[sv-tests] MikePopoloski opened issue #458: Problem with the CI build's slang binary? - https://git.io/Je6i7
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[vtr-verilog-to-routing] litghost opened issue #327: Branch: length_bounded - https://git.io/Je69N
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vaughnbetz: Hi! Welcome to IRC :-)
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good evening, I haven't been able to find much up-to-date information on this, so I thought I'd ask here: broadly approximated, how far along is Project Xray? Is something like nextpnr integration for (partial) bitstream generation anywhere close or does it need a lot more work for that to happen?
Xiretza: We can place and route on Artix 50T class parts
e.g. basys3, arty, etc
We support LUTs/FFs/LUT-RAMs/BRAMs/single ended ios
PLL support is kind of working
IOSERDES is actually being worked on
differential IO is being worked on
DSP support is early, we are missing many bits and lack P&R support
Title: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs: FOSS architecture definitions of FPGA hardware useful for doing PnR device generation. (at github.com)
There is also preliminary nextpnr fork using prjxray
Larger class parts may work with symbiflow-arch-defs, but will likely consume an excessive amoung of RAM
litghost: oh, nice! I had no idea it was that far already. I'd love to help (at least with fuzzing, anything else is a bit over my head), maybe I'll set up vivado 2017 on a build server some day ;)
So we've started to get momentum on DSP bit definitions
The next thing for DSP work is likely a minitest and determining how many unknown bits are left
Title: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs: FOSS architecture definitions of FPGA hardware useful for doing PnR device generation. (at github.com)
It also shows how many unknown bits we have for using the DSP
Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO
I read through the RTD docs, but there's still quite a leap from that to all the stuff that happens in the prjxray repo, most of which I can't make any sense of ;)
add to that that I don't really know any verilog, and it becomes somewhat impossible to do much more than follow the quickstart guide. If I find the time and disk space I'll run some fuzzers though - are those designed as distributed computing so that anyone can run them to help the project, or more as tools for people who already know what they're doing?
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There is a CI for the fuzzers, so the full run doesn't need to be run be folks. Individual runs can be done on a single system without too many resources besides disk
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litghost: oh, so am I understanding correctly that running the fuzzers myself doesn't actually produce any more information, and what actually needs to be done is writing more fuzzers/expanding existing ones (which requires understanding the system instead of just some computing power)?
litghost: ah, that's unfortunate. I thought I might be able to help by just donating some resources, but this is way over my head and I'm afraid I don't have the time to try to read into it at the moment.