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[symbiflow-arch-defs] Xiretza opened issue #1973: symbiflow_write_xml_rr_graph toolchain wrapper is not installed - https://git.io/JtZpU
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`make -C xc7/counter_test TARGET=arty_35` in symbiflow-examples fails with `ERROR: Assert `cell->parameters.empty()' failed in passes/techmap/abc9_ops.cc:781.`, even with symbiflow's yosys fork. commenting out line 158 in synth.tcl works, but it's rather ugly a fix.
after some digging with gdb, I found that it's erroring on a `CARRY4_VPR` cell, which indeed has parameters - I just don't know what part is to blame here
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kgugala_: quicklogic-design8-workaround has a workaround patch for the `bram` testcase; want me to include it in the quicklogic-sta branch?
<kgugala> yep, it will be easier to test it that way
<kgugala> thanks
<kgugala> awesome, thanks
kgugala_: Also, I fixed the bug in `scc -specify` for the present testcase. ABC9 still crashes, but at least `scc` detects the loop now.
<kgugala> cool
could someone with a working conda/etc setup build the xc7 counter_test example for arty_35 and send me their top.json.pre_abc9.ilang? it's not part of the CI artifacts unfortunately
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So I'm unclear what is different beteween your setup and the CI's setup
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litghost: that's what I'm trying to figure out too - I'm using arch packages instead of all the vendored/pinned dependencies from conda though, so I don't really want to waste too many support resources for something that is clearly not the intended way of doing things
lambda: If you can replicate when building from source, that should be enough to replicate the failure
yosys and vtr are built from source, don't have the RAM to build arch-defs unfortunately
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lambda: That shouldn't be a problem. Your replication could be something akin to 1) build yosys from source, 2) build vtr from source 3) download a particular arch-def output 4) run this command, which generates assertion
Just provide exactly git hashes from yosys, vtr, arch-def URL etc
will do
And the commands you used to build and install the products
In theory, I should be able to replicate your failure same as you
I'm on yosys 54294957e (4 days old), arch-defs bff52005 (latest), vtr 991b11422 (latest) FWIW
so probably newer than is pinned in the conda configs
Have you tried yosys 2116c585?
If that works, then the assertion error is something that arose since then
I happen to have that exact commit packaged already, let me try
nevermind, have to rebuild anyway
yes, still happens with 2116c5858 - I'll write up more detailed build steps in an issue
Ok, thanks!
Suprising, will need to figure out what is going on. Thanks
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litghost: Excited to see the progress here!
Hey it is all acomodi/kowalewskijan/tmichalak/dnltz doing the work!
Yeah, I'm excited to see dnltz doing the work here!
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* nickoe
just wonder how this bitstream reverse engineering really works in practice
nickoe: We document the bitstream to enable us to create compatible tooling. There is a pretty good description in the prjxray documentation.
I mean I can read the readme in https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray, but if I am sorta clueless about how to write a fuzzer, but I think that is more a problem of my experince / knowledge than the project docs :D