
<LoneTech> well, seems I may have found my first stumbling block for adding Spartan 6 to project x-ray. Not a very worrying one, really. prjxray assumes 32-bit words in the bitstream, but spartan6 uses 16-bit. in addition, they're byte aligned in the file.


<sf-slack> <mpictor> I have a spartan 6 a 2E, I'm guessing support for the former is a long way off and no chance on the latter?


<mithro> duck2: Nobody has put forth an actual plan for Spartan 6 stuff yet -- the bitstream is useless without all the other parts of the toolchain
<tpb> Title: [link] Bitstream generation for xc6slx9 (spartan 6) - could be incorporated / extended? : yosys (at www.reddit.com)
<tpb> Title: Apply prjxray ideas to document the bitstream for Spartan 6 parts · Issue #10 · SymbiFlow/ideas · GitHub (at github.com)


<mithro> whatnick: The V2 is a Spartan 6 based board. The Spartan 6 it is not supported by Project X-Ray or SymbiFlow at all
<mithro> whatnick: Most of the Mimas boards are Spartan 6 based. Do you have a Mimas A7 or an older Mimas / Mimas V2?