files should have the .es6 ending, not .js
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> or .jsx
<stellar-slack> <dzham> either that, or they should just have clear build instructions
<stellar-slack> <dzham> @sacarlson: the database is a bit of a mess.. it’s mostly JSON structure dumps
<stellar-slack> <dzham> ```a map from "signature hint" to "address" a map from "address" to a list of source accounts that "address" signs for, and the categories (low/med/high) a map from "sourcee acount" to an object that keeps track of threshold and the weight signed for so far a list of signatures```
<stellar-slack> <dzham> all of that is per tx hash
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> "a map" is that anything like a table?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> map/hash/object
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> oh ok so just in mem?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> yeah, well, I json encode all of it and store in redis
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ok I json encode the signers and signatures also in my table as they change in count
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<stellar-slack> <bartek> @dzham: new version of stellar-base has just been released: https://www.npmjs.com/package/stellar-base
<stellar-slack> <bartek> if you're using stellar-sdk you just need to reinstall dependencies and it should work
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> a map is anything that maps things
<stellar-slack> <buhrmi> values to values, coordinates to coordinates, etc
<stellar-slack> <bartek> ok, I had to release stellar-sdk for bower so I've just bumped it to a new version too
<stellar-slack> <bartek> XDR debugger updated: http://bartekn.github.io/stellar-xdr-debugger/
<stellar-slack> <dzham> @bartek: gotcha! I git clone, npm install, and gulp build:node. That looks like it should be enough
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I’m still getting 'Transaction Malformed’, so it’s probably something on my side
<stellar-slack> <bartek> you can use this to debug it: http://bartekn.github.io/stellar-xdr-debugger|bartekn.github.io/stellar-xdr-debugger
<stellar-slack> <dzham> awesome, I’ll check it out
<stellar-slack> <nelisky> hey guys, failing to build stellar-core on ubuntu 14.04, maybe someone can shed some light:
<stellar-slack> <bartek> @nelisky: are you following instructions here: https://github.com/stellar/stellar-core/blob/master/INSTALL.md#basic-installation ?
<stellar-slack> <nelisky> @bartek: indeed
<stellar-slack> <bartek> it seems you're missing `xdrc/scan.cc` file which is a submodule file. did `git submodule update` succeed for you?
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<stellar-slack> <nelisky> xdrc/scan.cc is there, all submodules are up
<stellar-slack> <nelisky> I think it has something to do with another detail I failed to follow from the install doc though
<stellar-slack> <nelisky> I linked g++ to g++-4.9, not set the CXX env var
<stellar-slack> <nelisky> trying with CXX= now and it seems to be working... fingers crossed.
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> if that fails nellsky we can try whatever it is I did to install on Linux Mint 17 that is equivalent to ubuntu 14.04
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> but I think the present stellar docs should be good to go
<stellar-slack> <dzham> @bartek: the tx looks OK to me, debugger doesn’t reveal anything out of the ordinary
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> your fee looks a bit on the big side but I guess that's ok?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> that’s the js-library defaults
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I'm not sure i'll double check but I think I set mine to 100
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<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> very strange when I send your blob to horizon I get no return at all, no error just nothing
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> and by the resulting balance I see it didn't work. so I'll try point my system to my local stellar core to get a better view
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<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> dzham: the error returned when I use my stellar-core system point is #result.body[error]: AAAAAAAAA+j////7AAAAAA== Stellar::TransactionResultCode.tx_bad_seq(-5)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> but I now see that's because the transaction was already completed maybe before I sent it?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I just PM’d you one I haven’t submitted
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ok so want me to send that one?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> yeah
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ok
<stellar-slack> <dzham> *shouldn’t* give you bad tx.
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ya that worked ok
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I see the transaction results on your accounts
<stellar-slack> <dzham> oh, for the previous transactions too?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ya your new balance 100020000000
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I guess my horizon transaction attempt also worked?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> but normaly from horizon I get a return of pending
<stellar-slack> <dzham> allright, I queried horizon directly and got the results myself
<stellar-slack> <dzham> did someone mention recent changes in horizon?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> yes scott made some big changes to horzion this morning
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I'll try my system in horizon mode again to see what it does
<stellar-slack> <dzham> so maybe that’s working w/ the js-libraries yet.
