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is there anything that can be done about the long build times with the symbiflow toolchain? building my design takes 20 minutes now, that's quite a painful contrast to the 5 minutes with normal yosys+nextpnr :/
<kgugala> do you know which part is the longest? (synth/pack/plack/route/bitstream_write)?
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I'll time them separately, but I think synth is quite a big part
I need some help generating bitstream from example.v for the first time.
Do I need to give --asc example.asc
lambda: Thanks, done.
Now how to use icestorm? This I have no clue
kgugala: synth 7, pack 1, place 3, route 3, fasm 2, bit ~0 minutes - actually only took ~16 minutes this time, but yeah, synth is the biggest offender
<kgugala> so synth is mostly yosys
2.5 of those synth minutes are spent in a single opt_expr call after BRAM mapping, not sure what's up with that
synth can probably be subdivided make-style
it might run faster with -coarse or -noflatten, analogous to development builds
Found stuff on icestorm, official page is pretty great. :D
yosyshq link to manual is 404
the thing is, running yosys for nextpnr (basically just synth_xilinx; write_json) takes only about a minute, so I'm not entirely sure what synth.tcl does that makes it so slow
ah, one difference I can see is that plain synth_xilinx has better BRAM mapping
managed to get it down to ~9 minutes, now every part takes 1-2 minutes (with routing probably being the heaviest)
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<kgugala> cool, did you change the synth script or the design?
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kgugala: I was doing a dumb thing and combining my entire design into a .v (my sources are mostly VHDL, only a few actual verilog files) and feeding that into synth, exporting it as rtlil instead works much better
TMDS_33 IOSTANDARD isn't supported yet, right? I can't find any mention of it in prjxray, prjxray-db and arch-defs, but there's also no error during build
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Just a quick test with nmigen for the blinky example: