<kgugala> tcal: you need to have custom runners registered for the repo - those are registered for Symbiflow repo. To make it work in your fork you'd need to add a custom runner there
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<pgielda> @tcal custom runners are used because some of the jobs require more resources (like disk space or RAM) than normal GA runners provide.
<pgielda> But @kgugala is right that they are only provided in the Symbiflow organization on github (more precisely, just in symbiflow-examples repo)
<pgielda> [those runners are, as you error suggest matvhe against a label "self-hosted"]
<pgielda> *match
<pgielda> If you open a PR to Symbiflow/symbiflow-examples, then your fork will be run in the Symbiflow org context and the runners should work fine
kgugala: I just fixed a segfault in scc; you'll probably want to pull the quicklogic-sta branch again
<kgugala> awesome
<kgugala> thanks
I found it while looking at the bram testcase, actually
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Definitely need to think of more things to do though
well, seems I may have found my first stumbling block for adding Spartan 6 to project x-ray. Not a very worrying one, really. prjxray assumes 32-bit words in the bitstream, but spartan6 uses 16-bit. in addition, they're byte aligned in the file.
prjuray-tools might be a better starting place, as it was an attempt to generalize the 7-series tools for 6/7/US/US+
In theory it supports all 4, but I only have confidence that it has been tested on 7/US/US+
or are we still giving kgugala a change to re-review?
ugh :D it seems you just merged it just now, 33 seconds ago
<kgugala> :)
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<timo.callahan> @kgugala @pgielda thanks for the info about runners. I'll ignore the errors. Would it be easy to suppress the run when the runners aren't available?
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<kgugala> it's GitHub who tries to start the run
<kgugala> and it does not provide an option to not start it if there is no runner available
<timo.callahan> Interesting. At least they fail immediately and don't waste resources.
<pgielda> its just that on your account (github.com/tcal-x) you are your own org ("tcal-x") and on your org there are no runners that match the set of tags ("self-hosted", "Linux", "X64")
<pgielda> github is not smart to figure out that maybe you forked but did not want to run things on your own org. I think in fact that its not smart that GitHub autoenables CIs on forks. but well...
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How can "symbiflow" be used in nmigen? I mean for an xilinx board use the fasm stuff insted of vivado?
Good question for kgugala. I believe that type of work has been started
Good question I agree. I was going to say "Just dump Verilog out of nMigen, then feed that into Symbiflow (see SymbiFlow Examples)". But then I remembered that yosys can maybe read nMigen directly(?). And I kind of remember nmigen scripts having a --toolchain option. So I don't have any real answers and would like to know. Google turns up this: https://github.com/nmigen/nmigen/pull/463 .
tcal: mm, thanks, but I am not sure how I can do that with the "python3 -m nmigen_boards.basys3" teset