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I’m getting ```{ type: 'https://stellar.org/horizon-errors/transaction_malformed', title: 'Transaction Malformed', status: 400, detail: 'TODO', instance: 'http://horizon-testnet-001.prd.stellar001.internal.stellar-ops.com/8dYCnSjJgp-000140|horizon-testnet-001.prd.stellar001.internal.stellar-ops.com/8dYCnSjJgp-000140', extras: { envelope_xdr: '' } }``` no matter what I send, and yet, the transactio
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> it didn't seem they change the input format I thought just the output format was changed
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> oh it looks like an error but it's not, the transaction goes through?
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I don’t know anymore. The tx you sent for me was working, the one I tried myself, just now, didn’t work
<stellar-slack> <bartek> it seems to be horizon bug. I started it locally and I get `xdr:DecodeInt: EOF while decoding 4 bytes - read: '[]'` even when trying to submit transactions that are already in the ledger.
<stellar-slack> <bartek> I will create an issue
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I got one create account to go through horizon but now I'm having problems creating a secound one
<stellar-slack> <bartek> issue created: https://github.com/stellar/horizon/issues/131
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> but your js also has an issue of fee=1000 should be fee= 100
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> maybe in your js base?
<stellar-slack> <bartek> fee depends on the number of operations in a transaction: `minFee = number of operations * base ledger fee` (https://github.com/stellar/stellar-core/blob/e1d2b23d31cf0a64b137a280a81387de9d771f5e/src/transactions/TransactionFrame.cpp#L116). I didn't write this part of code but I think it's just to easily support up to 10 operations in a transaction. we can change it but it's not very urgent imho since `1000`
<stellar-slack> create an issue in js-stellar-base if you want.
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> negligible being 10X as much?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> error I'm now getting on horizon for a transaction that I would think should work is decoded_error: Stellar::TransactionResultCode.tx_bad_auth(-6)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I'm going to flip to my local core to see if this is only seen on horizon
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> no I have the same problem on stellar-core
<stellar-slack> <bartek> negligible meaning 1 STR (right now) = $0.002023
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> that's todays price but in 1 year it will be work 5000X that
<stellar-slack> <bartek> we will update this in js-stellar-base in a year for sure :)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> not my problem I don't use js-stellar-base but if I was I would find a work around
<moo-_-> hey
<moo-_-> I am studying how one could issue custom assets in Stellar network
<moo-_-> where should I look for examples?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> what language do you want to develop in?
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<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> my stellar_utilities has examples of creation of custom asset called BEER and CHP
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> it's in ruby
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<moo-_-> I am multilingual :)
<moo-_-> @sacarlson: links?
<moo-_-> I hope BEER is backed by real world assets :)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> this is the example that hasn't been run for some time so not fully sure it still does https://github.com/sacarlson/stellar_utility/blob/master/examples/send_non_native_CHP.rb
<moo-_-> @sacarlson: thanks!
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> np
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ok it was a brainfart on my side I get everything to work now on horizon with my system so the problem must be on the js side?
<stellar-slack> <bartek> do you have the latest version?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> yes I'm running the latiest stellar-core and ruby-stellar-base v0.6.1 that is working ok. so the problems that dzham and you are having must be on your side
<stellar-slack> <bartek> but do you have the latest version of horizon? :)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> I'm pointing at horizon
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> at the stellar horizon
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> dzham: envelope looked ok other than the tx.fee so did you guys change something at the restclient on js lib?
<stellar-slack> <bartek> well, horizon throws (transaction malformed) error even for tx envelops that are already in a ledger so I don't think it's on js side
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> opps spoke too soon now when I do a native payment operation I'm getting Stellar::TransactionResultCode.tx_failed(-1)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> you were correct horizon is messed up. it seems to work for some operations like set options
<stellar-slack> <scott> Native payments are working fine for me. What is the full response you are receiving?
