topaz: So the descriptions are consistent. tile_type_*.json lists src/dst for the "forward" enable of the pip, and the "backward" enable of the pip reverses the src/dst
topaz: In theory the timing model supports asymetric timing characterics for the forward and backward enable, but I haven't seen that so far
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litghost: thanks - the confusing thing is that in the vivado-generated bitstream i've been playing with, FASM only outputs one pip for the bidirectional wire (INT_R_X27Y46.LV0.LV18), and it's the wrong way round for the required signal propagation. Only when I add the corresponding reverse pip manually does my silly homebrew net-following script successfully find a path from the IOBUF back to the PS7 (which is what i'm trying to RE)
Can you post the FASM and the Vivado DCP?
We already have a tool (xc-fasm2bels) that can trace nets from FASM files
If your FASM can create the same bitstream that the DCP does, it likely points to something your script is misinterpreting
yeah, more than likely that my script is wrong ;) i'll try that tool
does xc-fasm2bels preserve the wiring? looking at the verilog i can see `.EMIOENET0GMIIRXCLK(RIOB33_X31Y27_IOB_X0Y28_I),`, suggesting that it has correctly identified the connection - i guess the question is whether it observes the direction of the signal when deriving the net or whether it would consider either pip as sufficient for a bidi pip to be a connection (i'll have to look through the code to see)
infact, i can test that easily by manually reversing the problematic pip and seeing if it still finds the connection
and if I do that I get `AssertionError: (153781, 'INT_R_X27Y64', 'LV18', 3193070)` which does suggest that the error is mine, I shall try and figure out what i've done wrong... thanks for the help
topaz: It should preserve the wiring. Its primary purpose in our flow is to convert open tooling output into something that Vivado can consume
topaz: If you find it doesn't
topaz: If you find it doesn't preserve the wiring, please file a bug
topaz: If you look at the TCL you can see the wiring, grep for FIXED_ROUTE
by tcl i presume you mean the xdc file (which does indeed look like tcl) - and yes, it seems to be crossing LV0, i presume the link to LV18 is implicit
(i barely know how vivado works, i only installed it on saturday)
Oh ya, we converted the TCL to xdc (which is TCL like)
Ya, FIXED_ROUTE specified the node at the output of each pip
The source node is implicit
ah yes, and vivado shows LV0 as the output which agrees with that, indeed the pip in the fasm suggests that too (INT_R_X27Y46.LV0.LV18) so I seem to have just got confused!
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