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ya another brain fart on my side as well native is working on ruby side
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> problem above was due to forgeting I deleted the recieving account
<stellar-slack> <scott> +1
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> so the js lib must be mested up
<stellar-slack> <scott> @bartek: please past a full response from horizon for one of transaction malformed errors
<stellar-slack> <scott> Yeah, I was waiting to bump npm for one of bartek’s PRs to land
<stellar-slack> <bartek> I bumped js libs earlier today so they should work
<stellar-slack> <bartek> this tx was generated using js-stellar-base. horizon responds with `Transaction Malformed` but it worked in stellar-core (tx is already in a ledger).
<stellar-slack> <scott> What was it submitted through when you got `Transaction Malformed`? js-stellar-sdk
<stellar-slack> <bartek> yes
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ya I was also able to submit dzham transaction and it also worked
<stellar-slack> <bartek> js-stellar-base
<stellar-slack> <scott> js-stellar-base has no networking
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ya so js-stellar-base must be good then as the transactions it creates are good
<stellar-slack> <bartek> I copied base64 generated using js-stellar-base and sent them to horizon manually
<stellar-slack> <scott> okay, so I’m betting you submitted it with `Content-Type: application/json`
<stellar-slack> <bartek> yeap
<stellar-slack> <bartek> did API change?
<stellar-slack> <scott> Did we ever specifically mention supporting application/json bodies? I can’t recall. It is one of the things that changed
<stellar-slack> <scott> I’m deciding presently whether to spend the time to re-implement support… it’s not free in go like it is in rails
<stellar-slack> <scott> So, for future reference… this is why the both the `Transaction Malformed` and `Transaction Failed` responses include an `envelope_xdr` field that parrots back what the server thinks you sent it. Very useful for bug reports.
<stellar-slack> <scott> I’ll open up an issue to re-include json body support
<stellar-slack> <dzham> so what do horizon expect? I’m using js-stellar-sdk as-is, and in the error messages I get, envelope_xdr == ''
<stellar-slack> <scott> horizon supports `application/x-www-form-urlencoded ` bodies at present
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> ya that's what I am using in my ruby
<stellar-slack> <scott> yeah, so this is exactly what is happening. I wonder if it’s a default for the http library andrew chose, or if it was specifically configured
<stellar-slack> <scott> anyways, sorry about the trouble @dzham !
<stellar-slack> <scott> I’ll get it fixed in the next little bit
<stellar-slack> <dzham> NP, just happy we’re able to sort these things out
<stellar-slack> <dzham> better now than later
<stellar-slack> <eno> json body make sense
<stellar-slack> <scott> :) definitely
<stellar-slack> <dzham> and with ‘we' I mean ‘you' ;)
<stellar-slack> <scott> I think I’ll spend today fixing up these little things (I’ve got about 6 on my list)… I’m catching a cold and not all the pistons are firing, so to speak
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<stellar-slack> <jianing> Is it necessary to install package 'libsodium' compiling stellar-core v1.0?
<stellar-slack> <lab> no
<stellar-slack> <lab> sodium source is included as submodule
<stellar-slack> <jianing> But when I compile,I get error info:configure: error: Package requirements (libsodium) were not met: No package 'libsodium' found Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix.
<stellar-slack> <jianing> I've typed "git submodule init" before compile.
<stellar-slack> <jed> did you also `git submodule update`
<stellar-slack> <lab> git submodule init && gi submodule update
<stellar-slack> <lab> but , you need just run ./autogen.sh
<stellar-slack> <lab> the easiest way is just clone https://github.com/strllar/poor_dockers.git and cd poor_dockers/ && ./build_all.sh
<stellar-slack> <jianing> I have run all them, I will try again follow you.
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<stellar-slack> <jed> new docs are up if you haven't seen them: https://www.stellar.org/developers/
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